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NEPA-Related Documents

Graphic illustrating the components of the NEPA process.

The National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.) - Enacted in 1970, NEPA established a national policy to encourage productive and enjoyable harmony between man and his environment and to promote the prevention and elimination of damage to the environment and biosphere. At the heart of NEPA is the requirement that federal agencies or departments must consider the environmental impacts of all major federal actions significantly affecting the human environment. NEPA is strictly a procedural statute that requires federal agencies to conduct an environmental review of the action, unless the action is otherwise exempt. NEPA reviews consider the environmental impact of the proposed action, any adverse environmental effects which cannot be avoided should the proposed action be implemented, alternatives to the proposed action, the relationship between local short-term uses of man's environment and the maintenance and enhancement of long-term productivity, and any irreversible and irretrievable commitments of resources involved in the proposed action. NEPA reviews can take in the form of an environmental assessment (EA) or an environmental impact statement (EIS).

Additionally, NEPA created the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) in the Executive Office of the President of the United States. CEQ is composed of three members who are appointed by the President of the United States as well as additional officers and employees necessary to carry out CEQ's powers, duties, and functions listed in NEPA Sec. 204 (42 USC § 4344).

For more information on "major" actions and other NEPA issues, see the NEPA Section on the Council of Environmental Quality web site.

History and Background

The National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) arose out of a growing sentiment for environmental protection in the late 1950's and 1960s. Congress enacted NEPA as the foundation of an overarching national policy to protect the environment. One author close to the legislative drafting has since stated, "the challenge was to approach environmental management in a comprehensive way. The new values of environmental policy had to intrude somehow into the most remote recesses of the federal administrative machinery and begin to influence the multitude of decisions being made by thousands of officials." (Drefus & Ingram, The National Environmental Policy Pact: A View of Intent and Practice, 16 Nat. Resources J. 243, 246 (1976). Congress achieved this goal through the procedures required in 43 USC 4332(2)(C) to include a detailed statement of the environmental impacts of every major federal action significantly affecting the quality of the human environment. As interpreted, NEPA is a procedural statute requiring federal agencies to consider all potential significant environmental impacts before acting.

Starting with Calvert Cliffs' Coordinating Comm., Inc. v. United States Atomic Energy Comm'n 449 F.2d 1109 (D.C. Cir. 1971), NEPA has been constantly enforced, challenged, and interpreted through the United States court system.

Types of Environmental Analysis

Casual Use
Generally means, activities resulting in no disturbance or a negligible disturbance.
Determination of NEPA Adequacy
A process in which a federal agency relies on a existing NEPA analysis to document the rationale for concluding that there will be no new significant environmental impact that would require an environmental assessment or environmental impact statement.
Categorical Exclusion
A category of actions which do not individually or cumulatively have a significant effect on the human environment and which have been found to have no such effect in procedures adopted by a federal agency in implementation of NEPA regulations and for which neither an environmental assessment or environmental impact statement is required (CEQ Regulation Sec. 1508.4).
Environmental Assessment
A concise public document for which a federal agency is responsible that provides sufficient evidence and analysis for determining whether to prepare an environmental impact statement(EIS), aids an agency's compliance with NEPA when no EIS is necessary, and facilitates the preparation of a EIS when necessary (CEQ Regulation Sec. 1508.9).
Environmental Impact Statement
A detailed written environmental review statement as required by NEPA Section 102(2)(C) (42 USC 4332). The EIS includes, the environmental impact of the proposed action, any adverse environmental effects which cannot be avoided should the proposed action be implemented, alternatives to the proposed action, the relationship between local short-term uses of man's environment and the maintenance and enhancement of long-term productivity, and any irreversible and irretrievable commitments of resources involved in the proposed action. NEPA reviews can take in the form of an environmental assessment (EA) or an environmental impact statement (EIS).

NEPA and Geothermal Development

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Collection #
Antelope Valley NesetEISBasin Electric Power CooperativeRural Utilities Service
BLM-NV-WN-ES-08-01-1310, NV-020-08-01EABlue Mountain Geothermal AreaNevada Geothermal PowerBureau of Land ManagementBLM Winnemucca District OfficeGeothermal/Power PlantDownhole Techniques
Well Testing Techniques
Drilling Techniques
Development Drilling
Barren Ridge Renewable TransmissionEISLos Angeles Department of Water Power LADWPBureau of Land ManagementBLM California State Office
Big Eddy-KnightEISBonneville Power AdminBonneville Power Admin
Boardman to HemingwayEISIdaho Power CoBureau of Land ManagementBLM Oregon State Office
BLM Idaho State Office
Bordertown to California TransmissionEISNV Energy, Inc.United States Forest ServiceUSFS Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest
CA-96062042EISMedicine Lake Geothermal AreaCalpine CorporationU.S. Forest ServiceGeothermal/Power Plant
Geothermal/Well Field
Geothermal/Grid Connection
Cameron to Milford-138kV Transmission LineEAPacificorp dba Rocky Mountain PowerBureau of Land Management
Central Ferry Lower MonumentalEISBonneville Power AdminBonneville Power Admin
DNA-NV-030-09-03DNAGabbs Valley Geothermal AreaDusty Miller LLCBureau of Land ManagementBLM Carson City District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationThermal Gradient Holes
DOE-EA-1116EASteamboat Springs Geothermal AreaExergy, Inc.United States Department of EnergyGolden Field OfficeGeothermal/Power Plant
Geothermal/Well Field
Geothermal/Grid Connection
DOE-EA-1621EAKlamath Falls Geothermal AreaOregon Institute of TechnologyUnited States Department of EnergyGolden Field OfficeGeothermal/Power Plant
DOE-EA-1676EANeal Hot Springs Geothermal AreaUS Geothermal IncUnited States Department of EnergyGeothermal/Power Plant
DOE-EA-1733EAGeysers Geothermal AreaCalpineUnited States Department of EnergyGolden Field OfficeGeothermal/Well Field
DOE-EA-1759EABristol Bay Geothermal AreaNaknek Electric AssociationUnited States Department of EnergyGolden Field OfficeGeothermal/Exploration
DOE-EA-1849EAMcGinness Hills Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies IncUnited States Department of EnergyGeothermal/Power Plant
Geothermal/Well Field
Geothermal/Grid Connection
DOE-EA-1961EABonneville Power AdminUnited States Department of Energy
DOE-EIS-0298EISGlass Mountain Geothermal AreaCalEnergy GenerationUnited States Department of Energy
Bonneville Power Admin
Bureau of Land Management
U.S. Forest Service
Geothermal/Well Field
Geothermal/Power Plant
Geothermal/Grid Connection
DOI-BLM-CA-017-05-051EALong Valley Caldera Geothermal AreaMammoth PacificBureau of Land ManagementBLM Bishop Field OfficeGeothermal/Well Field
DOI-BLM-CA-017-P006-60EISLong Valley Caldera Geothermal AreaPacific EnergyBureau of Land ManagementBLM Central California District OfficeGeothermal/Well Field
Geothermal/Power Plant
Development Drilling
DOI-BLM-CA-067-2006-12EAEast Mesa Geothermal AreaGeothermal/Leasing
DOI-BLM-CA-170-02-15EALong Valley Caldera Geothermal AreaMammoth PacificBureau of Land ManagementBLM Central California District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationDrilling Methods
Exploration Drilling
Exploratory Well
Slim Holes
DOI-BLM-CA-650-2005-086EACoso Geothermal AreaRobert A. Phinney, Deep Rose LLCBureau of Land ManagementBLM California Desert District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationFlow Test
Exploratory Well
DOI-BLM-CA-670-2010-107CXNorth Brawley Geothermal AreaOrmat Nevada, Inc.Bureau of Land ManagementBLM California Desert District OfficeGeothermal/Well FieldProduction Wells
DOI-BLM-CA-670-2010-CXCXRam PowerBLM California State OfficeBLM California Desert District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationSeismic Techniques
DOI-BLM-CA-C050-2009-0005-EAEAGeysers Geothermal AreaAltaRock Energy IncBureau of Land ManagementBLM Central California District OfficeGeothermal/Well FieldDevelopment Drilling
DOI-BLM-CA-EA-2002-???EAGlass Mountain Geothermal AreaCalpine Corporation (Calpine) and CPN Telephone Flat Inc. (CPN)Bureau of Land ManagementGeothermal/Well FieldExploration Drilling
Thermal Gradient Holes
DOI-BLM-CA-ES-2007-017-3200EISTruckhaven Geothermal AreaBureau of Land ManagementBLM California Desert District OfficeGeothermal/Leasing
DOI-BLM-CA-ES-2013-002+1793-EISEISLong Valley Caldera Geothermal AreaORNI 50 LLCBureau of Land ManagementBLM Central California District OfficeGeothermal/Power Plant
DOI-BLM-ID-110-2009-3825-CECXCrane Creek Geothermal AreaAgua Caliente LLCBureau of Land ManagementBLM Boise District OfficeGeothermal/Exploration
DOI-BLM-ID-220-2009-EA-3709EARaft River Geothermal AreaAgua Caliente, LLCBureau of Land ManagementBLM Twin Falls District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationExploration Drilling
DOI-BLM-ID-B010-2010-0083-CXCXAgua CalienteBLM Idaho State OfficeBLM Boise District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationThermal Gradient Holes
DOI-BLM-ID-B010-2010-??-CXCXWeiser Geothermal AreaAgua Caliente LLCBureau of Land ManagementBLM Boise District OfficeGeothermal/Exploration
DOI-BLM-ID-I020-2012-0017-CXCXBingham-Caribou Geothermal AreaIdaho Geological SurveyBureau of Land ManagementBLM Idaho Falls District OfficeGeothermal/Exploration
DOI-BLM-ID-T020-2012-0003-CXCXAgua Caliente LLCBLM Idaho State OfficeBLM Twin Falls District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationSeismic Techniques
DOI-BLM-NM-L000-2012-0020-DNADNALightning Dock Geothermal AreaLightning Dock Geothermal IncBureau of Land ManagementBLM Las Cruces District OfficeGeothermal/Exploration
DOI-BLM-NM-L000-2012-0042-DNADNALightning Dock Geothermal AreaLightning Dock Geothermal IncBureau of Land ManagementBLM Las Cruces District OfficeGeothermal/Exploration
DOI-BLM-NM-L000-2012-0046-CXCXLightning Dock Geothermal AreaLightning Dock Geothermal IncBureau of Land ManagementBLM Las Cruces District OfficeGeothermal/Exploration
DOI-BLM-NM-L000-2012-0111-DNADNALightning Dock Geothermal AreaLightning Dock Geothermal IncBureau of Land ManagementBLM Las Cruces District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationDrilling Techniques
DOI-BLM-NM-L000-2012-0200-DNADNALightning Dock Geothermal AreaLightning Dock Geothermal IncBureau of Land ManagementBLM Las Cruces District OfficeGeothermal/Well FieldDrilling Techniques
DOI-BLM-NM-L000-2012-0218-DNADNALightning Dock Geothermal AreaLightning Dock Geothermal IncBureau of Land ManagementBLM Las Cruces District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationWell Testing Techniques
DOI-BLM-NV-0063-EA06-100EAJersey Valley Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies IncBureau of Land ManagementBLM Winnemucca District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationWell Testing Techniques
Drilling Techniques
DOI-BLM-NV-030-06-025-EAEAAurora Geothermal AreaBureau of Land ManagementBLM Carson City District OfficeGeothermal/Leasing
DOI-BLM-NV-063-EA08-091EABuffalo Valley Hot Springs Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies IncBureau of Land ManagementBLM Battle Mountain District OfficeGeothermal/Power PlantProduction Wells
DOI-BLM-NV-B010-2011-0015-EAEAMcGinness Hills Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies IncBureau of Land ManagementBLM Battle Mountain District OfficeGeothermal/Power PlantWell Testing Techniques
Drilling Techniques
Production Wells
DOI-BLM-NV-B020-2008-0071-DNADNAReese River Geothermal AreaSierra Geothermal PartnersBureau of Land ManagementBLM Battle Mountain District OfficeGeothermal/Exploration
DOI-BLM-NV-B020-2008-????-??Reese River Geothermal AreaSierra Geothermal PowerBureau of Land ManagementBLM Battle Mountain District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationSeismic Techniques
Thermal Gradient Holes
DOI-BLM-NV-B020-2008-????-CXCXSilver Peak Geothermal AreaSierra Geothermal PowerBureau of Land ManagementBLM Battle Mountain District OfficeGeothermal/Exploration
DOI-BLM-NV-B020-2009-0030-CXCXAlum Geothermal AreaSierra Geothermal PowerBureau of Land ManagementBLM Battle Mountain District OfficeGeothermal/Exploration
DOI-BLM-NV-B020-2010-0106-CXCXAlum Geothermal AreaSierra Geothermal PowerBureau of Land ManagementBLM Battle Mountain District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationHyperspectral Imaging
Magnetic Techniques
Slim Holes
Z-Axis Tipper Electromagnetics
DOI-BLM-NV-B020-2010-????-CXCXOrmat Technologies IncBLM Nevada State OfficeBLM Battle Mountain District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationThermal Gradient Holes
DOI-BLM-NV-B020-2011-0017-CXCXSilver Peak Geothermal AreaCHB Metal Foote CorporationBureau of Land ManagementBLM Battle Mountain District OfficeGeothermal/Exploration
DOI-BLM-NV-B020-2011-0026-EAEASilver Peak Geothermal AreaRam PowerBureau of Land ManagementBLM Battle Mountain District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationWell Testing Techniques
Drilling Techniques
Exploration Drilling
DOI-BLM-NV-B020-2011-0048-CXCXSilver Peak Geothermal AreaCHB Metal Foote CorporationBureau of Land ManagementBLM Battle Mountain District OfficeGeothermal/Exploration
DOI-BLM-NV-B020-2012-0214-EAEASilver Peak Geothermal AreaRockwood Lithium IncBureau of Land ManagementBLM Battle Mountain District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationWell Testing Techniques
Drilling Techniques
DOI-BLM-NV-B020-????-???-EAEAGrass Valley Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies IncBureau of Land ManagementBLM Battle Mountain District OfficeGeothermal/Exploration
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2009-0006-EAEASalt Wells Geothermal AreaGradient ResourcesBLM Stillwater Field OfficeBLM Carson City District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationThermal Gradient Holes
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2009-0018-EAEASoda Lake Geothermal AreaMagma EnergyBureau of Land ManagementBLM Carson City District OfficeGeothermal/Well FieldProduction Wells
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2009-0030-CXCXCarson Lake Corral Geothermal AreaVulcan Power CompanyBureau of Land ManagementBLM Carson City District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationThermal Gradient Holes
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2009-0051-CXCXSoda Lake Geothermal AreaGlobal Magma Energy GroupBLM Nevada State OfficeBLM Carson City District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationMagnetotelluric Techniques
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2010-0006-DNADNAGabbs Valley Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies IncBLM Nevada State OfficeBLM Carson City District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationDrilling Techniques
Thermal Gradient Holes
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2010-0006-EAEAGabbs Valley Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies IncBureau of Land ManagementBLM Carson City District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationDownhole Techniques
Well Testing Techniques
Drilling Techniques
Exploration Drilling
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2010-0008-CXCXDixie Meadows Geothermal AreaTerra-Gen Power LLCBureau of Land ManagementBLM Carson City District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationSeismic Techniques
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2010-0008-EAEASoda Lake Geothermal AreaMagma EnergyBureau of Land ManagementBLM Carson City District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationDownhole Techniques
Well Testing Techniques
Drilling Techniques
Exploration Drilling
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2010-0010-EAEADixie Valley Geothermal AreaTerra-Gen Power LLCBureau of Land ManagementBLM Carson City District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationDownhole Techniques
Well Testing Techniques
Drilling Techniques
Exploration Drilling
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2010-0016-EAEAPatua Geothermal AreaVulcan Power CompanyBureau of Land ManagementBLM Carson City District OfficeGeothermal/Well Field
Geothermal/Power Plant
Airborne Electromagnetic Survey
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2010-0052-CXCXSoda Lake Geothermal AreaMagma EnergyBLM Nevada State OfficeBLM Carson City District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationDrilling Techniques
Thermal Gradient Holes
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2011-0001-EAEACoyote Canyon Geothermal AreaTerra-Gen Power LLCBureau of Land ManagementBLM Carson City District OfficeGeothermal/Power PlantWell Testing Techniques
Observation Wells
Exploration Drilling
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2011-0004-CXCXDixie Valley Geothermal AreaAltaRock Energy IncBureau of Land ManagementBLM Carson City District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationSeismic Techniques
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2011-0014-CXCXPatua Geothermal AreaGradient ResourcesBureau of Land ManagementBLM Carson City District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationReflection Survey
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2011-0015-CXCXPatua Geothermal AreaGradient ResourcesBureau of Land ManagementBLM Carson City District OfficeGeothermal/Exploration
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2011-0019-CXCXGabbs Valley Geothermal AreaGeoglobal US Gabbs LLCBureau of Land ManagementBLM Carson City District OfficeGeothermal/Exploration
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2011-0501-EAEAPatua Geothermal AreaGradient ResourcesBureau of Land ManagementBLM Carson City District OfficeGeothermal/Well FieldWell Testing Techniques
Development Drilling
Exploration Drilling
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2011-0504-CXCXPatua Geothermal AreaGradient ResourcesBureau of Land ManagementBLM Carson City District Office
BLM Winnemucca District Office
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2011-0514-EAEAMcCoy Geothermal AreaMagma EnergyBureau of Land ManagementBLM Carson City District OfficeGeothermal/Well Field
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2011-0516-EAEADixie Meadows Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies IncBureau of Land ManagementBLM Carson City District OfficeGeothermal/Exploration
Geothermal/Well Field
Drilling Techniques
Thermal Gradient Holes
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2011-0517-DNADNADead Horse Wells Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies IncBureau of Land ManagementBLM Carson City District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationDrilling Techniques
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2011-0527-CXCXDixie Valley Geothermal AreaAltaRock Energy IncBureau of Land ManagementBLM Carson City District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationPassive Seismic Techniques
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2012--044-DNADNAOrmatt Nevada, IncBLM Nevada State OfficeBLM Carson City District OfficeGeothermal/Power Plant
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2012-0005-DNADNAMcCoy Geothermal AreaMagma EnergyBureau of Land ManagementBLM Carson City District OfficeGeothermal/Well FieldObservation Wells
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2012-0016-DNADNASalt Wells Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies IncBureau of Land ManagementBLM Carson City District OfficeGeothermal/Well FieldProduction Wells
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2012-0019-DNADNASalt Wells Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies IncBureau of Land ManagementBLM Carson City District OfficeGeothermal/Well FieldObservation Wells
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2012-0020-DNADNASalt Wells Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies IncBureau of Land ManagementBLM Carson City District OfficeGeothermal/Well FieldObservation Wells
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2012-0028-DNADNADead Horse Wells Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies IncBureau of Land ManagementBLM Carson City District OfficeGeothermal/Well FieldFlow Test
Injectivity Test
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2012-0029-EAEATungsten Mountain Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies IncBureau of Land ManagementBLM Carson City District OfficeGeothermal/Well FieldDownhole Techniques
Well Testing Techniques
Drilling Techniques
Exploration Drilling
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2012-0035-DNADNADead Horse Wells Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies IncBureau of Land ManagementBLM Carson City District OfficeGeothermal/Well FieldPressure Temperature Log
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2012-0046-DNADNATungsten Mountain Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies IncBureau of Land ManagementBLM Carson City District OfficeGeothermal/Well FieldObservation Wells
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2012-0048-DNADNASalt Wells Geothermal AreaEnel Salt Wells LLCBLM Nevada State OfficeBLM Carson City District OfficeGeothermal/Well FieldObservation Wells
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2012-0050-EAEADead Horse Wells Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies IncBureau of Land ManagementBLM Carson City District OfficeGeothermal/Well Field
Geothermal/Power Plant
Drilling Techniques
Development Drilling
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2012-0051-EAEACoyote Canyon Geothermal AreaTerra-Gen Power LLCBureau of Land ManagementBLM Carson City District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationExploratory Well
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2012-0057-CXCXDixie Meadows Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies IncBureau of Land ManagementBLM Carson City District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationThermal Gradient Holes
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2012-0058-DNADNADixie Meadows Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies IncBureau of Land ManagementBLM Carson City District OfficeGeothermal/Well FieldObservation Wells
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2012-0068-DNADNATungsten Mountain Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies IncBureau of Land ManagementBLM Carson City District OfficeGeothermal/Well FieldObservation Wells
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2012-0069-CXCXAqua Quieta Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies IncBureau of Land ManagementBLM Carson City District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationThermal Gradient Holes
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2012-0070-CXCXDixie Valley Geothermal AreaUS Navy Geothermal Program OfficeBureau of Land ManagementBLM Carson City District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationMagnetotelluric Techniques
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2012-0073-DNADNATungsten Mountain Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies IncBureau of Land ManagementBLM Carson City District OfficeGeothermal/Well FieldObservation Wells
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2013-0007-DNADNADead Horse Wells Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies IncBureau of Land ManagementBLM Carson City District OfficeGeothermal/Well FieldObservation Wells
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2013-0020-DNADNAPatua Geothermal AreaGradient Resources Geothermal Drilling Permit Application Well 14-28Bureau of Land ManagementBLM Carson City District OfficeGeothermal/Well FieldProduction Wells
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2013-0022-DNADNADixie Meadows Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies IncBureau of Land ManagementBLM Carson City District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationThermal Gradient Holes
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2013-0023-DNADNADead Horse Wells Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies IncBureau of Land ManagementBLM Carson City District OfficeGeothermal/Well FieldObservation Wells
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2013-0026-DNADNADixie Valley Geothermal AreaTGP Coyote Canyon LLCBureau of Land ManagementBLM Carson City District OfficeGeothermal/Well FieldProduction Wells
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2013-0037-DNADNAGabbs Valley Geothermal AreaORNI 47 LLCBureau of Land ManagementBLM Carson City District OfficeGeothermal/Well FieldDrilling Methods
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-????-????-CXCXDixie Valley Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies IncBureau of Land ManagementBLM Carson City District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationThermal Gradient Holes
DOI-BLM-NV-CC-ES-11-10-1793EISSalt Wells Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies Inc, Gradient Resources (formerly Vulcan Power), Sierra Pacific Power Co,Bureau of Land ManagementBLM Carson City District OfficeGeothermal/Power PlantDevelopment Drilling
DOI-BLM-NV-CO10-2011-0501-EAEAPatua Geothermal AreaGradient ResourcesBureau of Land ManagementBLM Carson City District OfficeGeothermal/Well FieldProduction Wells
Thermal Gradient Holes
DOI-BLM-NV-CO1000-2010-0009-CXCXDixie Meadows Geothermal AreaTerra-Gen Power LLCBureau of Land ManagementBLM Carson City District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationElectromagnetic Techniques
DOI-BLM-NV-CO1000-2010-0010-CXCXCoyote Canyon Geothermal AreaTerra-Gen Power LLCBureau of Land ManagementBLM Carson City District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationSeismic Techniques
DOI-BLM-NV-CO1000-2010-0011-CXCXCoyote Canyon Geothermal AreaTerra-Gen Power LLCBureau of Land ManagementBLM Carson City District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationElectromagnetic Techniques
DOI-BLM-NV-CO1000-2010-0021-CXCXCoyote Canyon Geothermal AreaTGP Dixie Development LLCBureau of Land ManagementBLM Carson City District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationMagnetotelluric Techniques
DOI-BLM-NV-CO1000-2010-0022-CXCXCoyote Canyon Geothermal AreaTerra-Gen Power LLCBureau of Land ManagementBLM Carson City District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationElectromagnetic Techniques
Magnetotelluric Techniques
Seismic Techniques
DOI-BLM-NV-E030-2011-0017-CXCXUSGSBLM Nevada State OfficeBLM Elko District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationThermal Gradient Holes
DOI-BLM-NV-E030-20??-????-??EAStandard Steam Trust LLCBLM Nevada State OfficeBLM Elko District OfficeGeothermal/Exploration
DOI-BLM-NV-W010-2009-0018-CXCXAurora Geothermal AreaGradient ResourcesBureau of Land ManagementBLM Winnemucca District OfficeGeothermal/Exploration
DOI-BLM-NV-W010-2010-0004-EAEANew York Canyon Geothermal AreaTerra-Gen Power LLCBureau of Land ManagementBLM Winnemucca District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationWell Testing Techniques
Exploration Drilling
DOI-BLM-NV-W010-2010-0039-CXCXTerra-Gen Power LLCBLM Nevada State OfficeBLM Winnemucca District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationMicro-Earthquake
DOI-BLM-NV-W010-2010-0040-CXCXPresco Energy LLCBLM Nevada State OfficeBLM Winnemucca District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationReflection Survey
DOI-BLM-NV-W010-2010-0041-CXCXBrady Hot Springs Geothermal AreaStephen D. MuirBureau of Land ManagementBLM Winnemucca District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationSeismic Techniques
DOI-BLM-NV-W010-2010-0043-CXCXHot Pot Geothermal AreaOski Energy LLCBureau of Land ManagementBLM Winnemucca District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationSeismic Techniques
DOI-BLM-NV-W010-2010-0043-CX-2CXMcGee Mountain Geothermal AreaGeothermal Technical PartnersBureau of Land ManagementBLM Winnemucca District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationWell Testing Techniques
Slim Holes
Thermal Gradient Holes
Geophysical Techniques
DOI-BLM-NV-W010-2011-0001-EAEAGrass Valley Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies IncBureau of Land ManagementBLM Winnemucca District OfficeGeothermal/Exploration
Geothermal/Well Field
Well Testing Techniques
Development Drilling
Exploration Drilling
DOI-BLM-NV-W010-2011-0004-CXCXDixie Valley Geothermal AreaAltaRock Energy IncBureau of Land ManagementBLM Winnemucca District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationPassive Seismic Techniques
DOI-BLM-NV-W010-2011-0100-CXCXOrmat Nevada Inc.BLM Nevada State OfficeBLM Winnemucca District OfficeGeothermal/Exploration
DOI-BLM-NV-W010-2012-0057-EAEABrady Hot Springs Geothermal AreaBrady Power PartnersBureau of Land ManagementBLM Winnemucca District OfficeGeothermal/Well FieldDownhole Techniques
DOI-BLM-NV-W010–2012–0005–EAEANew York Canyon Geothermal AreaTerra-Gen Power LLCBureau of Land ManagementBLM Winnemucca District OfficeGeothermal/Power Plant
Geothermal/Grid Connection
Geothermal/Well Field
Downhole Techniques
Development Drilling
DOI-BLM-NV-W030-2010-0006-EAEASan Emidio Desert Geothermal AreaUS Geothermal IncUnited States Department of EnergyBLM Winnemucca District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationFlow Test
DOI-BLM-NV-W030-2010-0021-CXCXSan Emidio Desert Geothermal AreaUS Geothermal IncBureau of Land ManagementBLM Winnemucca District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationSeismic Techniques
DOI-BLM-NV-W030-2011-0007-CXCXSan Emidio Desert Geothermal AreaUS Geothermal IncBureau of Land ManagementBLM Winnemucca District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationSeismic Techniques
DOI-BLM-NV-W030-2012-0011-DNADNASan Emidio Desert Geothermal AreaUS Geothermal IncBureau of Land ManagementBLM Winnemucca District OfficeGeothermal/Well FieldObservation Wells
DOI-BLM-NV-W030-2012-0020-CXCXPinto Hot Springs Geothermal AreaNevada Bureau of Mines and GeologyBureau of Land ManagementBLM Winnemucca District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationThermal Gradient Holes
DOI-BLM-NV-W030-20??-????-CXCXGeothermal Technical PartnersBureau of Land ManagementBLM Winnemucca District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationGravity Techniques
DOI-BLM-NV-WO10-2014-0002-CXCXBaltazor Hot Springs Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies IncBLM Humboldt River Field OfficeBLM Winnemucca District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationThermal Gradient Holes
DOI-BLM-OR-P000-2010-0003-EAEANewberry Caldera Geothermal AreaDavenport Power LLCBureau of Land ManagementBLM Prineville District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationWell Testing Techniques
Drilling Techniques
Exploration Drilling
Seismic Techniques
Passive Seismic Techniques
DOI-BLM-OR-P000-2011-0003-EAEANewberry Caldera Geothermal AreaDavenport Power LLCBureau of Land ManagementBLM Prineville District OfficeGeothermal/Well FieldDrilling Techniques
DOI-BLM-OR-P000-2012-0043-CXCXTwilight Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies IncBLM Oregon State OfficeBLM Prineville District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationThermal Gradient Holes
DOI-BLM-OR-P000-????-????-EAEADavenport Power LLCBureau of Land ManagementBLM Prineville District OfficeGeothermal/Exploration
DOI-BLM-OR-P040-0021-EAEAGlass Buttes Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies IncBureau of Land ManagementBLM Prineville District Office
BLM Burns District Office
Geothermal/ExplorationDrilling Techniques
DOI-BLM-OR-V040-2009-0059-CXCXNeal Hot Springs Geothermal AreaUS Geothermal IncBureau of Land ManagementBLM Vale District OfficeGeothermal/Exploration
DOI-BLM-OR-V040-2009-0059-EAEANeal Hot Springs Geothermal AreaUS Geothermal IncUnited States Department of EnergyGeothermal/Power Plant
DOI-BLM-OR-V040-2011-0008-EAEANeal Hot Springs Geothermal AreaUS Geothermal IncBureau of Land ManagementBLM Vale District OfficeGeothermal/Well FieldWell Testing Techniques
Development Drilling
DOI-BLM-UT-C010-2010-0042-EAEACove Fort Geothermal AreaENEL Green Power North AmericaBureau of Land ManagementBLM Color Country District OfficeGeothermal/Power Plant
DOI-BLM-UT-C010-????-????-CXCXCove Fort Geothermal AreaENEL Green Power North AmericaBureau of Land ManagementBLM Color Country District OfficeGeothermal/Exploration
DOI-BLM-UT-W019-2011-0006-CXCXUtah Geological SurveyBLM Utah State OfficeBLM West Desert District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationThermal Gradient Holes
DOI-BLM-UT-W019-2011-0007-CXCXUtah Geological SurveyBLM Utah State OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationThermal Gradient Holes
DOI-BLM-UT-W020-2009-0028-EAEADrum Mountain Geothermal AreaStandard Steam Trust LLCBureau of Land ManagementBLM West Desert District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationThermal Gradient Holes
DOI-BLM-UT-W020-2010-0042-EAEAOrmat Technologies IncBureau of Land ManagementBLM West Desert District OfficeGeothermal/Exploration
Geothermal/Well Field
Thermal Gradient Holes
DOI-BLM-UT-W020-2010-042-EAEADrum Mountain Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies IncBureau of Land ManagementBLM West Desert District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationDevelopment Drilling
Exploration Drilling
DOI-LM-NV-W010-2012-0061-CXCXDesert Queen Geothermal AreaNevada Bureau of Mines and GeologyBureau of Land ManagementBLM Winnemucca District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationThermal Gradient Holes
Devers Palo Verde No 2EISSouthern California Edison Company SCEBureau of Land ManagementBLM California State Office
EA for Well Field Development at Patua Geothermal Area - DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2011-00016-EAEAPatua Geothermal AreaGradient ResourcesBureau of Land ManagementBLM Carson City District OfficeGeothermal/Exploration
Geothermal/Well Field
Drilling Techniques
Exploratory Well
Thermal Gradient Holes
EA-NV-030-05-08EASalt Wells Geothermal AreaNevada Geothermal Specialists, LLCBureau of Land ManagementBLM Carson City District OfficeGeothermal/Exploration
EA-NV-030-07-006EACarson Lake Corral Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies IncBureau of Land ManagementBLM Carson City District OfficeGeothermal/Well FieldExploration Drilling
Slim Holes
Thermal Gradient Holes
ED5 PVHEISWestern Area Power Administration and southern Arizona utility districts and public utilitiesWestern Area Power Administration
Eldorado Ivanpah Transmission ProjectEISSouthern California Edison Company SCEBureau of Land ManagementBLM California State Office
Energy Gateway SouthEISPacifiCorp, dba Rocky Mountain Power
GFO-04-236b, GFO-10-367Chena Geothermal AreaChena Hot Springs ResortGolden Field OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationSlim Holes
Gateway West Transmission LineEISIdaho Power Company and PacifiCorp (dba Rocky Mountain Power)Bureau of Land Management
Grand Coulee Transmission LineBonneville Power AdminBureau of Reclamation
LLNV-WO1000-2009-0002-EAEAJersey Valley Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies IncBLM Nevada State OfficeBLM Winnemucca District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationDrilling Techniques
Observation Wells
LLNV-WO1000-2009-0034-CXCXNew York Canyon Geothermal AreaTGP Dixie Development Company, LLCBureau of Land ManagementBLM Winnemucca District OfficeGeothermal/Exploration2-M Probe Survey
Ground Magnetics
McNary-John DayEISBonneville Power AdminBonneville Power Admin
Mona to Oquirrh TransmissionEISRocky Mountain PowerBureau of Land ManagementBLM West Desert District Office
NEPA Process for Geothermal Power Plants in the Deschutes National ForestEISNewberry Caldera Geothermal AreaCal EnergyU.S. Forest Service
Bureau of Land Management
Geothermal/Well Field
Geothermal/Power Plant
Exploration Drilling
Exploratory Boreholes
Production Wells
Thermal Gradient Holes
NV-020-03-26EADesert Peak Geothermal AreaORNI 3, LLCBureau of Land ManagementBLM Winnemucca District OfficeGeothermal/Power Plant
NV-020-07-EA-01EAJersey Valley Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies IncBureau of Land ManagementBLM Winnemucca District OfficeGeothermal/Well Field
Drilling Techniques
Observation Wells
NV-020-08-CX-65CXDesert Peak Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies IncBureau of Land ManagementBLM Winnemucca District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationPassive Seismic Techniques
NV-020-08-DNA-52DNAGerlach Geothermal LLCBureau of Land ManagementBLM Winnemucca District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationThermal Gradient Holes
NV-063-EA06-098EAReese River Geothermal AreaSierra Geothermal PowerBureau of Land ManagementBLM Battle Mountain District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationSlim Holes
Thermal Gradient Holes
NV-EA-030-07-05EASalt Wells Geothermal AreaVulcan Power CompanyBureau of Land ManagementBLM Carson City District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationThermal Gradient Holes
NVN-084575CUSalt Wells Geothermal AreaVulcan Power CompanyBureau of Land ManagementBLM Carson City District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationReflection Survey
Seismic Techniques
NVN-084629CUPatua Geothermal AreaVulcan EnergyBLM Nevada State OfficeBLM Winnemucca District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationMagnetotellurics
NVN-084630CUPatua Geothermal AreaVulcan EnergyBLM Nevada State OfficeBLM Winnemucca District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationGravity Methods
NVN-085710Oski Energy LLCBureau of Land ManagementBLM Carson City District OfficeGeothermal/Leasing
NVN-085711Oski Energy LLCBureau of Land ManagementBLM Carson City District OfficeGeothermal/Leasing
NVN-086285CUDesert Peak Geothermal AreaMagma EnergyBureau of Land ManagementBLM Winnemucca District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationMagnetotellurics
NVN-086286CUDesert Queen Geothermal AreaMagma EnergyBLM Nevada State OfficeBLM Winnemucca District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationMagnetotellurics
NVN-086287CUPumpernickel Valley Geothermal AreaNevada Geothermal PowerBLM Nevada State OfficeBLM Winnemucca District OfficeGeothermal/Exploration2-M Probe Survey
NVN-086761CUColado Project, LLCBLM Nevada State OfficeBLM Winnemucca District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationMagnetotellurics
NVN-086762CUColado Project, LLCBLM Nevada State OfficeBLM Winnemucca District OfficeGeothermal/Exploration
NVN-087388CUSalt Wells Geothermal AreaEnel North AmericaBLM Stillwater Field OfficeBLM Carson City District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationAudio-Magnetotellurics
NVN-087791CUNew York Canyon Geothermal AreaTGP Dixie Development CompanyBLM Nevada State OfficeBLM Winnemucca District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationMagnetotellurics
NVN-087809CUWhiskey Flats Geothermal AreaOski Energy LLCBLM Nevada State OfficeBLM Carson City District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationGround Gravity Survey
NVN-087811CUNew York Canyon Geothermal AreaTGP Dixie Development CoBLM Nevada State OfficeBLM Winnemucca District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationMagnetotellurics
NVN-087812CUNew York Canyon Geothermal AreaTGP Dixie Development CoBLM Nevada State OfficeBLM Winnemucca District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationElectrical Techniques
NVN-087930CUDesert Queen Geothermal AreaMagma EnergyBureau of Land ManagementBLM Winnemucca District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationMagnetotelluric Techniques
NVN-088205EAGabbs Valley Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies IncBLM Stillwater Field OfficeBLM Carson City District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationExploratory Well
Observation Wells
Thermal Gradient Holes
NVN-088208CUAurora Geothermal AreaVulcan Power CompanyBureau of Land ManagementBLM Carson City District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationGround Gravity Survey
NVN-088259CUGeothermal Technical PartnersBureau of Land ManagementBLM Winnemucca District OfficeGeothermal/Exploration
NVN-091276CUDesert Queen Geothermal AreaUniversity of NevadaBureau of Land ManagementBLM Winnemucca District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationWater Sampling
NVN-091277CUPinto Hot Springs Geothermal AreaNevada Bureau of Mines and GeologyBureau of Land ManagementBLM Winnemucca District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationWater Sampling
NVN-88321CUBrady Hot Springs Geothermal AreaStephen G. MuirBureau of Land ManagementBLM Winnemucca District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationMicrogravity-Hybrid Microgravity
NVN-89274CUAugusta Mountains Geothermal AreaAltaRock Energy IncBureau of Land ManagementBLM Winnemucca District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationGeophysical Techniques
NVN-89275CUAugusta Mountains Geothermal AreaAltaRock Energy IncBureau of Land ManagementBLM Winnemucca District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationGeophysical Techniques
NVN-89276CUAugusta Mountains Geothermal AreaAltaRock Energy IncBureau of Land ManagementBLM Winnemucca District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationGeochemical Techniques
NVN-89278CUAugusta Mountains Geothermal AreaAltaRock Energy IncBureau of Land ManagementBLM Winnemucca District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationGeophysical Techniques
NVN-89292CUNevada Geothermal PowerBLM Nevada State OfficeBLM Winnemucca District OfficeGeothermal/Exploration2-M Probe Survey
NVN-89306CUTerra Gen Dixie Valley Development CoBLM Nevada State OfficeBLM Winnemucca District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationMagnetotellurics
NVN-89534CUBlue Mountain Geothermal AreaNevada Geothermal PowerBLM Nevada State OfficeBLM Winnemucca District OfficeGeothermal/ExplorationThermal Gradient Holes
North Steens 230kV TransmissionEISEchanis, LLCBureau of Land ManagementBLM Burns District Office
One NevadaEISNV Energy, Inc.
