Antelope Valley Neset

From Open Energy Information

NEPA Document Collection for: Antelope Valley Neset

AVS - Neset 345 kV Transmission Line Project

Proposed Action

Basin Electric is proposing to construct, operate, and maintain a new electrical transmission line connecting the existing AVS, Charlie Creek, Williston, and Neset substations with five newly proposed delivery substations. The overall project area identified for this project encompasses parts of Mercer, Dunn, McKenzie, Williams, and Mountrail counties in North Dakota.

This overall project includes the construction of 345-kV transmission line facilities from Basin Electric’s AVS generation facility in northwestern North Dakota to increase the capacity and reliability of the electricity transmission infrastructure of the region. The line would connect AVS with Basin Electric’s Charlie Creek and Neset substations, Western’s Williston Substation, and provide new substation facilities to connect the proposed line into the current transmission system and provide locations for load-serving connections. Several alternatives, including a no-action alternative and three different build alternatives are discussed in detail in Chapter 2 of the FEIS.

This FEIS considers two additional alternatives, similar to the alignment of Alternative B discussed in the DEIS. The primary difference is a double-circuit 345-kV line (Alternative D) or two parallel lines (Alternative E) running 63 miles from the Red Substation near Killdeer to the new White Substation and on to the Blue Substation and the additional Killdeer South Switchyard would be required. The Killdeer South Switchyard would interconnect the Red Substation to the existing AVS to Charlie Creek 345-kV transmission line by 12 miles of parallel 345-kV single-circuit transmission line. A detailed description of the project alternatives is included in Chapter 2 of the FEIS.

Conditions of Approval

USFS: Appendix B of ROD; implementation of standard mitigation/conservation measures and best management practices should be completed for the project.

RUS: Not identified in ROD

Western: Under mitigation measures in the ROD, Western requires its construction contractors to implement standard environmental protection provisions. These provisions are provided in Western’s Construction Standards (see Standard 13 – Environmental Quality Protection).

Data Completion Notes

A complete record of project files can be found on the RUS website:


EA/EIS Report:


Resource Analysis

Resource Not
Comment Applicant
Access and Transportation
"NEPA_Resource_Analysis" is not in the list of possible values (Not Present, Present, Not Affected, Present, Potentially Affected, Not Indicated) for this property.


CloseMitigation Measures:
  • Follow the American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association specifications for steady and rail-to-ground and equipment-to-ground voltage levels to avoid electrical interference from capacitive, electric and magnetic, and conductive effects.
  • Provide appropriate as-built drawings to USACE, following completion of construction.
CloseSee Westerns Construction Standards (Standard 13-Environmental Quality Protection) for applicable mitigation measures.
Air Quality
"NEPA_Resource_Analysis" is not in the list of possible values (Not Present, Present, Not Affected, Present, Potentially Affected, Not Indicated) for this property.


CloseMitigation Measures:
  • The emission of dust into the atmosphere during construction will be minimized to the extent practical during the excavation and transport of material, site grading, and movement of equipment. Methods and equipment will be used as necessary to suppress or prevent dust during these operations such as use of water trucks, covers on truck beds, attentiveness to dust creation on local gravel roads, or other dust management strategies.
  • All construction equipment and vehicles will be maintained in efficient operating condition and comply with applicable state and federal emission standards. Engine idling time will be limited and equipment will be shut down when not in use. Vehicles and equipment that show excessive emissions or other inefficient conditions will not be operated until repairs or adjustments are made.
  • All waste materials shall be disposed of at permitted waste disposal areas or landfills. Burning or burying waste materials on the right-of-way (ROW) would not be permitted. Tree and grubbing residue may be buried on site or in the ROW with landowner approval.
  • Nuisance to persons, dwellings, or crops resulting from dust originating from construction will be minimized. Oil and other petroleum derivatives will not be used for dust control. Speed limits on local gravel roads will be enforced to reduce dust.
CloseSee Westerns Construction Standards (Standard 13-Environmental Quality Protection) for applicable mitigation measures.
Cultural Resources
"NEPA_Resource_Analysis" is not in the list of possible values (Not Present, Present, Not Affected, Present, Potentially Affected, Not Indicated) for this property.


CloseMitigation Measures:
  • In accordance with 36 CFR Section 800.14(6)(1), the Agencies will execute a Programmatic Agreement that establishes procedures for the identification of historic properties and the assessment and mitigation of adverse effects. Thus, mitigation of impacts of the AVS to Neset Transmission Project on historic properties will be governed by the Programmatic Agreement.
  • To prevent damage to cultural resources, a professional archeologist will flag and monitor areas of potential disturbance to cultural resources during construction of the AVS-Neset Transmission Project components. In addition, all sites identified during construction will be marked as a sensitive location on operation and maintenance maps.
  • During construction, if any paleontological resources are discovered on federal lands, work will cease within a 50-foot radius of the discovery. Any fossils discovered will not be disturbed, and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Rural Utilities Service, USDA Western Area Power Administration, the U.S. Forest Service, and NDSHPO will be notified of the discovery immediately. Appropriate action to avoid or minimize any impact to the discovery will be identified and implemented.
CloseSee Westerns Construction Standards (Standard 13-Environmental Quality Protection) for applicable mitigation measures.
Geology and Minerals
"NEPA_Resource_Analysis" is not in the list of possible values (Not Present, Present, Not Affected, Present, Potentially Affected, Not Indicated) for this property.


CloseMitigation Measures:
  • Removed topsoil will be used as engineered fill, as appropriate, or stockpiled and respread subsequent to construction where allowed.
  • Access roads will generally follow the contour of the land to the greatest extent practical rather than a straight line along the ROW where steep features will result in a higher erosion potential.
  • To the extent practical, excavated areas will be re-contoured so that large volumes of water will not collect and stand therein. Before being abandoned, the sides of excavations will be brought to stable slopes, giving a natural appearance, and revegetated. Waste soil piles will be shaped to provide a natural appearance.
Invasive, Nonnative Species
"NEPA_Resource_Analysis" is not in the list of possible values (Not Present, Present, Not Affected, Present, Potentially Affected, Not Indicated) for this property.


CloseMitigation Measures:
  • Basin Electric Power Cooperative (Basin Electric) will implement BMPs to address the potential spread of noxious weeds during construction activities. Example measures will include the washing of construction vehicles prior to use at construction work sites, revegetation with a native seed mix, and control of noxious weeds during ROW maintenance activities.
CloseSee Westerns Construction Standards (Standard 13-Environmental Quality Protection) for applicable mitigation measures.
Lands and Realty
"NEPA_Resource_Analysis" is not in the list of possible values (Not Present, Present, Not Affected, Present, Potentially Affected, Not Indicated) for this property.


CloseMitigation Measures:
  • The minimum area necessary will be used for access roads during project construction.
  • When practical, transmission structures will be located and designed to conform to the terrain. Leveling and benching of the structure sites will be the minimum necessary to allow structure assembly and erection.
  • Transmission structures will be located, where practical, to span sensitive land uses. Where practical, construction access roads will be located to avoid sensitive conditions.
  • The precise location of all structure sites, ROW, and other disturbed areas will be determined with landowners’ or land management agencies’ input.
  • The movement of crews and equipment will be limited to the ROW and areas surveyed for cultural, historical, and biological resources, including access routes. To the extent practicable, the contractor will limit movement on the ROW to minimize damage to grazing land, crops, or property and will avoid marring the land.
  • Where practical, construction activities will be scheduled during periods when agricultural activities will be minimally affected or the landowner will be compensated accordingly.
  • Fences, gates, and similar improvements that are removed or damaged will be promptly repaired or replaced.
  • Transmission structure design and placement will be selected to reduce potential conflicts with agricultural practices and to reduce the amount of land required for transmission lines.
  • ROW will be purchased through negotiations with each landowner affected by the proposed project. Payment will be made of full value for crop damages or other property damage during construction or maintenance.
  • Any ruts will be leveled, filled, and graded, or otherwise eliminated in an approved manner. Ruts, scars, and compacted soils from construction activities in productive hay or crop lands will be loosened and leveled by scarifying, harrowing, disking, or other appropriate methods. Damage to ditches, tile drains, terraces, roads, and other land features will be corrected. Land contours and facilities will be restored as nearly as practical to their original conditions.
  • Restrict cattle from grazing within the ROW after construction is completed until grass is re-established within the ROW.
  • Submit a construction work plan to USACE prior to the commencement of construction activities on portions of the ROW managed by USACE. Following completion of construction, Basin Electric will provide appropriate as-built drawings to USACE.
Migratory Birds
"NEPA_Resource_Analysis" is not in the list of possible values (Not Present, Present, Not Affected, Present, Potentially Affected, Not Indicated) for this property.


