
From Open Energy Information

NEPA Document Collection for: DOI-BLM-ID-220-2009-EA-3709
EA at Raft River Geothermal Area for Geothermal/Exploration

Raft River Geothermal Drilling Project EA for Geothermal/Exploration

Proposed Action

The BLM Burley Field Office is proposing to approve five geothermal drilling permit applications that would authorize Agua Caliente LLC to initiate the exploration of geothermal resources under public lands covered by Federal geothermal lease No. IDI-35786. The project is located in Cassia County, Idaho, approximately 2 miles southwest of the townsite of Bridge in Township 15 South, Range 26 East, sections 13, 14, 22, and 23 (Figure 2-1).

Five well sites are proposed to be drilled on public land (Figure 2-2). All access roads would be located on-lease, and no right-of-way would be required. In addition to the five well sites, four well sites would be developed on private lands owned in-fee by Agua Caliente LLC. Development of wells on private lands does not require a BLM permit; however, it is included under the cumulative impact analysis section of this EA. The following sections describe the proposed activities that would be covered by the geothermal drilling permits.

Data Completion Notes

Data population is as complete as can be. Draft EA and Final EA dates are guesses based on contractor files. No information available on decision date (FONSI).


Resource Analysis

Resource Not
Comment Applicant
Access and Transportation
"NEPA_Resource_Analysis" is not in the list of possible values (Not Present, Present, Not Affected, Present, Potentially Affected, Not Indicated) for this property.


  1. Traffic Management
    1. Traffic will be restricted to the roads developed for the project. Use of other unimproved roads will be restricted to emergency situations. (BLM)
    2. Project personnel and contractors will be instructed and required to adhere to speed limits commensurate with road types, traffic volumes, vehicle types, and site-specific conditions, (e.g., 25 mph) to ensure safe and efficient traffic flow and to reduce wildlife collisions and disturbance and fugitive dust. (BLM)
  2. Roads and Pads
    1. The operator will obtain agency authorization prior to borrowing soil or rock material from agency lands. (BLM)
    2. Road use will be restricted during the wet season if road surfacing is not adequate to prevent soil displacement, rutting, etc., and resultant stream sedimentation. (BLM)
    3. If culverts are used, culvert outlets will be rip-rapped to dissipate water energy at the outlet and reduce erosion. If used, catch basins, roadway ditches, and culverts will be cleaned and maintained regularly. (BLM)
    4. The reserve pit shall be located in cut material, with at least 50% of the pit constructed below original ground level to prevent failure of the pit dike. Any fill dikes shall be compacted in lifts. If it is necessary to construct the reserve pit by fill embankment, a keyway or core trench 10 to 12 feet wide shall be excavated to a minimum depth of 2 to 3 feet below the original ground level. The core of the embankment must be constructed with water-impervious material. (BLM)
Air Quality
"NEPA_Resource_Analysis" is not in the list of possible values (Not Present, Present, Not Affected, Present, Potentially Affected, Not Indicated) for this property.


CloseWater would be applied to the ground during the construction and operation phases of the project as necessary to control dust. (ACLLC)
Fire Resources
"NEPA_Resource_Analysis" is not in the list of possible values (Not Present, Present, Not Affected, Present, Potentially Affected, Not Indicated) for this property.


  1. All vehicles entering the project site will be equipped with fire extinguishers and shovels. (ACLLC)
  2. All brush build-up around mufflers, radiators, headers, and other engine parts would be avoided, and periodic checks would be conducted to prevent this build-up. (ACLLC)
  3. Smoking would only be allowed in company vehicles and /or designated smoking areas. (ACLLC)
  4. Portable generators used in the project area would be required to have spark arresters. (ACLLC)
  5. Employees and contractors would be educated on safe and environmentally responsible practices. (ACLLC)
  6. Employees and contractors would follow any special guidance or restrictions recommended by BLM officials. (ACLLC)
  7. The Operator shall be responsible for the prevention and suppression of fires on public lands caused by its employees, contractors or subcontractors. During conditions of extreme fire danger, surface use operations may be limited or suspended in specific areas. (BLM)
"NEPA_Resource_Analysis" is not in the list of possible values (Not Present, Present, Not Affected, Present, Potentially Affected, Not Indicated) for this property.