San Emido Geothermal Energy North ProjectEASan Emidio Desert Geothermal AreaUSG Nevada LLCBureau of Land ManagementBLM Winnemucca District OfficeGeothermal/Power Plant
Geothermal/Well Field
Production Wells
San Juan Basin ECEISTri-State Generation and Transmission Association, Inc.BLM New Mexico State OfficeBLM New Mexico State Office
Sigurd Red Butte No2EISPacifiCorp dba Rocky Mountain PowerBLM Utah State Office
Southline Transmission LineEISSouthline Transmission, LLC, a subsidiary of Hunt Power L.P.BLM New Mexico State Office
Sun Valley to Morgan Transmission LineEISArizona Public Service Company APSBureau of Land Management
Sunzia SouthwestEISSunZia Transmission, LLCBLM Las Cruces District Office
Tehachapi Renewable TransmissionEISSouthern California Edison Company SCE
TransWest OldEIS
Transwest ExpressEISTransWest Express LLC TWEBLM Wyoming State Office
USDA-FS-EA-NV-030-06-025 2007EAAurora Geothermal AreaVulcan Power Company
Western Geothermal Partners
USFS Humboldt-Toiyabe National ForestGeothermal/Leasing
USDA-FS-EA-NV-030-06-025 2012EAAurora Geothermal AreaUSFS Humboldt-Toiyabe National ForestGeothermal/Leasing
Vantage Pomona HeightsEISPacific Power and Light
West-wide Energy CorridorsEISBLM, U.S. Forest Service, Department of Energy, Department of DefenseBureau of Land Management
Department of Energy
This query has been included to allow you to use the black arrows in the table header cells to sort the table data.
Cat Ex
Antelope Valley NesetEISBasin Electric Power CooperativeAVS-Neset FEIS.pdf
AVS-Neset ROD-RUS.pdf
AVS-Nese ROD-WesternAreaPower.pdf
BLM-NV-WN-ES-08-01-1310, NV-020-08-01EABlue Mountain Geothermal AreaNevada Geothermal PowerBlue Mtn Appendix A WFO geo lease stips.pdf
Blue Mountain AppendixC orig.pdf
ROW Appendix D V02 (with cover).pdf
BLM-NV-WN-ES-08-01-1310 EA DR and FONSI.pdfBLM-NV-WN-ES-08-01-1310 EA DR and FONSI.pdf
Barren Ridge Renewable TransmissionEISLos Angeles Department of Water Power LADWPBarren Ridge FEIS-Volume I 00 BRRTP FEIS-EIR cover sheet FINAL-R.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume I 01 TOC BRRTP Final EIS-EIR-WEBONLY-R.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume I Chapter 0 Summary FINAL-R.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume I Chapter 1 Purpose and Need FINAL-R.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume I Chapter 2 Alternatives FINAL-R.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume I Chapter 3 Environmental Setting FINAL-R.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume I Chapter 4 Environmental Impacts FINAL-R-1.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume I Chapter 5 Cumulative Effects FINAL-R.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume I Chapter 6 Other Required Considerations FINAL-R.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume I Chapter 7 Consultation and Coordination FINAL-R.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume I Chapter 8 List of Preparers FINAL-R.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume I Chapter 9 BRRTP References FINAL-R.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume I Chapter 10 BRRTP Acronyms FINAL-R.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume I Chapter 11 Index FINAL-R.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume I Chapter 12 Changes Between Draft and Final FINAL-R.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume II 00 Vol II Cover Page R.PDF
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume II App A NOI R.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume II App B Alternative Development Report.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume II App C Switching Stations Plan.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume II App D Reg Framework.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume II App E EMF Plan.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume II App F Data Tables.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume II App G Bio Occurrence Tables.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume II App H Biological Assessment.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume II App I Biological Evaluation.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume II App I Biological Evaluation Appendix B Detailed Construction Operation and Maintenance Process.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume II APP I Biological Evaluation Appendix C Management Indicator Species Report.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume II APP J Weed Risk Assessment.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume II App K TIS Reports.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume II App L Photo Simulations and Cross Sections.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume II App M Elec Tables.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume II App N Air Conformity Determination.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume II App O Programmatic Agreement.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume II App P Final EIS-EIR Distribution List.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume II App Q Avian Protection Plan Construction.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume II App R Part 1-Public Meetings.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume II App R Part 2A-Comment Letters AthruD.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume II App R Part 2B-Comment Letters EthruG.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume II App R Part 2C-Comment Letter H.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume II App R Part 2D-Comment Letter I.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume II App R Part 2E-Comment Letters JthruO.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume II App R Part 2F-Comment Letters PthruR.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume II App R Part 2G-Comment Letter S.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume II App R Part 2H-Comment Letters TthruV.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume II App R Part 2I-Comment Letters WthruZ.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume II App R Part 3A-Public Comments 1thru11.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume II App R Part 3B-Public Comments 12thru20.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume II App R Part 3C-Public Comments 21thru28.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume II App R Part 3D-Public Comments 29thru35.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume II App R Part 3E-Public Comments 36thru42.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume II App R Part 3F-Public Comments 43thru50.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume II App R Part 3G-Other Comments.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume II App S Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume III Air Quality Tech Rpt.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume III AQ Appendix A Construction Emissions.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume III AQ Appendix B Operational Emissions.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume III AQ Appendix C Detailed Construction-Operation and Maintenance Process.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume III Land Use Tech Rpt.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume III Land Use Appendix A Land Use Tables.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume III Land Use Appendix B Land Use Maps-revised 8-9-11.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume III Land Use Appendix C Detailed Construction-Operation and Maintenance Process.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume III Traffic Tech Rpt.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume III Traffic appendix A Traffic Volume Data Summaries.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume III Traffic appendix B Detailed Traffic Impact Sensitivity by Segment.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume III Traffic appendix C Maps of Access Roads.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume III Traffic appendix D Maps of Focused Analysis Locations.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume III Traffic appendix E Detailed Constrution-Operation and Maintenance Process.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume III Visual Resources.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume III Visual appendix A Scenic Attractiveness and Visual Quality Tables.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume III Visual Appendix B Rating Unit Sheets.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume III Visual Appendix C Photo Simulations.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume III Visual Appendix D Representative Viewpoint Photographs.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume III Visual Appendix F Maps-revised 8-9-11.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume III Visual appendix G Detailed Construction-Operation and Maintenance Process.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume III Cultural Resources Tech Rpt.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume III Wildfire Tech Rpt Final June 2011.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume III Fire Appendix A Detailed Construction-Operations and Maintenance Process.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume III Socio Tech Rpt.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume III Socio Appendix A Industries by Export Importance Based on Minimum Requirements.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume III Socio Appendix B Environmental Justice Analysis.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume III Socio Appendix C Detailed Construction-Operations and Maintenance Process.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume IV Biology Tech Rpt August 2011.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume IV Bio App A Maps of Special Status Wildlife Occurences on ANF Lands.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume IV Bio App B Mpas of Special Status Pland Occurences on ANF Lands.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume IV Bio App D Federal and State Contact Summaries.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume IV Bio App E Detailed Construction-Operation and Maintenance Process.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume IV Geo Tech Rpt Final March 2011.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume IV Geo Figures.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume IV Geo 02 App A Impact Assessment Tables.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume IV Geo 03 App B USDA Soil Table.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume IV Geo 04 App C Detailed Construction-Operation and Maintenance Process.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume IV Paleo Tech Rpt Final March 2011.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume IV Paleo Appendix A Paleontology Impact Tables.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume IV Paleo Appendix B Detailed Construction-Operation and Maintenance Process.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume IV Water Tech Rpt Rev F March 2011.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume IV Water Appendix A Impact Tables.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume IV Water Appendix B RUSLE Analysis Report.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume IV Water Appendix C Detailed Construction-Operation and Maintenance Process.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume IV ANF Water Tech Rpt June 2011.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume IV ANF Water Appendix A RUSLE Analysis Report.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume IV ANF Water Appendix B -Maps need non-508 disclaimer-.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume IV ANF Water Appendix C Assumptions and Results.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume V Maps.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume V Proposed Action and Alternative Map.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume V Sensitive Plant and Weed Species Map.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume V Vegetation Communities Map.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume V Wildlife Species Map.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume V Geology and Seismic Hazards Map.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume V Parks Rec and Preservation Map.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume V Land Use Map.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume V Visual-Rec and Travel Viewpoints Inventory and Impacts Map.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume V Visual-Residential Viewpoints Inventory and Impact Map.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume V Visual-Contrast Scenic Attractiveness Impacts and Resulting Scenic Integrity Map.pdf
Barren Ridge FEIS-Volume V Water Resources Map.pdf
Big Eddy-KnightEISBonneville Power AdminBig Eddy-Knight FEIS.pdf
Big Eddy-Knight FEIS Volume 2.pdf
Big Eddy-Knight FEIS Volume 3.pdf
Big Eddy-Knight ROD.pdf
Bog Eddy-Knight Supplemental Analysis 1.pdf
Big Eddy-Knight Supplemental Analysis 2.pdf
Boardman to HemingwayEISIdaho Power CoB2H DraftEIS Volume I.pdf
B2H DraftEIS Volume II.pdf
Bordertown to California TransmissionEISNV Energy, Inc.Bordertown to California DEIS.pdf
Bordertown to California DEIS Appendices.pdf
CA-96062042EISMedicine Lake Geothermal AreaCalpine CorporationFourmileHill ROD.pdf
Cameron to Milford-138kV Transmission LineEAPacificorp dba Rocky Mountain PowerCameron to Milford EA-Final.pdf
Cameron to Milford ROD.pdf
Central Ferry Lower MonumentalEISBonneville Power AdminCentralFerry-LowerMonumental FEIS.pdf
CentralFerry-LowerMonumental DEIS.pdf
CentralFerry-LowerMonumental ROD.pdf
DNA-NV-030-09-03DNAGabbs Valley Geothermal AreaDusty Miller LLC87403 - NOI.pdf87403 - File Cover.pdf87403 - SRP.pdf87403 - DNA Worksheet.pdf
DOE-EA-1116EASteamboat Springs Geothermal AreaExergy, Inc.
DOE-EA-1621EAKlamath Falls Geothermal AreaOregon Institute of TechnologyEA-1621-FONSI-2008.pdfCX-001816.pdf
DOE-EA-1676EANeal Hot Springs Geothermal AreaUS Geothermal IncEA-1676-FONSI-2009.pdf
DOE-EA-1733EAGeysers Geothermal AreaCalpineEA-1733-FEA-2010.pdfEA-1733-FONSI-2010.pdf
DOE-EA-1759EABristol Bay Geothermal AreaNaknek Electric AssociationCX-002447.pdfEA-1759-FONSI-2010.pdf
DOE-EA-1849EAMcGinness Hills Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies IncDOE-EA-1849-FONSI.pdf
DOE-EA-1961EABonneville Power AdminKalispell-Kerr EA Determination Memo.pdf
DOE-EIS-0298EISGlass Mountain Geothermal AreaCalEnergy GenerationTelephoneFlat ROD.pdf
DOI-BLM-CA-017-05-051EALong Valley Caldera Geothermal AreaMammoth Pacific
DOI-BLM-CA-017-P006-60EISLong Valley Caldera Geothermal AreaPacific Energy
DOI-BLM-CA-067-2006-12EAEast Mesa Geothermal Area
DOI-BLM-CA-170-02-15EALong Valley Caldera Geothermal AreaMammoth PacificEA CA-170-02-15-FONSI-DR.pdf
DOI-BLM-CA-650-2005-086EACoso Geothermal AreaRobert A. Phinney, Deep Rose LLCDeepRose-FONSI.pdf
DOI-BLM-CA-670-2010-107CXNorth Brawley Geothermal AreaOrmat Nevada, Inc.Ormat Geothermal Drilling Permit-Well 78A-6 CX-670 2010-107.pdf
DOI-BLM-CA-670-2010-CXCXRam Power
DOI-BLM-CA-C050-2009-0005-EAEAGeysers Geothermal AreaAltaRock Energy IncManagement Review of AltaRock Project Final FONSI.pdf
AltaRock FONSI 2009 09 11.pdf
DOI-BLM-CA-EA-2002-???EAGlass Mountain Geothermal AreaCalpine Corporation (Calpine) and CPN Telephone Flat Inc. (CPN)
DOI-BLM-CA-ES-2007-017-3200EISTruckhaven Geothermal Area
DOI-BLM-CA-ES-2013-002+1793-EISEISLong Valley Caldera Geothermal AreaORNI 50 LLCCD-IV Final BLM ROD 081213.pdf
CD-IV ROD APP5 AppealForm.pdf
DOI-BLM-ID-110-2009-3825-CECXCrane Creek Geothermal AreaAgua Caliente LLC
DOI-BLM-ID-220-2009-EA-3709EARaft River Geothermal AreaAgua Caliente, LLC
DOI-BLM-ID-B010-2010-0083-CXCXAgua CalienteIDI-036765DOI-BLM-ID-B010-2010-0083-CX Agua Caliente Sandy Spring Road ROW.pdf
DOI-BLM-ID-B010-2010-??-CXCXWeiser Geothermal AreaAgua Caliente LLC
DOI-BLM-ID-I020-2012-0017-CXCXBingham-Caribou Geothermal AreaIdaho Geological Survey
DOI-BLM-ID-T020-2012-0003-CXCXAgua Caliente LLC
DOI-BLM-NM-L000-2012-0020-DNADNALightning Dock Geothermal AreaLightning Dock Geothermal Inc
DOI-BLM-NM-L000-2012-0042-DNADNALightning Dock Geothermal AreaLightning Dock Geothermal Inc
DOI-BLM-NM-L000-2012-0046-CXCXLightning Dock Geothermal AreaLightning Dock Geothermal Inc
DOI-BLM-NM-L000-2012-0111-DNADNALightning Dock Geothermal AreaLightning Dock Geothermal Inc
DOI-BLM-NM-L000-2012-0200-DNADNALightning Dock Geothermal AreaLightning Dock Geothermal Inc
DOI-BLM-NM-L000-2012-0218-DNADNALightning Dock Geothermal AreaLightning Dock Geothermal Inc
DOI-BLM-NV-0063-EA06-100EAJersey Valley Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies Inc
DOI-BLM-NV-030-06-025-EAEAAurora Geothermal AreaDOI-BLM-NV-030-06-025-EA FONSI 2006.pdfDOI-BLM-NV-030-06-025-EA FONSI 2006.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-063-EA08-091EABuffalo Valley Hot Springs Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies IncNVN-087409-SRP-ROW-Transmission.pdf
JV FONSI and Final EA-060410.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-B010-2011-0015-EAEAMcGinness Hills Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies IncNVN-084268X-SRP-Unit.pdfMcGinness-Hills-Geothermal-Development-FONSI-signed 508.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-B020-2008-0071-DNADNAReese River Geothermal AreaSierra Geothermal Partners
DOI-BLM-NV-B020-2008-????-??Reese River Geothermal AreaSierra Geothermal Power
DOI-BLM-NV-B020-2008-????-CXCXSilver Peak Geothermal AreaSierra Geothermal Power
DOI-BLM-NV-B020-2009-0030-CXCXAlum Geothermal AreaSierra Geothermal Power
DOI-BLM-NV-B020-2010-0106-CXCXAlum Geothermal AreaSierra Geothermal Power
DOI-BLM-NV-B020-2010-????-CXCXOrmat Technologies Inc
DOI-BLM-NV-B020-2011-0017-CXCXSilver Peak Geothermal AreaCHB Metal Foote CorporationFile:NVN-089289.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-B020-2011-0026-EAEASilver Peak Geothermal AreaRam PowerNVN-089376X-SRP-UNIT.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-B020-2011-0048-CXCXSilver Peak Geothermal AreaCHB Metal Foote Corporation
DOI-BLM-NV-B020-2012-0214-EAEASilver Peak Geothermal AreaRockwood Lithium IncNVN-089289-SRP-NOI.pdfSilver Peak Draft EA Letter 20121011.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-B020-????-???-EAEAGrass Valley Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies Inc
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2009-0006-EAEASalt Wells Geothermal AreaGradient ResourcesNVN-087747 - NOI.pdfNVN-087747 - Plan of Operations.pdfNVN-087747 - SRP.pdfNVN-087747 - NOI Approval Letter.pdfDOI-BLM-NV-C010-2009-006-EA-FONSI.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2009-0018-EAEASoda Lake Geothermal AreaMagma EnergyNVN-013204X-SRP-UNIT.pdfFONSI magma GDP EA 073009.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2009-0030-CXCXCarson Lake Corral Geothermal AreaVulcan Power Company87400 - NOI.pdf
87401 - NOI.pdf
87402 - NOI.pdf
87400-87402 - Sundry Notice.pdf
87400-87402 - File Cover.pdf
87746 - NOI.pdf
87746 - Letter.pdf
87400 - Proposed Action.pdf
87401 - Proposed Action.pdf
87402 - Proposed Action.pdf
87746 - Proposed Action.pdf
87746 - Plan of Operations.pdf
87400 - SRP.pdf
87401 - SRP.pdf
87402 - SRP.pdf
87746 - SRP.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2009-0030-CX 4-13-2009.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2009-0051-CXCXSoda Lake Geothermal AreaGlobal Magma Energy Group88819 - NOI - 2009-09.pdf
88819 - NOI - 2010-07.pdf
88819 - Application Letter.pdf
88819 - Proposed Action.pdf
88819 - File Cover.pdf
88857 - NOI.pdf
88819 - Maps.pdf
88857 - Plan of Operations.pdf
NVN-088819 - SRP.pdf
NVN-088857 - SRP.pdf
88857 - Completion Report.pdfDOI-BLM-NV-C010-2009-0051-CX.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2009-0051-CX - Cover Memo.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2009-0051-CX - Stipulations.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2009-0051-CX Conditions of Approval.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2010-0006-DNADNAGabbs Valley Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies Inc88204 - Sundry Notice.pdf
88205 - NOI.pdf
88205 - NOI revised.pdf
88205 - Sundry Notice Attachment.pdf
88205 - Letter.pdf
88205 - Letter 2.pdf
88204 - Map 1.pdf
88204 - Map 2.pdf
88204 - Map 3.pdf
NVN-088205 SRP.pdfDOI-BLM-NV-C010-2010-0006-DNA.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2010-0006-EAEAGabbs Valley Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies Inc88205 - NOI.pdf
88205 - NOI revised.pdf
88205 - Sundry Notice Attachment.pdf
88205 - Letter.pdf
88205 - Letter 2.pdf
NVN-088205 SRP.pdfDOI-BLM-NV-W030-2010-0006-EA FONSI.pdfDOI-BLM-NV-W030-2010-0006-EA DECISION.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-W030-2010-0006-EA CONDITIONS.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2010-0008-CXCXDixie Meadows Geothermal AreaTerra-Gen Power LLC88211 - NOI.pdf88211 - Proposed Action.pdf88211 - SRP.pdfDOI-BLM-NV-CO1000-2010-0008-CX.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2010-0008-EAEASoda Lake Geothermal AreaMagma EnergyNVN-088821-SRP-NOI.pdfSoda Lake FONSI.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2010-0010-EAEADixie Valley Geothermal AreaTerra-Gen Power LLCTGP CCDM FONSI DR June 2010.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2010-0016-EAEAPatua Geothermal AreaVulcan Power CompanyNVN-085168X-SRP-UNIT.pdfPatua Geothermal Utilization BLM FONSI DR Oct 2010.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2010-0052-CXCXSoda Lake Geothermal AreaMagma EnergyNVN-088856 - NOI.pdf
NVN-088856 - Sundry Notice.pdf
NVN-088856 - Map.pdfNVN-088856 - SRP.pdfNVN-088856 - Completion Report.pdfDOI-BLM-NV-C010-2010-0052-CX.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2011-0001-EAEACoyote Canyon Geothermal AreaTerra-Gen Power LLCCoyote Canyon FONSI March 2011.pdfCoyote Canyon Decision Record March 2011.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2011-0004-CXCXDixie Valley Geothermal AreaAltaRock Energy IncNVN-089277.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2011-0014-CXCXPatua Geothermal AreaGradient Resources
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2011-0015-CXCXPatua Geothermal AreaGradient Resources
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2011-0019-CXCXGabbs Valley Geothermal AreaGeoglobal US Gabbs LLC
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2011-0501-EAEAPatua Geothermal AreaGradient ResourcesPatua II Final FONSI 05 22 2012.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2011-0504-CXCXPatua Geothermal AreaGradient Resources
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2011-0514-EAEAMcCoy Geothermal AreaMagma EnergyFigure 1 Project Location 032111.pdf
Figure 2 Project Boundary Leases and Land Status 032111.pdf
Figure 3 Proposed Disturbance 060211.pdf
Figure 4 Typical Drill Pad Layout 112310.pdf
Figure 5 Soils 032111.pdf
Figure 6 Vegetation Communities 032111.pdf
Figure 7 Herd Management Area Boundaries 032111.pdf
DOI-BLM-C010-2011-0514-EA-Lease Stipulations.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2011-0516-EAEADixie Meadows Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies IncDixieMeadows FONSI 01 17 12.pdfDixieMeadows DecisionRecord 01 17 12.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2011-0517-DNADNADead Horse Wells Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies IncDOI-BLM-NV-C010-2011-0517-DNA.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2011-0527-CXCXDixie Valley Geothermal AreaAltaRock Energy Inc
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2012--044-DNADNAOrmatt Nevada, IncDOI-BLM-NV-C010-2012-0044-DNA.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2012-0005-DNADNAMcCoy Geothermal AreaMagma EnergyDOI-BLM-NV-C010-2012-0005-DNA.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2012-0016-DNADNASalt Wells Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies IncDOI-BLM-NV-C010-2012-0016-DNA.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2012-0019-DNADNASalt Wells Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies IncDOI-BLM-NV-C010-2012-0019-DNA.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2012-0020-DNADNASalt Wells Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies IncDOI-BLM-NV-C010-2012-0020-DNA.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2012-0028-DNADNADead Horse Wells Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies IncDOI-BLM-NV-C010-2012-0028-DNA.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2012-0029-EAEATungsten Mountain Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies IncConditions of Approval (COA) Tungsten Mountain Geotehrmal Explortion Project 03 28 2012.pdfFinal Tungsten Mountain Geothermal Exploration Project FONSI 03 28 2012.pdfDecision Record Tungsten Mountain Geotehrmal Exploration Project 03 28 2012.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2012-0035-DNADNADead Horse Wells Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies IncDOI-BLM-NV-C010-2012-0035-DNA.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2012-0046-DNADNATungsten Mountain Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies IncDOI-BLM-NV-C010-2012-0046-DNA.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2012-0048-DNADNASalt Wells Geothermal AreaEnel Salt Wells LLCDOI-BLM-NV-C010-2012-0048-DNA.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2012-0050-EAEADead Horse Wells Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies IncNVN-084239X-SRP-Unit.pdfWildRoseFONSI-signed.pdfWildRoseDR signed.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2012-0051-EAEACoyote Canyon Geothermal AreaTerra-Gen Power LLCDOI-BLM-NV-C010-2012-0051-FONSI.pdfDOI-BLM-NV-C010-2012-0051-Decision Record.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2012-0057-CXCXDixie Meadows Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies Inc
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2012-0058-DNADNADixie Meadows Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies IncDOI-BLM-NV-C010-2012-0058-DNA.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2012-0068-DNADNATungsten Mountain Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies IncDOI-BLM-NV-C010-2012-0068-DNA.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2012-0069-CXCXAqua Quieta Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies IncDOI-BLM-NV-C010-2012-0069-CX.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2012-0070-CXCXDixie Valley Geothermal AreaUS Navy Geothermal Program Office
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2012-0073-DNADNATungsten Mountain Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies IncDOI-BLM-NV-C010-2012-0073-DNA.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2013-0007-DNADNADead Horse Wells Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies IncDOI-BLM-NV-C010-2013-0007-DNA.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2013-0020-DNADNAPatua Geothermal AreaGradient Resources Geothermal Drilling Permit Application Well 14-28DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2013-0020-DNA.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2013-0022-DNADNADixie Meadows Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies IncNVN-091769-SRP-NOI.pdfDOI-BLM-NV-C010-2013-0022-DNA.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2013-0023-DNADNADead Horse Wells Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies IncDOI-BLM-NV-C010-2013-0023-DNA.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2013-0026-DNADNADixie Valley Geothermal AreaTGP Coyote Canyon LLCDOI-BLM-NV-C010-2013-0026-DNA.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2013-0037-DNADNAGabbs Valley Geothermal AreaORNI 47 LLCDOI-BLM-NV-C010-2013-0037-DNA.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-????-????-CXCXDixie Valley Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies Inc
DOI-BLM-NV-CC-ES-11-10-1793EISSalt Wells Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies Inc, Gradient Resources (formerly Vulcan Power), Sierra Pacific Power Co,FEIS Dear Reader signed.pdf
02 Exec Summ.pdf
ROD Ormat 092811 final PDF.pdf
ROD SPPC 092811 final PDF.pdf
ROD Vulcan 092811 final PDF.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-CO10-2011-0501-EAEAPatua Geothermal AreaGradient ResourcesNVN-089389-SRP-NOI.pdfPatua II Final FONSI 05 22 2012.pdfFinal DR Patua II EA 05 22 2012.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-CO1000-2010-0009-CXCXDixie Meadows Geothermal AreaTerra-Gen Power LLCNVN-088209-NOI.pdf
NVN-088209 - NOI(a).pdf
NVN-088209 - SRP.pdf
NVN-088212 - SRP.pdf
NVN-088212 - File Cover.pdfDOI-BLM-NV-CO1000-2010-0009-CX.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-CO1000-2010-0010-CXCXCoyote Canyon Geothermal AreaTerra-Gen Power LLC88210 - NOI.pdf88210 - Proposed Action.pdf88210 - SRP.pdf88209 - DOI-BLM-NV-CO1000-2010-0010-CX.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-CO1000-2010-0011-CXCXCoyote Canyon Geothermal AreaTerra-Gen Power LLCNVN-088209-NOI.pdf
NVN-088209 - NOI(a).pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-CO1000-2010-0021-CXCXCoyote Canyon Geothermal AreaTGP Dixie Development LLCNVN-088209-NOI.pdf
NVN-088209 - NOI(a).pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-CO1000-2010-0022-CXCXCoyote Canyon Geothermal AreaTerra-Gen Power LLCNVN-088209-NOI.pdf
NVN-088209 - NOI(a).pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-E030-20??-????-??EAStandard Steam Trust LLC
DOI-BLM-NV-W010-2009-0018-CXCXAurora Geothermal AreaGradient Resources86763 NOI.pdf86763 NOI ATTACHMENT.pdfNVN-086763.pdf86763 CULTURAL.pdf86763 CX.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-W010-2010-0004-EAEANew York Canyon Geothermal AreaTerra-Gen Power LLCNVN-088195-SRP.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-W010-2010-0039-CXCXTerra-Gen Power LLC
DOI-BLM-NV-W010-2010-0040-CXCXPresco Energy LLCNVN-088196.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-W010-2010-0041-CXCXBrady Hot Springs Geothermal AreaStephen D. Muir88320 NOI.pdf88320 PLAN OF OPERATIONS.pdf
88320 REVISION.pdf
NVN-088320.pdf88320 CULTURAL.pdf
88320 CX.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-W010-2010-0043-CXCXHot Pot Geothermal AreaOski Energy LLC88745 NOI.pdf88745 PLAN OF OPERATIONS.pdfNVN-088745.pdf88745 CULTURAL.pdf
88745 COMPLETION.pdf
88745 CX.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-W010-2010-0043-CX-2CXMcGee Mountain Geothermal AreaGeothermal Technical Partners88791 NOI.pdf88791 PLAN OF OPERATIONS.pdf
88791 MAPS.pdf
NVN-088791.pdf88791 CX.pdf88791 DECISION.pdf
88791 DECISION000.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-W010-2011-0001-EAEAGrass Valley Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies Inc88548 NOI.pdfNVN-088548 NOI ATTACHMENT1.pdf
NVN-088548 SRP.pdfDOI-BLM-NV-W010-2011-0001-EA FONSI.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-W010-2011-0004-CXCXDixie Valley Geothermal AreaAltaRock Energy Inc89277 SUNDRY NOTICE.pdf89277 COMPLETION REPORT.pdf89277 CX Approval.pdf
89277 CX Ex Circumstances Conditions of Approval.pdf
89277 DECISION.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-W010-2011-0100-CXCXOrmat Nevada Inc.
DOI-BLM-NV-W010-2012-0057-EAEABrady Hot Springs Geothermal AreaBrady Power PartnersDOI-BLM-W010-2012-0057-EA-FONSI.pdf
DOI-BLM-W010-2012-0057-EA-Decision Record.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-W010–2012–0005–EAEANew York Canyon Geothermal AreaTerra-Gen Power LLCDOI-BLM-NV-WOIO-2012-0005-EA-FONSI.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-W030-2010-0006-EAEASan Emidio Desert Geothermal AreaUS Geothermal IncDOI-BLM-NV-W030-2010-0006-EA FONSI.pdfDOI-BLM-NV-W030-2010-0006-EA DECIS.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-W030-2010-0021-CXCXSan Emidio Desert Geothermal AreaUS Geothermal Inc88355 UPDATE.pdf88355 PLAN OF OPERATIONS.pdf
NVN-088355.pdf88355 CX.pdf88355 DECISION.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-W030-2011-0007-CXCXSan Emidio Desert Geothermal AreaUS Geothermal Inc89494 NOI.pdf89494 PLAN OF OPERATIONS.pdfNVN-089494.pdf89494 CX.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-W030-2012-0011-DNADNASan Emidio Desert Geothermal AreaUS Geothermal IncDNA R&C Doc FINAL DOI-BLM-NV-W030-2012-0011-DNA.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-W030-2012-0011-DNA COAs.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-W030-2012-0020-CXCXPinto Hot Springs Geothermal AreaNevada Bureau of Mines and Geology91277 TGH NOI.pdf91277 TGH NOI ATTACHMENT.pdfNVN-091277.pdf91277 TGH CX.pdf91277 TGH DECISION.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-W030-20??-????-CXCXGeothermal Technical PartnersNVN-088259.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-WO10-2014-0002-CXCXBaltazor Hot Springs Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies IncNVN092450 NOIt.pdfHttps://
DOI-BLM-OR-P000-2010-0003-EAEANewberry Caldera Geothermal AreaDavenport Power LLCEA-1758-FONSI-2010.pdf
EA DOI-BLM-OR-P000-2010-003-FONSI newberry.pdf
DOI-BLM-OR-P000-2011-0003-EAEANewberry Caldera Geothermal AreaDavenport Power LLC
DOI-BLM-OR-P000-2012-0043-CXCXTwilight Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies IncDOI-BLM-OR-P000-2012-0043-CX.pdf
DOI-BLM-OR-P000-????-????-EAEADavenport Power LLC
DOI-BLM-OR-P040-0021-EAEAGlass Buttes Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies IncDOI-BLM-OR-P040-2011-0021-EA FONSI & DR.pdfDOI-BLM-OR-P040-2011-0021-EA FONSI & DR.pdf
DOI-BLM-OR-V040-2009-0059-CXCXNeal Hot Springs Geothermal AreaUS Geothermal Inc
DOI-BLM-OR-V040-2009-0059-EAEANeal Hot Springs Geothermal AreaUS Geothermal IncEA-1676-FONSI-2009.pdf
DOI-BLM-OR-V040-2011-0008-EAEANeal Hot Springs Geothermal AreaUS Geothermal IncOROR-066537-SRP-ROW-ROADS.pdf
DOI-BLM-UT-C010-2010-0042-EAEACove Fort Geothermal AreaENEL Green Power North America
DOI-BLM-UT-C010-????-????-CXCXCove Fort Geothermal AreaENEL Green Power North America
DOI-BLM-UT-W019-2011-0006-CXCXUtah Geological SurveyUTU-088474-SRP-NOI.pdf
DOI-BLM-UT-W019-2011-0007-CXCXUtah Geological SurveyUTU-088475-SRP-NOI.pdf
DOI-BLM-UT-W020-2009-0028-EAEADrum Mountain Geothermal AreaStandard Steam Trust LLCUTU-088138-Ormat-NOI.pdfUTU-088080-Standard Steam-SerialRegisterPage.pdfStandard Steam Drum Mountain EA FONSI 2010 07 29 2010.pdf
DOI-BLM-UT-W020-2010-0042-EAEAOrmat Technologies IncUTU-088138-SRP-NOI.pdf
Ormat Drum Whirlwind FONSI 04-12-2011.pdfOrmat Drum DecRec 04-12-2011.pdf
DOI-BLM-UT-W020-2010-042-EAEADrum Mountain Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies IncOrmat Drum Whirlwind FONSI 04-12-2011.pdf
DOI-LM-NV-W010-2012-0061-CXCXDesert Queen Geothermal AreaNevada Bureau of Mines and Geology91276 TGH NOI.pdf91276 TGH NOI ATTACHMENT.pdfNVN-091276.pdf91276 TGH CX.pdf91276 TGH DECISION.pdf
Devers Palo Verde No 2EISSouthern California Edison Company SCEDevers Palo Verde No2-FEIS 0 Executive Summary.pdf
Devers Palo Verde No2-FEIS A Introduction.pdf
Devers Palo Verde No2-FEIS B Description of Proposed Project.pdf
Devers Palo Verde No2-FEIS B1 Description of Proposed Project Figures.pdf
Devers Palo Verde No2-FEIS B2 Description of Proposed Project Figures.pdf
Devers Palo Verde No2-FEIS C Alternatives.pdf
Devers Palo Verde No2-FEIS C1 Alternatives Figures C-1a and C-1b.pdf
Devers Palo Verde No2-FEIS C2 Alternatives Figures C-2a and C-2b.pdf
Devers Palo Verde No2-FEIS D1 Introduction to Environmental Analysis.pdf
Devers Palo Verde No2-FEIS D2 Biological Resources.pdf
Devers Palo Verde No2-FEIS D2a Biological Resources Figures.pdf
Devers Palo Verde No2-FEIS D3 Visual Resources.pdf
Devers Palo Verde No2-FEIS D3a Visual Resources Figures D03-01A thru D03-01G.pdf