CloseMitigation Measures:
  • Basin Electric’s system-wide Avian Protection Plan will be implemented to minimize impacts on nesting birds, as well as to minimize the electrocution and collision of migratory and resident bird species. The Avian Protection Plan includes design provisions for adequate distance between conductors and distances between conductors and grounded surfaces to minimize electrocution risk. It also includes methods for minimizing bird collisions, such as line marking techniques, developed in accordance with recommendations contained in the most recent Avian Power Line Interaction Committee publication “Reducing Avian Collisions with Power Lines, State of Art in 2012”. The Avian Protection Plan follows guidelines described at
  • Survey the selected alternative for eagle and other raptor nests in 2014 prior to construction. Following surveys, 1-mile buffers will be established between February 1 and July 31, and construction activity (including helicopter flights) will be prohibited within this area during this time period.
"NEPA_Resource_Analysis" is not in the list of possible values (Not Present, Present, Not Affected, Present, Potentially Affected, Not Indicated) for this property.


CloseMitigation Measures:
  • An adequate buffer will be maintained around the proposed substation sites to minimize construction and operational noise impacts on area residents.
  • Power lines will be designed to minimize noise from energized conductors.
  • To avoid nuisance noise conditions, transmission line construction within 1,000 feet of a residence will be limited to daytime hours whenever practical.
  • To avoid nuisance conditions due to construction noise, all internal combustion engines used in connection with construction activity will be fitted with an approved muffler and spark arrester.
Paleontological Resources
"NEPA_Resource_Analysis" is not in the list of possible values (Not Present, Present, Not Affected, Present, Potentially Affected, Not Indicated) for this property.


CloseMitigation Measures:
  • Removed topsoil will be used as engineered fill, as appropriate, or stockpiled and respread subsequent to construction where allowed.
  • Access roads will generally follow the contour of the land to the greatest extent practical rather than a straight line along the ROW where steep features will result in a higher erosion potential.
  • To the extent practical, excavated areas will be re-contoured so that large volumes of water will not collect and stand therein. Before being abandoned, the sides of excavations will be brought to stable slopes, giving a natural appearance, and revegetated. Waste soil piles will be shaped to provide a natural appearance.
CloseSee Westerns Construction Standards (Standard 13-Environmental Quality Protection) for applicable mitigation measures.
Public Health and Safety
"NEPA_Resource_Analysis" is not in the list of possible values (Not Present, Present, Not Affected, Present, Potentially Affected, Not Indicated) for this property.


CloseMitigation Measures:
  • When appropriate, pilot vehicles will accompany the movement of heavy equipment. Traffic control barriers and warning devices will be used when appropriate.
  • All necessary provisions will be made to conform to safety requirements for maintaining the flow of public traffic and avoiding congestion at critical locations. Construction operations will be conducted to offer the least possible obstruction and inconvenience to public traffic, such as by the use of pilot cars to accompany trucks with oversized loads and slow-moving vehicles, scheduling heavy equipment transport to avoid high traffic periods, and where feasible, use of existing rail facilities. Construction workers will be encouraged to carpool to the construction site.
  • Design will include reasonable mitigation measures to reduce problems of induced currents into conductive objects within the ROW. Problems of induced currents during construction and operation will be resolved, to the mutual satisfaction of the parties involved.
  • Complaints of radio or television interference generated by the transmission line will be investigated and appropriate mitigation measures will be implemented.
  • Audible noise from construction and operation of the proposed project will be addressed as necessary on a case-by-case basis.
  • Transmission line materials will be designed to minimize corona. Tension will be maintained on all insulator assemblies to assure positive contact between insulators, thereby avoiding sparking. Caution will be exercised during construction to avoid nicking the conductor surface, which may provide points for corona to occur.
  • The construction contractor will establish a health and safety program that incorporates Occupational Safety and Health Administration standards such as requirements for hearing protection, personal protective equipment, site access, chemical exposure limits, safe work practices, training program, and emergency procedures. The program will be reviewed with fire department personnel and emergency services personnel to reduce risk of construction and operation activities interfering with emergency response or evacuation plans and procedures.
  • At the end of every work day, contractors will secure all construction areas to protect equipment and materials and discourage public access. Fueling of vehicles will be conducted in compliance with established procedures designed to minimize fire risks and fuel spills.
"NEPA_Resource_Analysis" is not in the list of possible values (Not Present, Present, Not Affected, Present, Potentially Affected, Not Indicated) for this property.


CloseMitigation Measures:
  • Removed topsoil will be used as engineered fill, as appropriate, or stockpiled and respread subsequent to construction where allowed.
  • Access roads will generally follow the contour of the land to the greatest extent practical rather than a straight line along the ROW where steep features will result in a higher erosion potential.
  • To the extent practical, excavated areas will be re-contoured so that large volumes of water will not collect and stand therein. Before being abandoned, the sides of excavations will be brought to stable slopes, giving a natural appearance, and revegetated. Waste soil piles will be shaped to provide a natural appearance.
"NEPA_Resource_Analysis" is not in the list of possible values (Not Present, Present, Not Affected, Present, Potentially Affected, Not Indicated) for this property.


CloseMitigation Measures:
  • Care will be used in preserving the natural landscape and vegetation. Construction operations will be conducted to prevent, to the extent practical, any unnecessary destruction, scarring, or defacing of the natural surroundings, vegetation, trees, and native shrubbery in the vicinity of the work. Vegetation will be replaced at landowner’s request, provided mitigation complies with North American Electric Reliability Council (NERC) requirements.
  • Upon completion of work, all non-agricultural disturbed areas and construction staging areas not needed for maintenance access will be re-graded so that all surfaces drain naturally, blend with the natural terrain, and are reseeded to blend with native vegetation with a seed mixture certified as free of noxious or invasive weeds. All destruction, scarring, damage, or defacing of the landscape resulting from construction will be repaired as appropriate.
  • Construction staging areas will be located and arranged in a manner to preserve trees and vegetation to the maximum practicable extent. Unless otherwise agreed upon by the landowner, all storage and construction materials and debris will be removed from the construction staging areas once construction is complete, and the areas returned to original use or re-graded and seeded as for nonagricultural disturbed areas.
  • Native shrubs that will not interfere with access or the safe operation of the transmission line will be allowed to reestablish in the ROW. Areas with native shrubs that are disturbed will be replanted with regionally-native species following the disturbance.
  • Trees and shrubs anticipated to be cleared, including those that are considered invasive species or noxious weeds, will be inventoried before cutting. The inventory will record the location, number, and species of trees and shrubs. In windbreaks, shelterbelts, and other planted areas, trees or shrubs anticipated to be cleared, regardless of size, will be inventoried for replacement. In native growth areas, trees anticipated to be cleared that are 1-inch diameter at breast height (dbh) or greater will be inventoried for replacement, as well as all shrubs in the permanent ROW.
  • In native growth areas outside the permanent ROW, shrubs will be cut flush with the surface of the ground, taking care to leave the naturally occurring seed bank and root stock intact. If soil disturbance is necessary, the native topsoil will be preserved and replaced after construction is completed. Shrubs will be allowed to regenerate naturally where native topsoil is preserved and replaced. Where native topsoil is not preserved and replaced, shrubs anticipated to be cleared will be inventoried for replacement.
  • In native growth areas, trees and shrubs will be replaced according to Basin Electric’s Tree Management Plan. This plan, filed and approved with the North Dakota Public Service Commission (NDPSC), provides for the identification and re-establishment of appropriate numbers and types of trees and shrubs removed as part of ROW clearing and maintenance.
  • Trees and shrubs will be selectively cleared, leaving mature trees and shrubs intact where practical. The width of clear cuts through windbreaks, shelterbelts and all other wooded areas will be limited to 50 feet or less unless otherwise approved by NDPSC. If the area of trees or shrubs actually cleared differs from the area inventoried, the difference in number of trees and shrubs to be replaced will be noted on the inventory.
  • Prior to replacement, documentation identifying the number and variety of trees removed as well as the mitigation plan for the proposed number, variety, type, location and date of replacement plantings will be filed with NDPSC for approval. Replanting will use native tree species for the local area, and planting replacement trees in existing areas of native prairie will be avoided. Tree replacement will be on a 2 to 1 basis with 2-year-old saplings. Shrub replacement will be on a 2 to 1 basis with stem cuttings. Trees and shrubs will be replaced by the same species or similar species, except in the case of invasive species or noxious weeds, suitable for North Dakota growing conditions as recommended by the North Dakota Forest Service.
  • Landowners will be given the option of having replacement trees or shrubs planted off the ROW on the landowner’s property or waiving that requirement in writing and allowing those replacement trees or shrubs to be planted at alternative locations.
  • At the conclusion of the project, documentation identifying the actual number, variety, type, location, and date of the replacement plantings will be filed with NDPSC. Tree and shrub replacements will be inspected once a year for three years, on or about the anniversary of the plantings, and, on or shortly before October 1 of each year, a report will be submitted to the Commission documenting the condition of replacement planting and any woodlands work completed. If after 3 years from the anniversary of the plantings the survival rate is less than 75 percent, NDPSC may order additional planting(s).
  • Selectively clear trees and shrubs leaving mature trees and shrubs less than 8 feet tall intact where practical, in areas where the ROW crosses lands managed by USACE near the Missouri River. This action will support the wildlife migration corridor in this area.
  • The North Dakota Natural Heritage Inventory database indicates that a significant ecological community of western little bluestem prairie is located within 1,000 feet of the centerline for the Red to Charlie Creek segment for of the preferred alternative. It is anticipated that the construction and operation of line will avoid this sensitive area, since it is not within the ROW. However, if this area will be affected based on the final route alignment Basin Electric will coordinate closely with the Natural Heritage Inventory and NDGFD to avoid, minimize, or mitigate any adverse impacts to this area.
CloseSee Westerns Construction Standards (Standard 13-Environmental Quality Protection) for applicable mitigation measures.
Visual Resources
"NEPA_Resource_Analysis" is not in the list of possible values (Not Present, Present, Not Affected, Present, Potentially Affected, Not Indicated) for this property.


CloseMitigation Measures:
  • Structure types (designs) will be uniform, to the extent practical.
  • Structures will be setback from roadways an appropriate distance to reduce potential visual impacts at highway and trail crossings while still enabling over-road clearances to be maintained.
  • Construction areas will be maintained in a neat and orderly manner, free of trash and debris.
  • Construct structures of weathering steel (compared to galvanized steel construction) to reduce visual contrast to the surrounding landscape in the areas at the Little Missouri and Missouri River crossings.
Water Quality
"NEPA_Resource_Analysis" is not in the list of possible values (Not Present, Present, Not Affected, Present, Potentially Affected, Not Indicated) for this property.


CloseMitigation Measures:
  • Construction activities will comply with the requirements of North Dakota permits for stormwater discharges for construction activities, which specify appropriate best management practices (BMPs), erosion and sediment control measures, and disposal practices. BMPs will be included in a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan. Construction activities adjacent to or encroaching on streams or waterways, including work within ROWs, construction of access roads on hillsides, and dewatering work for structure foundations, or earthwork operations will be conducted to prevent disturbed soils, muddy water, and eroded materials from entering streams or waterways by construction of intercepting ditches, bypass channels, barriers, settling ponds, or by other approved means.
  • Construction activities will be conducted to prevent the accidental spillage of solid matter contaminants, debris, hazardous liquids, or other pollutants into streams, waterways, lakes, land, and underground aquifers. Such pollutants and waste include, but are not restricted to, refuse, garbage, cement, concrete, sanitary waste, industrial waste, oil, and other petroleum products, aggregate processing tailing, and mineral salts. A hazardous materials management and spill prevention plan will be developed for construction that addresses storage, use, transportation, and disposal of hazardous materials, and an emergency response plan will be in place in the event of an accidental spill.
  • Excavated material or construction materials will not be stockpiled or deposited near or on stream banks, lake shorelines, or other waterway perimeters unless protected from high water or storm runoff or encroachment upon the actual waterway itself.
  • Wastewater discharge from any construction operations will not enter streams, waterways, or other surface waters without the appropriate permit(s).
  • Equipment washing, storage of petroleum products, lubricants, solvents and hazardous materials, structure sites, and other disturbed areas will be located at least 100 feet, where practical, from rivers, streams (including ephemeral streams), ponds, lakes, and reservoirs. This includes construction vehicles and heavy equipment when parked overnight or longer.
  • ROW access roads will be located at least 100 feet, where practical, from rivers, ponds, lakes, and reservoirs.
  • All stream crossings considered jurisdictional by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) will be crossed by permit only. Where required, culverts of adequate size to accommodate the estimated peak flow of the stream will be installed. Disturbance of the stream banks and beds during construction will be minimized and temporary during the construction period. Disturbed areas will be revegetated in accordance with mitigation measures listed for soil/vegetation resources and USACE policy regarding the removal of vegetation.
  • If the banks of ephemeral stream crossings are sufficiently high and steep that breaking them down for a crossing will cause excessive disturbance, culverts will be installed using the same measures as for culverts on perennial streams.
  • Heavy equipment movement near streams and other surface waters will be minimized, to the extent practical.
  • Narrow flood-prone areas will be spanned.
  • Prepare a complete habitat assessment according to the Guidelines for Biological Survey Reports – U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Garrison Project, June 2010. This assessment will fully discuss the biological resources found within the project ROW located across USACE lands. Surveys for this report will be conducted in spring 2014. Reports will be submitted and approved by USACE prior to commencement of construction activities on USACE lands.
CloseSee Westerns Construction Standards (Standard 13-Environmental Quality Protection) for applicable mitigation measures.
Wetlands and Riparian Zones
"NEPA_Resource_Analysis" is not in the list of possible values (Not Present, Present, Not Affected, Present, Potentially Affected, Not Indicated) for this property.


CloseMitigation Measures:
  • Prior to construction, potentially-impacted wetland areas will be identified and marked. Wetland and riparian areas will be avoided to the extent practical by spanning of the wetlands and the placement of structures outside of wetland areas. If wetland or riparian areas are unavoidable, impacts will be minimized or mitigated. Jurisdictional waters that are impacted as a result of implementing the proposed project will be mitigated in accordance with USACE requirements.
Wildlife Resources
"NEPA_Resource_Analysis" is not in the list of possible values (Not Present, Present, Not Affected, Present, Potentially Affected, Not Indicated) for this property.


CloseMitigation Measures:
  • Holes drilled or excavated for pole placement or foundation construction and left unattended overnight will be marked and secured with temporary fencing to reduce the potential for livestock and wildlife to enter the holes, and for public safety.
  • Prohibit construction in designated critical habitat for piping plover during the nesting season (mid-April to mid-August).
  • Conduct a presence survey for piping plover prior to initiating construction activities in areas identified as habitat for the species, if construction occurs during nesting season (April 1 through August 31).
  • Conduct an occupancy survey for Sprague’s pipit prior to construction activities in areas identified as habitat for the species if construction is proposed to occur between April 15 and August 1.
  • Coordinate with USFS and North Dakota Game and Fish Department (NDGFD) to avoid construction during bighorn sheep lambing season (April 1 through July 1) in the Little Missouri Badlands area and Little Missouri National Grasslands.
  • Generally do not place structures within 0.25 mile of active greater sage-grouse and plains sharp-tailed grouse lek sites. In addition, Basin Electric will consult with the agencies prior to construction within a 1-mile radius of an active lek during the period of March 1 through June 15. If construction will occur within 1 mile of any historic lek during this time period, surveys will be done prior to construction to determine use of the lek.
  • Avoid construction activities within 1,000 feet of suitable hibernacula during the winter hibernation period (roughly late fall to early spring), to decrease direct impacts on the long-eared bat during construction. In addition to avoiding hibernacula during construction, all mature, dead, or dying trees will be left intact, where they do not pose a safety concern for line reliability.
CloseSee Westerns Construction Standards (Standard 13-Environmental Quality Protection) for applicable mitigation measures.
Wastes Hazardous or Solid
"NEPA_Resource_Analysis" is not in the list of possible values (Not Present, Present, Not Affected, Present, Potentially Affected, Not Indicated) for this property.


CloseSee Westerns Construction Standards (Standard 13-Environmental Quality Protection) for applicable mitigation measures.