  1. The operator will take measurements to assess the existing background noise levels at a given site and compare them with the anticipated noise levels associated with the proposed project. (BLM)
  2. Reclamation activities, road and well pad construction activities and large, non-personnel vehicle movements will be limited to the 7 AM to 10 PM timeframe to limit nighttime disturbance. This COA does not apply to drilling and well testing operations that will occur 24 hours per day, seven days per week. (BLM)
  3. The project proponent is required to ensure that mufflers are present on all diesel engines and any other components used during operations that can be muffled, such that noise emissions are reduced by at least 15 dBA from the original, non-muffled noise level for the equipment. (BLM)
Invasive, Nonnative Species
"NEPA_Resource_Analysis" is not in the list of possible values (Not Present, Present, Not Affected, Present, Potentially Affected, Not Indicated) for this property.


  1. The drilling rig and any construction-related equipment would be required to be cleaned and washed prior to entering each site. (ACLLC)
  2. Fill materials and road surfacing materials that originate from areas with known noxious weeds or invasive plants will not be used. (ACLLC)
  3. Re-vegetation, habitat restoration and weed control activities will be initiated as soon as possible after construction activities are completed. (ACLLC)
  4. An intensive weed monitoring and control program will be implemented prior to site preparation for planting and will continue until interim or final reclamation is approved by the BLM AO. (ACLLC)
  5. Monitoring will be conducted at least annually during the growing season to determine the presence of any invasive plants or noxious weeds. Invasive plants and noxious weeds that have been identified during monitoring will be promptly treated and controlled. A Pesticide Use Proposal (PUP) will be submitted to the BLM prior to use of herbicides. (ACLLC)
  6. The use of certified, weed-free mulch will be required when stabilizing areas of disturbed soil. (ACLLC)
"NEPA_Resource_Analysis" is not in the list of possible values (Not Present, Present, Not Affected, Present, Potentially Affected, Not Indicated) for this property.

Also includes Vegetation measures

  1. During initial well pad and road construction and prior to completion of the final well on the well pad, pre-interim reclamation stormwater management actions will be taken to ensure disturbed areas are quickly stabilized to control surface water flow and to protect both the disturbed and adjacent areas from erosion and siltation. This may involve construction and maintenance of temporary silt ponds, silt fences, berms, ditches, and mulching. (ACLLC)
  2. Prior to rigging up, a berm at least one-foot high will be constructed around the perimeter of the pad to prevent escape of spilled fluids or rainfall collected on the location. This berm will be maintained during the drilling phase of the well. The need for the berm will be reassessed upon completion of the well and production is established. (BLM)
  3. Any water bars built during construction or reclamation to divert water from ditches or roads will be placed as follows (BLM):

Grade Spacing 2% Every 200 feet 2-4% Every 100 feet 4-5% Every 75 feet 5+% Every 50 feet

  1. Drainage control shall be ensured over the entire road through the use of borrow ditches, outsloping, insloping, natural rolling topography, lead-off (turnout) ditches, culverts, and/or drainage dips. (BLM)
  2. All lead-off ditches (turnouts) shall be graded to drain water with a one percent minimum to three percent maximum ditch slope. The spacing interval for lead-off ditches shall be determined according to the following table, but may be amended depending upon existing soil types and centerline road slope (in %):

SPACING INTERVAL FOR TURNOUT DITCHES Percent Slope Spacing Interval 0% - 4% 400’ – 150’ 4% – 6% 250’ – 125’ 6% – 8% 200’ – 100’ 8% - 10% 150’ - 75’ A typical lead-off ditch has a minimum depth of one foot below and a berm 6 inches above natural ground level. The berm will be on the down-slope side of the lead-off ditch. The ditch end will tie into vegetation whenever possible. (BLM)

  1. Road and well production equipment will be placed on location so as to permit maximum interim reclamation of disturbed areas. If equipment is found to interfere with the proper interim reclamation of disturbed areas, the equipment will be moved so proper recontouring and revegetation can occur. (ACLLC)
  2. Topsoil will be evenly spread and aggressively revegetated over the entire disturbed area not needed for all-weather operations including road cuts and fills and to within a few feet of the wellhead/pump, unless an all-weather, surfaced, access route or small “teardrop” turnaround is needed on the well pad. (ACLLC)
  3. In order to inspect and operate the well or complete workover operations, it may be necessary to drive, park, and operate equipment on restored, interim vegetation within the previously disturbed area. Damage to soils and interim vegetation will be repaired and reclaimed following use. To prevent soil compaction, under some situations, such as the presence of moist, clay soils, the vegetation and topsoil will be removed prior to workover operations and restored and reclaimed following workover operations. (ACLLC)
  4. Vegetation removal and the degree of surface disturbance will be minimized wherever possible. (ACLLC)
  5. Operations will disturb the minimum amount of surface area necessary to conduct safe and efficient operations. When possible, equipment will be stored and operated on top of vegetated ground to minimize surface disturbance. (ACLLC)
  6. Excess soil will be stripped and stockpiled around the perimeter of the well location to control run-on and run-off, and to make redistribution of topsoil more efficient during interim reclamation. Stockpiled topsoil may include vegetative material. Topsoil will be clearly segregated and stored separately from subsoils. (ACLLC)
  7. Earthwork for interim and final reclamation will be completed within 6 months of well completion or plugging unless a delay is approved in writing by the BLM AO. (ACLLC)
  8. If, upon completion of well drilling and well testing at a site, no geothermal resources have been found viable and no further exploration is to be pursued, roads and pads would be restored to their original condition by contouring and revegetating. (ACLLC and BLM)
  9. If the use of topsoil for reclamation is delayed for more than 6 months from completion or plugging of the well, the stockpiles will be reseeded to retain soil quality and hinder erosion. Fall seeding is preferred and will be conducted after September 15 and prior to ground freezing. Spring seeding will be conducted after the frost leaves the ground and no later than May 15. The seed mix recommended by the BLM in this section (COA 19), less the Wyoming big sagebrush should be used for this purpose. (BLM)
  10. Salvaging and spreading topsoil will not be performed when the ground or topsoil is frozen or too wet to adequately support construction equipment. If such equipment creates ruts in excess of four (4) inches deep, the soil will be deemed too wet and activities will cease until the site dries out. (ACLLC)
  11. No major depressions will be left that would trap water and cause ponding. (ACLLC)
  12. Initial seedbed preparation would consist of recontouring the well pads to the appropriate interim or final reclamation standard. All compacted areas to be seeded will be ripped to a minimum depth of 18 inches with a minimum furrow spacing of 2 feet, followed by recontouring the surface and then evenly spreading the topsoil. Prior to seeding, the seedbed will be scarified and left with a rough surface. (ACLLC)
  13. If broadcast seeding is to be used, final seedbed preparation will consist of contour cultivating to a depth of 4 to 6 inches within 24 hours prior to seeding and dozer tracking or another imprinting method will be used in order to loosen up the soil and create seed germination micro-sites. (ACLLC)
  14. Seeding will be conducted no more than 24 hours following completion of final seedbed preparation. A certified weed-free seed mix designed by BLM, as identified below, to meet reclamation standards will be used to revegetate all disturbed areas. (ACLLC)

Species Pounds/Acre – Pure Live Seed Siberian Wheatgrass (P27) 5.00 Russian Wildrye (Bozoisky) 5.00 Sandberg bluegrass 2.00 Wyoming big sagebrush 0.50 Total 12.50

  1. No seeding will occur from May 15 to September 15. Fall seeding is preferred and will be conducted after September 15 and prior to ground freezing [Shrub species will be seeded separately and will be seeded during the winter]. Spring seeding will be conducted after the frost leaves the ground and no later than May 15. (ACLLC)
  2. Weed-free mulch, silt fencing, waddles, hay bales, and other erosion control devices will be used on areas at risk of soil movement from wind and water erosion. (ACLLC)
  3. Mulch will be used if necessary to control erosion, create vegetation micro-sites, and retain soil moisture and may include hay, small-grain straw, wood fiber, live mulch, cotton, jute, or synthetic netting. Mulch will be free from mold, fungi, and will be certified free of noxious or invasive weed seeds. (ACLLC)
  4. If straw mulch is used, it will contain fibers long enough to facilitate

crimping and provide the greatest cover. (ACLLC)

  1. All site grading will balance cut and fill to the extent practicable to minimize potential effects from erosion. (BLM)
  2. Seeded areas will be fenced to exclude livestock until interim or final

reclamation is approved by the authorized officer. (ACLLC)

  1. The reserve pit shall be located in cut material, with at least 50% of the pit constructed below original ground level to prevent failure of the pit dike. Any fill dikes shall be compacted in lifts. (BLM)
Wastes Hazardous or Solid
"NEPA_Resource_Analysis" is not in the list of possible values (Not Present, Present, Not Affected, Present, Potentially Affected, Not Indicated) for this property.


  1. All solid wastes (paper trash and garbage) must be contained in a trash cage and hauled away to an approved disposal site as necessary but no later than at the completion of drilling operations. The Operator will, on a daily basis, police the access routes and adjacent areas of the well pad to ensure that all solid wastes are deposited in the approved manner. (BLM and ACLLC)
  2. Immediately upon completion of drilling operations, the well location and surrounding area shall be cleared of all remaining debris, trash, junk and materials not required for production. (BLM and ACLLC)
  3. The reserve pits shall be completely dry and all junk and debris removed before initiating any dirt work to restore the location. After drilling operations are completed, the dried liquids and solids from the reserve pits would be buried on site as part of the site reclamation. (BLM and ACLLC)
  4. Portable chemical sanitary facilities would be available and used by all personnel during periods of construction, well drilling and/or flow testing. These facilities would be maintained by a local contractor. (ACLLC)
Water Quality
"NEPA_Resource_Analysis" is not in the list of possible values (Not Present, Present, Not Affected, Present, Potentially Affected, Not Indicated) for this property.


  1. The operator will use engineering controls and monitoring to protect the ditch that supplies hot water to the local resident southwest of the site. (BLM) (This COA only applies to RRDP-6 in the Proposed Action but does not apply if Alternative 1 is selected).
  2. Agua Caliente will develop and implement a storm water pollution prevention plan during construction and operation of the project. (ACLLC)
Visual Resources
"NEPA_Resource_Analysis" is not in the list of possible values (Not Present, Present, Not Affected, Present, Potentially Affected, Not Indicated) for this property.


  1. All permanent [Onsite for six (6) months or longer] structures constructed or installed (including pumping facilities) shall be painted a flat, non-reflective earth tone color. All facilities shall be painted within six months of installation. Facilities which are required to be in compliance with Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) shall be excluded. The required paint color is “Carlsbad Canyon” from the Standard Environmental Colors Chart CC-001: June 2008. (BLM)
  2. All drill rig and well test facility lights shall be limited to those required to safely conduct the operations, and shall be shielded and/or redirected in a manner which focuses direct light to the immediate work area. (BLM)
Wildlife Resources
"NEPA_Resource_Analysis" is not in the list of possible values (Not Present, Present, Not Affected, Present, Potentially Affected, Not Indicated) for this property.


  1. No surface occupancy within 1/2 mile of active ferruginous hawk nest sites (BLM 1985).

Stipulation applies if an active ferruginous hawk nest is identified within 1/2 mile of any one proposed site. A nest will be considered active if nest initiation is observed and, will be considered active until otherwise unoccupied (i.e. successfully fledged or failed/abandoned). (BLM)

  1. If construction is to take place from March 1 – July 15, a BLM-approved biologist must survey and clear the proposed construction sites for nesting migratory birds prior to project construction. If nesting migratory birds are found within the construction footprint the project will be delayed until the nest(s) is no longer active, or construction will be altered to avoid harming nesting migratory birds. A nest will be considered active if nest initiation is observed and will be considered active until otherwise unoccupied (i.e. successfully fledged or failed/abandoned). (BLM)
  2. Access roads not needed for maintenance would be removed following exploration; and public use of remaining access roads would be restricted. (BLM)
  3. Three sides of the reserve pit will be fenced with materials suitable to prevent access by wildlife and livestock before drilling starts. The fourth side of the pit shall be fenced as soon as drilling is completed. The corners must be braced to keep the fence tight. The fence shall be maintained in good repair while the pit is drying and must remain in place until the pit is dry and/or site restoration begins. Refer to Figure 1. “Recommended construction standards for exclosure fences in livestock areas”, in the Gold Book: Surface Operating Standards and Guidelines for Oil and Gas Exploration and Development. (BLM)
  4. All necessary steps will be taken to safeguard migratory birds from hazards associated with pits and treatment facilities. Prevention methods include, but are not limited to, pit screening or netting and protective cones on vent stacks of dehydrators, separators and heater-treaters. The death of any migratory bird found in a pit or treating equipment is a violation of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. Any deaths of migratory birds attributed to pits or equipment associated with drilling or production operations must be reported to this office and the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service within 24 hours. (BLM)