
From Open Energy Information

NEPA Document Collection for: DOI-BLM-NV-C010-2011-0514-EA
EA at McCoy Geothermal Area for Geothermal/Well Field

McCoy II Geothermal Exploration Project EA for Geothermal/Well Field

Proposed Action

McCoy II Unit Area - 19 well locations (TGW, observation, Prod/inj wells)

Magma is seeking BLM approval to drill temperature gradient wells; observation wells; and production/injection wells at 19 drill pad locations. Table 1 shows the drill pad identification letter, Kettleman number, and location information for each proposed drill pad (see Figure 3). Wellbores may be drilled vertical or directionally depending on the orientation of the target, and multiple wells may be drilled from a single pad.


Serial Register Page: Application Attachments: Other Documents:

FONSI: Decision: