NEPA Document Collection for: DOI-LM-NV-W010-2012-0061-CX
CX at Desert Queen Geothermal Area for Geothermal/Exploration,
CX for Thermal Gradient Holes at Desert Queen Geothermal Area
Proposed Action
NBMG has submitted a NOI for geothermal exploration to conduct Geothermal Gradient Well Drilling in the Desert Queen area on Public lands intended to gather information with the intent on improving the methods and accuracy of geothermal exploratory operations. Exploration activities would be performed in a time frame between approval of the NOI and 12/30113. The geothermal gradient well drilling would include no more than 2 total wells out of a proposed 7 wells. Four of these proposed well locations are in the Humboldt River Field Office jurisdiction at Desert Queen while the other 3 are being proposed under the Black Rock Field Office jurisdiction at Pinto Hot Springs. These wells are proposed to be drilled to a total depth of 1000 feet. The first portion of the hole is planned to be drilled to 250 feet at a diameter of 8.5 inches. A 7 inch surface casing would be cemented in place with class C cement. A 6 118 inch drill bit would then be used to drill the remaining 750 feet.
Serial Register Page: Application: Application Attachments: