Grand Coulee Transmission Line

From Open Energy Information

NEPA Document Collection for: Grand Coulee Transmission Line
Environmental Analysis

Grand Coulee's Third Powerplant 500-kilovolt Transmission Line Replacement Project, Preliminary Environmental Assessment

Proposed Action

Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) has been asked by the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) to design and construct six new 500-kV transmission lines at Grand Coulee Dam.

These proposed new overhead lines would replace six existing underground lines. The existing lines consist of eighteen aging, oil-filled cables between Grand Coulee's third powerhouse and the 500-kV spreading yard, both of which are operated and maintained by Reclamation. In the current underground configuration, the cables are more susceptible to threats like fire, which could likely lead to multiple line failures in the future. The proposed overhead solution is less likely to experience multiple line failures, which helps ensure safe and reliable transmission of power from Grand Coulee Dam. The new lines would transfer power that is generated at the third powerhouse, across the Columbia River near the visitor center area, and then proceed uphill where they will connect to existing lines that transfer power from this area into the Regional power grid.

Conditions of Approval

BPA and its Contractor are responsible for implementation of mitigation measures during various phases of the project. A Mitigation Action Plan (MAP) was prepared as part of the Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the Preferred Alternative. The MAP includes all of the integral elements and commitments made in the Environmental Assessment (EA) to mitigate potential adverse environmental impacts. The purpose of the MAP is to explain how the mitigation measures will be implemented, who is responsible for implementation, and at what time during the project they will be implemented. The MAP is available for download at:

Data Completion Notes

A complete record of project documents can be found on the BPA website at:




Resource Analysis

Resource Not
Comment Applicant
"NEPA_Resource_Analysis" is not in the list of possible values (Not Present, Present, Not Affected, Present, Potentially Affected, Not Indicated) for this property.


Close• Construction fencing will be used to exclude construction equipment as well as to protect fragile soils and native plant communities during all construction activities. Sediment fencing will be used to prevent on-site water runoff in disturbed areas and below disturbed areas where stormwater tends to concentrate. • Reseeding of areas disturbed due to construction activities will be performed using locally-obtained native seed mixes.
Wildlife Resources
"NEPA_Resource_Analysis" is not in the list of possible values (Not Present, Present, Not Affected, Present, Potentially Affected, Not Indicated) for this property.


Close• Avoid construction during long periods of cold weather or whenever deer, elk and bald eagles are concentrated in the area.

• Remove an existing osprey nest on an existing tower when no activity at the nest is evident. Relocate the nest to a nearby perch pole in order for the existing tower to be dismantled.

• Implement all measures in the Avian Protection Plan prepared in coordination with guidance provided by the US Fish and Wildlife Service to ensure the safety of avian species that may occupy the Project area.
Geology and Minerals
"NEPA_Resource_Analysis" is not in the list of possible values (Not Present, Present, Not Affected, Present, Potentially Affected, Not Indicated) for this property.


Close• Prepare and implement a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) to control stormwater pollution associated with construction activities.

• As part of the SWPPP, prepare a Spill Prevention and Response section to address petroleum and hazardous materials handling and management procedures for this Project.

• Develop Best Management Practices (BMPs) for erosion control for the various construction activities in accordance with the specifications in the Department of Ecology’s Stormwater Management Manual for Eastern Washington, (Publication 04-10-076).

• Limit clearing, excavation and grading to those areas of the Project area absolutely necessary for construction of the Project. Areas outside the construction limits would be marked in the field and equipment would not be allowed to enter these areas or to disturb existing vegetation and soils.

• Store additional erosion control supplies, including sandbags and channel-lining materials, on site for emergency use.
Water Quality
"NEPA_Resource_Analysis" is not in the list of possible values (Not Present, Present, Not Affected, Present, Potentially Affected, Not Indicated) for this property.


Close• Develop a SWPPP to address soil disturbances at construction sites (as outlined by Section 402(p) of the Federal Clean Water Act and Chapter 90.48 RCW of the State of Washington’s Water Pollution Control Act). This plan will address both erosion and sediment control measures to prevent impacts to adjacent water bodies during and after construction. Specific elements to be addresses include: marking clearing limits, establishing construction access, controlling flow rates, installation of sediment control, stabilizing soils, protection of slopes, protection of drain inlets, stabilization of channels and outlets, pollutant control, de-watering management, BMP maintenance, and project management.

•The BMPs specifications to be utilized are taken from The Department of Ecology’s Stormwater M anagement Manual for Eastern Washington, (Publication 04-10-076).

• Erosion control measures would include appropriate erosion control blankets, such as straw or jute matting or other suitable erosion control blankets, designed for various weather conditions during the construction period on any disturbed slopes and water conveyance channels to prevent erosion and control sediment migration. Surface roughening of slopes by track walking should be utilized to aid in the establishment of vegetative cover, reduce runoff velocity, increase infiltration, and provide for sediment trapping.

• Sediment control measures would include sediment fencing to prevent off-site water run-on and off-site migration of eroded sediment. Straw wattles may be used to reduce water flow length to slow water run-off velocity reducing down-cutting. Other sediment control measures may include the use of check dams in channels which may be sand bags, straw wattles, or other geotextile products.

• All erosion and sediment control BMPs would be installed inspected and maintained as addressed in the Stormwater Management Manual for Eastern Washington.

• Temporary BMPs would be removed once final stabilization has been established.
Wetlands and Riparian Zones
"NEPA_Resource_Analysis" is not in the list of possible values (Not Present, Present, Not Affected, Present, Potentially Affected, Not Indicated) for this property.