Devers Palo Verde No2-FEIS D3b Visual Resources Figures D03-02 thru D03-20.pdf
Devers Palo Verde No2-FEIS D3c Visual Resources Figures D03-21 thru D03-40.pdf
Devers Palo Verde No2-FEIS D3d Visual Resources Appendix 1 Summary of Analysis.pdf
Devers Palo Verde No2-FEIS D3e Visual Resources Appendix 2 Scenic Quality Field Inventory Forms.pdf
Devers Palo Verde No2-FEIS D3f Visual Resources Appendix 3 Visual Resource Management Classification Forms.pdf
Devers Palo Verde No2-FEIS D3g Visual Resources Appendix 4 Visual Contrast Rating Data Sheets.pdf
Devers Palo Verde No2-FEIS D4 Land Use.pdf
Devers Palo Verde No2-FEIS D5 Wilderness Recreation.pdf
Devers Palo Verde No2-FEIS D5a Wilderness Recreation Appendix Figures 1-2.pdf
Devers Palo Verde No2-FEIS D5b Wilderness Recreation Appendix Figures 3-4.pdf
Devers Palo Verde No2-FEIS D6 Agriculture.pdf
Devers Palo Verde No2-FEIS D7 Cultural and Paleontological Resources.pdf
Devers Palo Verde No2-FEIS D8 Noise.pdf
Devers Palo Verde No2-FEIS D9 Transportation and Traffic.pdf
Devers Palo Verde No2-FEIS D10 Public Health and Safety.pdf
Devers Palo Verde No2-FEIS D11 Air Quality.pdf
Devers Palo Verde No2-FEIS D12 Hydrology and Water Resources.pdf
Devers Palo Verde No2-FEIS D13 Geology Mineral Resources and Soils.pdf
Devers Palo Verde No2-FEIS D14 Socioeconomics.pdf
Devers Palo Verde No2-FEIS E Comparison of Alternatives.pdf
Devers Palo Verde No2-FEIS G Other CEQA and NEPA Requirements.pdf
Devers Palo Verde No2-FEIS H Mitigation Monitoring.pdf
Devers Palo Verde No2-FEIS I Public Participation.pdf
Devers Palo Verde No2-FEIS J Glossary.pdf
Devers Palo Verde No2-FEIS K Index.pdf
Devers Palo Verde No2-FEIS F Cumulative Scenario and Impacts.pdf
Devers Palo Verde No2-FEIS L Comments and Responses to Comments combined.pdf
Devers Palo Verde No2-FEIS M Appendix 1 Alternatives Screening Report.pdf
Devers Palo Verde No2-FEIS M1 Appendix 1 Fig 1-01 and 1-01a.pdf
Devers Palo Verde No2-FEIS M2 Appendix 1 Fig 1-02 and 1-02a.pdf
Devers Palo Verde No2-FEIS M3 Appendix 1 Fig 1-03 and 1-04.pdf
Devers Palo Verde No2-FEIS M4 Appendix 1 Fig 1-05 thru 1-07.pdf
Devers Palo Verde No2-FEIS M5 Appendix 1 Fig 1-08 and 1-10.pdf
Devers Palo Verde No2-FEIS M6 Appendix 1 Fig 1-11 and 1-12.pdf
Devers Palo Verde No2-FEIS N Appendix 2 Policy Screening Report.pdf
Devers Palo Verde No2-FEIS O Appendix 3 Tower Height Tables.pdf
Devers Palo Verde No2-FEIS P Appendix 4 EIR-EIS Information Contacts.pdf
Devers Palo Verde No2-FEIS Q Appendix 5 Preparers and Reviewers.pdf
Devers Palo Verde No2-FEIS R Appendix 6 EMF Design Guidelines for Electrical Facilities.pdf
Devers Palo Verde No2-FEIS S Appendix 7 Biological Resources.pdf
Devers Palo Verde No2-FEIS T Appendix 8 Cultural Resources-Tribal Consultation.pdf
Devers Palo Verde No2-FEIS U Appendix 9 Air Quality Data.pdf
EA for Well Field Development at Patua Geothermal Area - DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2011-00016-EAEAPatua Geothermal AreaGradient Resources
EA-NV-030-05-08EASalt Wells Geothermal AreaNevada Geothermal Specialists, LLC
EA-NV-030-07-006EACarson Lake Corral Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies IncCarson Lake FONSI.pdf
ED5 PVHEISWestern Area Power Administration and southern Arizona utility districts and public utilitiesED5-PVH Final EA.pdfEA-1864-FONSI-2011 1.pdf
Eldorado Ivanpah Transmission ProjectEISSouthern California Edison Company SCEEldorado-Ivanpah FEIS Volume II.pdf
Eldorado-Ivanpah FEIS Appendices A-G.pdf
Energy Gateway SouthEISPacifiCorp, dba Rocky Mountain PowerGatewaySouth DEIS Volume 1-A.pdf
GatewaySouth DEIS Volume 1-b.pdf
Gateway South DEIS Volume 2 Maps.pdf
Gateway South DEIS Appendices.pdf
GFO-04-236b, GFO-10-367Chena Geothermal AreaChena Hot Springs ResortGFO-04-236B.pdf
Gateway West Transmission LineEISIdaho Power Company and PacifiCorp (dba Rocky Mountain Power)Gateway West FinalEIS.pdf
Gateway West FinalEIS AppendicesPartI.pdf
Gateway West FinalEIS AppendicesPartII.pdf
Gateway West FinalEIS AppendicesPartIII.pdf
Gateway West RODPartI Segments1-7and10.pdf
Grand Coulee Transmission LineBonneville Power AdminGrandCoulee PreliminaryEA.pdf
GrandCoulee FinalEA RevisionSheet.pdf
GrandCoulee MitigationActionPlan.pdf
GrandCoulee FONSI BOR.pdf
GrandCoulee FONSI BPA.pdf
LLNV-WO1000-2009-0002-EAEAJersey Valley Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies Inc
LLNV-WO1000-2009-0034-CXCXNew York Canyon Geothermal AreaTGP Dixie Development Company, LLC87792 NOI.pdf87792 NOI ATTACHMENT.pdfNVN-087792.pdf87792 CULTURAL.pdf87792 CX.pdf
McNary-John DayEISBonneville Power AdminMcNary-John Day DEIS.pdf
McNary-John Day Abbreviated FEIS.pdf
McNary-John Day Supplemental Analysis.pdf
McNary-John Day Supplemental Analysis 2.pdf
McNary-John Day Supplemental Analysis 3.pdf
McNary-John Day Supplemental Analysis 4.pdf
McNary-John Day ROD.pdf
Mona to Oquirrh TransmissionEISRocky Mountain PowerMona to Oquirrh Record of Decision.pdf
NEPA Process for Geothermal Power Plants in the Deschutes National ForestEISNewberry Caldera Geothermal AreaCal Energy
NV-020-03-26EADesert Peak Geothermal AreaORNI 3, LLCDesert Peak NEPA Determination.pdf
NV-020-07-EA-01EAJersey Valley Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies IncNV-020-07-EA-01 FONSI.pdfNV-020-07-EA-01 CONDITIONS.pdf
NV-020-08-CX-65CXDesert Peak Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies Inc85777 NOI.pdf85777 NOI ATTACHMENT.pdfNVN-085777.pdf85777 CULTURAL.pdf85777 CX.pdf
NV-020-08-DNA-52DNAGerlach Geothermal LLCNVN-085804.pdf
NV-063-EA06-098EAReese River Geothermal AreaSierra Geothermal PowerNVN-083889-srp-noi.pdfReese River FONSI.pdf
NV-EA-030-07-05EASalt Wells Geothermal AreaVulcan Power CompanyEA DOI-BLM-NV-630-07-05 FONSIandCOAs.pdf
NVN-084575CUSalt Wells Geothermal AreaVulcan Power CompanyNVN-084575 - NOI.pdfNVN-084575 - SRP.pdf
NVN-084629CUPatua Geothermal AreaVulcan Energy84629 NOI.pdf84629 NOI ATTACHMENT.pdfNVN-084629.pdf84629 DECISION.pdf
NVN-084630CUPatua Geothermal AreaVulcan Energy84630 NOI.pdf84630 MAP.pdfNVN-084630.pdf84629 84630 DECISION.pdf
NVN-085710Oski Energy LLCNVN-085710 - SRP.pdf
NVN-085711Oski Energy LLCNVN-085711 - SRP.pdf
NVN-086285CUDesert Peak Geothermal AreaMagma Energy86285 PLAN OF OPERATION.pdfNVN-086285.pdf86285 OTHER.pdf86285 DECISION.pdf
NVN-086286CUDesert Queen Geothermal AreaMagma EnergyNREL 86286 PLAN OF OPERATIONS.pdfNREL 86286 DECISION.pdf
NVN-086287CUPumpernickel Valley Geothermal AreaNevada Geothermal PowerNVN-086287.pdf86287 COMPLETION REPORT.pdf86287 DECISION.pdf
NVN-086761CUColado Project, LLC86761 NOI.pdf86761 NOI ATTACHMENT.pdfNVN-086761.pdf86761 DECISION.pdf
NVN-086762CUColado Project, LLC86762 NOI.pdfNVN-086762.pdf86762 DECISION.pdf
NVN-087388CUSalt Wells Geothermal AreaEnel North AmericaNVN-087388 - Plan of Operations.pdfNVN-087388-SRP-NOI.pdf
NVN-087388 - SRP 2009.pdf
NVN-087791CUNew York Canyon Geothermal AreaTGP Dixie Development Company87791 NOI.pdf
87791 NOI000.pdf
87791 NOI ATTACHMENT.pdfNVN-087791.pdf87791 DECISION.pdf
NVN-087809CUWhiskey Flats Geothermal AreaOski Energy LLCNVN-087809 - Application Letter.pdf
NVN-087809 - Plan of Operations.pdf
NVN-087809 - SRP.pdf
NVN-087811CUNew York Canyon Geothermal AreaTGP Dixie Development Co87811 NOI.pdf87811 NOI ATTACHMENT.pdf
NVN-087811.pdf87811 DECISION.pdf
NVN-087812CUNew York Canyon Geothermal AreaTGP Dixie Development Co87812 NOI.pdf
87812 NOI000.pdf
NVN-087812.pdf87812 DECISION.pdf
NVN-087930CUDesert Queen Geothermal AreaMagma EnergyNREL 87930 NOI.pdfNREL 87930 PLAN OF OPERATION.pdfNVN-087930.pdfNREL 87930 DECISION.pdf
NVN-088205EAGabbs Valley Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies IncNVN-088205 SRP.pdf
NVN-088208CUAurora Geothermal AreaVulcan Power CompanyNVN-088208 - NOI.pdfNVN-088208 - email1.pdf
NVN-088208 - email2.pdf
NVN-088208 - Application Letter.pdf
88208 - SRP.pdf
NVN-088259CUGeothermal Technical PartnersNREL 88259 NOI.pdfNREL 88259 NOI ATTACHMENT.pdfNVN-088259-SRP-NOI.pdfNREL 88259 COMPLETION.pdfNREL 88259 DECISION.pdf
NVN-091276CUDesert Queen Geothermal AreaUniversity of Nevada91276 NOI.pdf91276 NOI ATTACHMENT.pdfNVN-091276-SRP-NOI.pdf91276 DECISION.pdf
NVN-091277CUPinto Hot Springs Geothermal AreaNevada Bureau of Mines and Geology91277 NOI.pdf91277 NOI ATTACHMENT.pdf91277 DECISION.pdf
NVN-88321CUBrady Hot Springs Geothermal AreaStephen G. Muir88321 NOI.pdf88321 PLAN OF OPERATIONS.pdfNVN-088321.pdf88321 COMPLETION REPORT.pdf88321 DECISION.pdf
NVN-89274CUAugusta Mountains Geothermal AreaAltaRock Energy IncNREL 89274 NOI.pdfNREL 89274 PLAN OF OPERATIONS.pdfNVN-089274.pdfNREL 89274 DECISION.pdf
NVN-89275CUAugusta Mountains Geothermal AreaAltaRock Energy IncNREL 89275 NOI.pdfNREL 89275 PLAN OF OPERATIONS.pdfNVN-089275-SRP-NOI.pdfNREL 89275 COMPLETION REPORT.pdfNREL 89275 DECISION.pdf
NVN-89276CUAugusta Mountains Geothermal AreaAltaRock Energy IncNREL 89276 NOI.pdfNREL 89276 NOI ATTACHMENTS.pdfNVN-089276.pdfNREL 89276 DECISION.pdf
NVN-89278CUAugusta Mountains Geothermal AreaAltaRock Energy IncNREL 89278 NOI-1.pdf
NREL 89278 NOI-2.pdf
NREL 89278 PLAN OF OPERATIONS.pdfNVN-089278.pdfNREL 89278 DECISION.pdf
NVN-89292CUNevada Geothermal Power89292 NOI.pdf89292 NOI ATTACHMENT.pdf
NVN-089292.pdf89292 DECISION.pdf
NVN-89306CUTerra Gen Dixie Valley Development Co89306 NOI ATTACHMENT.pdfNVN-089306.pdf
NVN-89534CUBlue Mountain Geothermal AreaNevada Geothermal Power89534 NOI.pdf89534 NOI ATTACHMENT.pdf
North Steens 230kV TransmissionEISEchanis, LLCROD.pdf
One NevadaEISNV Energy, Inc.One Nevada ROD.pdf
One Nevada Final EIS.pdf
FEIS On Line Appendicies Volume.pdf
FEIS On Line Figures Volume Complete.pdf
San Emido Geothermal Energy North ProjectEASan Emidio Desert Geothermal AreaUSG Nevada LLCPublic Scoping Letter.pdf
San Juan Basin ECEISTri-State Generation and Transmission Association, Inc.SJBEC DraftEIS.pdf
Sigurd Red Butte No2EISPacifiCorp dba Rocky Mountain PowerSRB Prelim. SF299 Application.pdfUSFS SRB ROD 2012.pdf
BLM SRB ROD 2012.pdf
Southline Transmission LineEISSouthline Transmission, LLC, a subsidiary of Hunt Power L.P.Southline Transmission Line DEIS Volume 1.pdf
Southline Transmission Line DEIS Volume 2.pdf
Southline Transmission Line DEIS Volume 3.pdf
Southline Transmission Line DEIS Volume 4.pdf
Sun Valley to Morgan Transmission LineEISArizona Public Service Company APSSun Valley to Morgan FEIS and Appendices.pdf
Sun Valley to Morgan FEIS Map File.pdf
Sun Valley to Morgan ROD.pdf
Sunzia SouthwestEISSunZia Transmission, LLCSunZia Southwest Transmission Project FEIS and Proposed RMP Amendments.pdf
SunZia Record of Decision.pdf
SunZia FEIS Appendices A through C.pdf
SunZia FEIS Appendices D1 through D4.pdf
SunZia FEIS Appendices D5 through D6.pdf
SunZia FEIS Appendices E through I.pdf
SunZia FEIS Appendices J1
SunZia FEIS Appendices J2.pdf
SunZia FEIS Appendices J3
SunZia FEIS Appendices K through M.pdf
SunZia FEIS Map Volume 1.pdf
SunZia FEIS Map Volume 2.pdf
Tehachapi Renewable TransmissionEISSouthern California Edison Company SCETehachapi Renewable FEIS Volume I.pdf
Tehachapi Renewable FEIS Volume II.pdf
Tehachapi Renewable FEIS Volume I 1 Introduction.pdf
Tehachapi Renewable FEIS Volume I 2 Description of Alternatives including the Proposed Project.pdf
Tehachapi Renewable FEIS Volume I 3 Affected Environment and Environmental Consequences.pdf
Tehachapi Renewable FEIS Volume II 1 Visual Resources .pdf
Tehachapi Renewable FEIS Volume II 2 Wilderness and Recreation.pdf
Tehachapi Renewable FEIS Volume II 3 Wildfire Prevention and Suppression.pdf
Tehachapi Renewable FEIS Volume II 4 Electrical Interference and Hazards.pdf
Tehachapi Renewable FEIS Volume II 5 Comparison of Alternatives.pdf
Tehachapi Renewable FEIS Volume II 6 Other Required NEPA and CEQA Considerations.pdf
Tehachapi Renewable FEIS Volume II 7 Development of the Tehachapi Wind Resource Area.pdf
Tehachapi Renewable FEIS Volume II 8 Consultation and Coordination.pdf
Tehachapi Renewable FEIS Volume II 9 References.pdf
Tehachapi Renewable FEIS Volume II 10 Glossary and Acronyms.pdf
Tehachapi Renewable FEIS Volume II 11 Index.pdf
Tehachapi Renewable FEIS Volume III Appendices.pdf
Tehachapi Renewable FEIS Volume III Appendix A Air Pollutant Emissions Calculations.pdf
Tehachapi Renewable FEIS Volume III Appendix B1 Biological Assessment.pdf
Tehachapi Renewable FEIS Volume III Appendix B2 Biological Evaluation.pdf
Tehachapi Renewable FEIS Volume III Appendix B3 Biological Opinion.pdf
Tehachapi Renewable FEIS Volume III Appendix C Management Indicator Species Report.pdf
Tehachapi Renewable FEIS Volume III Appendix D Programmatic Agreement with State Historic Preservation Officer.pdf
Tehachapi Renewable FEIS Volume III Appendix E Supplemental Draft EIS Comments and Responses.pdf
Tehachapi Renewable FEIS Volume IV Appendix 4.pdf
Tehachapi Renewable FEIS Volume IV Appendix 4 Fa1 Comments from Public Agencies Elected Officials.pdf
Tehachapi Renewable FEIS Volume IV Appendix 4 Fa2 Comments from Public Agencies Elected Officials.pdf
Tehachapi Renewable FEIS Volume IV Appendix 4 Fb Comments from Groups Organizations Companies.pdf
Tehachapi Renewable FEIS Volume V Appendix 5.pdf
Tehachapi Renewable FEIS Volume V Appendix 5 FC1 Comments Received from Individuals.pdf
Tehachapi Renewable FEIS Volume V Appendix 5 FC2 Comments Received from Individuals.pdf
Tehachapi Renewable FEIS Volume V Appendix 5 FD1 Comments Received from Southern California Edison.pdf
Tehachapi Renewable FEIS Volume V Appendix 5 FD2 Comments Received from Southern California Edison.pdf
Tehachapi Renewable FEIS Volume VI Appendix 6 Verbal and Emailed Public Comments.pdf
TransWest OldEIS
Transwest ExpressEISTransWest Express LLC TWETranswest Express DEIS Volumes I-II.pdf
Transwest Express DEIS Volume III.pdf
Transwest Express DEIS
Appendices A-H.pdf
Transwest Express DEIS Appendix I.pdf
USDA-FS-EA-NV-030-06-025 2007EAAurora Geothermal AreaVulcan Power Company
Western Geothermal Partners
EA-NV-030-06-025 Supplement - May 2011.pdf
EA-NV-030-06-025 NPA EA Supplement.pdf
EA-NV-030-06-025 Attachment B - SOP and Conditions of Approval.pdf
EA-NV-030-06-025 Attachment C - Lease Stipulations.pdf
EA-NV-030-06-025 Figure 1 - Location Map.pdf
EA-NV-030-06-025 Figure 2 - N and S Aurora Leasing Analysis.pdf
EA-NV-030-06-025 Table 1 - Initial Leasing Decisions.pdf
EA-NV-030-06-025 Table 2 - Revisit Leasing Recommendations 2011.pdf
EA-NV-030-06-025 Table 3 - Summary of Revised Recommendations.pdf
USDA-FS-EA-NV-030-06-025 Bridgeport RD DN and FONSI 2007.pdf
USDA-FS-EA-NV-030-06-025 2012EAAurora Geothermal AreaEA-NV-030-06-025 Supplement - February 2012.pdfEA-NV-030-06-025 DN Table 1 - Proposed NF Lease and ER Levels.pdf
EA-NV-030-06-025 DN Table 2 - Environmental Risk Descriptions.pdf
USDA-FS-EA-NV-030-06-025 DN and FONSI 2012.pdfEA-NV-030-06-025 Legal Notice of Decision.pdf
Vantage Pomona HeightsEISPacific Power and LightVantage-Pomona SupplementalDEIS.pdf
Vantage-Pomona Appendix-a1-maps.pdf
Vantage-Pomona Appendix-a2-maps.pdf
Vantage-Pomona Appendices-b-e.pdf
West-wide Energy CorridorsEISBLM, U.S. Forest Service, Department of Energy, Department of DefenseWWEC FPEIS Front Matter.pdf
WWEC FPEIS ExecSum.pdf
WWEC FPEIS Ch 3 Part1.pdf
WWEC FPEIS Ch 3 Part2.pdf
WWEC FPEIS Ch 3 Part3.pdf
WWEC FPEIS Ch 3 Part4.pdf
WWEC FPEIS Ch 10.pdf
Maps Part 1 WWEC Final PEIS LargeScale BMS.pdf
Maps Part 2 WWEC Final PEIS State BMS.pdf
Maps Part 3 WWEC Final PEIS LargeScale Visual.pdf
Maps Part 4 WWEC Final PEIS State ROW.pdf
Maps Part 5 WWEC Final PEIS State Plans.pdf
Maps Part 6 WWEC Final PEIS Corridor Revisions.pdf
WWEC Comments and Responses.pdf
WWEC Settlement Agreement.pdf
WWEC Settlement MOU.pdf
WWEC Settlement Work Plan.pdf

Document #GeothermalAreaApplicantFONSI DocumentsFONSI References
BLM-NV-WN-ES-08-01-1310, NV-020-08-01Blue Mountain Geothermal AreaNevada Geothermal PowerBLM-NV-WN-ES-08-01-1310 EA DR and FONSI.pdf
CA-96062042Medicine Lake Geothermal AreaCalpine CorporationFourmileHill ROD.pdf
Central Ferry Lower MonumentalBonneville Power AdminCentralFerry-LowerMonumental ROD.pdf
DOE-EA-1621Klamath Falls Geothermal AreaOregon Institute of TechnologyEA-1621-FONSI-2008.pdf
DOE-EA-1676Neal Hot Springs Geothermal AreaUS Geothermal IncEA-1676-FONSI-2009.pdf
DOE-EA-1733Geysers Geothermal AreaCalpineEA-1733-FONSI-2010.pdf
DOE-EA-1759Bristol Bay Geothermal AreaNaknek Electric AssociationEA-1759-FONSI-2010.pdf
DOE-EA-1849McGinness Hills Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies IncDOE-EA-1849-FONSI.pdf
DOE-EIS-0298Glass Mountain Geothermal AreaCalEnergy GenerationTelephoneFlat ROD.pdf
DOI-BLM-CA-170-02-15Long Valley Caldera Geothermal AreaMammoth PacificEA CA-170-02-15-FONSI-DR.pdf
DOI-BLM-CA-650-2005-086Coso Geothermal AreaRobert A. Phinney, Deep Rose LLCDeepRose-FONSI.pdf
DOI-BLM-CA-C050-2009-0005-EAGeysers Geothermal AreaAltaRock Energy IncManagement Review of AltaRock Project Final FONSI.pdf
AltaRock FONSI 2009 09 11.pdf
DOI-BLM-CA-ES-2013-002+1793-EISLong Valley Caldera Geothermal AreaORNI 50 LLCCD-IV Final BLM ROD 081213.pdf
CD-IV ROD APP5 AppealForm.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-030-06-025-EAAurora Geothermal AreaDOI-BLM-NV-030-06-025-EA FONSI 2006.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-063-EA08-091Buffalo Valley Hot Springs Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies IncJV FONSI and Final EA-060410.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-B010-2011-0015-EAMcGinness Hills Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies IncMcGinness-Hills-Geothermal-Development-FONSI-signed 508.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2009-0006-EASalt Wells Geothermal AreaGradient ResourcesDOI-BLM-NV-C010-2009-006-EA-FONSI.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2009-0018-EASoda Lake Geothermal AreaMagma EnergyFONSI magma GDP EA 073009.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2010-0006-EAGabbs Valley Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies IncDOI-BLM-NV-W030-2010-0006-EA FONSI.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2010-0008-EASoda Lake Geothermal AreaMagma EnergySoda Lake FONSI.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2010-0010-EADixie Valley Geothermal AreaTerra-Gen Power LLCTGP CCDM FONSI DR June 2010.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2010-0016-EAPatua Geothermal AreaVulcan Power CompanyPatua Geothermal Utilization BLM FONSI DR Oct 2010.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2011-0001-EACoyote Canyon Geothermal AreaTerra-Gen Power LLCCoyote Canyon FONSI March 2011.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2011-0501-EAPatua Geothermal AreaGradient ResourcesPatua II Final FONSI 05 22 2012.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2011-0514-EAMcCoy Geothermal AreaMagma EnergyDOI-BLM-C010-2011-0514-EA-FONSI.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2011-0516-EADixie Meadows Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies IncDixieMeadows FONSI 01 17 12.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2012-0029-EATungsten Mountain Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies IncFinal Tungsten Mountain Geothermal Exploration Project FONSI 03 28 2012.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2012-0050-EADead Horse Wells Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies IncWildRoseFONSI-signed.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2012-0051-EACoyote Canyon Geothermal AreaTerra-Gen Power LLCDOI-BLM-NV-C010-2012-0051-FONSI.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-CO10-2011-0501-EAPatua Geothermal AreaGradient ResourcesPatua II Final FONSI 05 22 2012.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-W010-2011-0001-EAGrass Valley Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies IncDOI-BLM-NV-W010-2011-0001-EA FONSI.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-W010-2012-0057-EABrady Hot Springs Geothermal AreaBrady Power PartnersDOI-BLM-W010-2012-0057-EA-FONSI.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-W010–2012–0005–EANew York Canyon Geothermal AreaTerra-Gen Power LLCDOI-BLM-NV-WOIO-2012-0005-EA-FONSI.pdf
DOI-BLM-NV-W030-2010-0006-EASan Emidio Desert Geothermal AreaUS Geothermal IncDOI-BLM-NV-W030-2010-0006-EA FONSI.pdf
DOI-BLM-OR-P000-2010-0003-EANewberry Caldera Geothermal AreaDavenport Power LLCEA-1758-FONSI-2010.pdf
EA DOI-BLM-OR-P000-2010-003-FONSI newberry.pdf
DOI-BLM-OR-P040-0021-EAGlass Buttes Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies IncDOI-BLM-OR-P040-2011-0021-EA FONSI & DR.pdf
DOI-BLM-OR-V040-2009-0059-EANeal Hot Springs Geothermal AreaUS Geothermal IncEA-1676-FONSI-2009.pdf
DOI-BLM-UT-W020-2009-0028-EADrum Mountain Geothermal AreaStandard Steam Trust LLCStandard Steam Drum Mountain EA FONSI 2010 07 29 2010.pdf
DOI-BLM-UT-W020-2010-0042-EAOrmat Technologies IncOrmat Drum Whirlwind FONSI 04-12-2011.pdf
DOI-BLM-UT-W020-2010-042-EADrum Mountain Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies IncOrmat Drum Whirlwind FONSI 04-12-2011.pdf
EA-NV-030-07-006Carson Lake Corral Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies IncCarson Lake FONSI.pdf
ED5 PVHWestern Area Power Administration and southern Arizona utility districts and public utilitiesEA-1864-FONSI-2011 1.pdf
Grand Coulee Transmission LineBonneville Power AdminGrandCoulee MitigationActionPlan.pdf
GrandCoulee FONSI BOR.pdf
GrandCoulee FONSI BPA.pdf
NV-020-03-26Desert Peak Geothermal AreaORNI 3, LLCDesert Peak NEPA Determination.pdf
NV-020-07-EA-01Jersey Valley Geothermal AreaOrmat Technologies IncNV-020-07-EA-01 FONSI.pdf
NV-063-EA06-098Reese River Geothermal AreaSierra Geothermal PowerReese River FONSI.pdf
NV-EA-030-07-05Salt Wells Geothermal AreaVulcan Power CompanyEA DOI-BLM-NV-630-07-05 FONSIandCOAs.pdf
USDA-FS-EA-NV-030-06-025 2007Aurora Geothermal AreaVulcan Power Company
Western Geothermal Partners
USDA-FS-EA-NV-030-06-025 Bridgeport RD DN and FONSI 2007.pdf
USDA-FS-EA-NV-030-06-025 2012Aurora Geothermal AreaUSDA-FS-EA-NV-030-06-025 DN and FONSI 2012.pdf