Close• Develop a SWPPP to address soil disturbances at construction sites (as outlined by Section 402(p) of the Federal Clean Water Act and Chapter 90.48 RCW of the State of Washington’s Water Pollution Control Act). This plan will address both erosion and sediment control measures to prevent impacts to adjacent water bodies during and after construction. Specific elements to be addresses include: marking clearing limits, establishing construction access, controlling flow rates, installation of sediment control, stabilizing soils, protection of slopes, protection of drain inlets, stabilization of channels and outlets, pollutant control, de-watering management, BMP maintenance, and project management.

•The BMPs specifications to be utilized are taken from The Department of Ecology’s Stormwater M anagement Manual for Eastern Washington, (Publication 04-10-076).

• Erosion control measures would include appropriate erosion control blankets, such as straw or jute matting or other suitable erosion control blankets, designed for various weather conditions during the construction period on any disturbed slopes and water conveyance channels to prevent erosion and control sediment migration. Surface roughening of slopes by track walking should be utilized to aid in the establishment of vegetative cover, reduce runoff velocity, increase infiltration, and provide for sediment trapping.

• Sediment control measures would include sediment fencing to prevent off-site water run-on and off-site migration of eroded sediment. Straw wattles may be used to reduce water flow length to slow water run-off velocity reducing down-cutting. Other sediment control measures may include the use of check dams in channels which may be sand bags, straw wattles, or other geotextile products.

• All erosion and sediment control BMPs would be installed inspected and maintained as addressed in the Stormwater Management Manual for Eastern Washington.

• Temporary BMPs would be removed once final stabilization has been established.
Lands and Realty
"NEPA_Resource_Analysis" is not in the list of possible values (Not Present, Present, Not Affected, Present, Potentially Affected, Not Indicated) for this property.


Close• Reclamation would compensate the landowner if a revised right-of-way easement is required.
"NEPA_Resource_Analysis" is not in the list of possible values (Not Present, Present, Not Affected, Present, Potentially Affected, Not Indicated) for this property.


Visual Resources
"NEPA_Resource_Analysis" is not in the list of possible values (Not Present, Present, Not Affected, Present, Potentially Affected, Not Indicated) for this property.


Close• Utilize non-reflective steel and other metals on the new towers and lines to minimize their visual encroachment to the surrounding area.
Cultural Resources
"NEPA_Resource_Analysis" is not in the list of possible values (Not Present, Present, Not Affected, Present, Potentially Affected, Not Indicated) for this property.


Close• Implement the Memorandum of Agreement that outlines agreed-upon measures that Reclamation will take to avoid, minimize, or mitigate the adverse effects identified. • Design, Construct, and remove a temporary access road ramp behind Coulee Dam Town Hall
Native American Concerns
"NEPA_Resource_Analysis" is not in the list of possible values (Not Present, Present, Not Affected, Present, Potentially Affected, Not Indicated) for this property.


Environmental Justice
"NEPA_Resource_Analysis" is not in the list of possible values (Not Present, Present, Not Affected, Present, Potentially Affected, Not Indicated) for this property.


Economic Values
"NEPA_Resource_Analysis" is not in the list of possible values (Not Present, Present, Not Affected, Present, Potentially Affected, Not Indicated) for this property.


Public Health and Safety
"NEPA_Resource_Analysis" is not in the list of possible values (Not Present, Present, Not Affected, Present, Potentially Affected, Not Indicated) for this property.


Close• Prior to starting construction, require the contractor to prepare and maintain a safety plan in compliance with State of Washington, Reclamation, and BPA requirements. This plan would detail how to manage hazardous materials such as fuel, and how to respond to emergency situations. It would be kept onsite at all times.

• During construction, require the contractors to hold crew safety meetings at the start of each workday to review potential safety issues and concerns.

• At the end of each workday, require the contractor and subcontractors to secure the site to protect equipment and the general public.

• Train employees as necessary, in structure climbing, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, first aid, rescue techniques, and safety equipment inspection.

• To minimize the risk of fire, fuel all highway-authorized vehicles offsite. Fueling of construction equipment would be done in accordance with regulated construction practices and state and federal laws.

• Comply with all fire safety laws, rules, and regulations of the State of Washington, Reclamation, and BPA standards. The contractor will be required to prepare a Fire Prevention and Suppression Plan that would meet BPA, local authority, and land manager requirements.

• Provide notice to the public of construction activities.

• Remain on established access roads during construction activities.

• Keep vegetation cleared to avoid contact with transmission lines.

• During construction, follow BPA specifications for grounding fences and other objects on and near the ROW.

• Ensure transmission towers minimize EMF, corona and electric field through implementation of standard BPA design and construction practices. All BPA lines are designed and constructed in accordance with the National Electrical Safety Code (NESC). NESC specifies the minimum allowable distance between the lines and the ground or other objects. These requirements determine the edge of the ROW and the height of the line, that is, the closest point that houses, other buildings, and vehicles are allowed to the line.

• Ground fences and other metal structures on and near the ROW during construction to limit the potential for nuisance shocks.
Air Quality
"NEPA_Resource_Analysis" is not in the list of possible values (Not Present, Present, Not Affected, Present, Potentially Affected, Not Indicated) for this property.


Close• Apply 2004 Stormwater Management Manual for Eastern Washington, BMP C140: Dust Control. Prepare a site-specific Dust Control Plan to be included in construction contracts.

• Utilize standard emission requirements and BMPs for ozone and air quality.

• Ground fences and other metal structures on and near the ROW during construction to limit the potential for nuisance shocks.
Access and Transportation
"NEPA_Resource_Analysis" is not in the list of possible values (Not Present, Present, Not Affected, Present, Potentially Affected, Not Indicated) for this property.


Close• Prepare a Construction Traffic Management Plan prior to construction to include construction activities that would occur on or near public roads. • Prepare public announcements regarding construction that inform the public but also avoid discouraging potential visitors from visiting Grand Coulee Dam and the surrounding area.