National Renewable Energy Laboratory
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The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) is the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) primary national laboratory for renewable energy and energy efficiency research and development. NREL’s work focuses on advancing renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies from concept to the commercial marketplace through industry partnerships. The Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC, a partnership between Battelle and the Midwest Research Institute, manages NREL for DOE’s Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy.
NREL began operating July 5, 1977, as the Solar Energy Research Institute (SERI). SERI was a federal facility dedicated to harnessing power from the sun and quickly caught national attention. In 1978, President Carter was the first U.S. President to visit the lab; fast forward to 1991, and another U.S. President, George H. W. Bush, elevated SERI to a national laboratory and changed the name to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. NREL became the only national laboratory with the single focus to create clean and renewable energy technologies.
Making a Difference
NREL’s discoveries in renewable energy have shaped our transportation alternatives and provided options to power our homes and businesses. For example, the cost of wind energy has declined from 40 cents per kilowatt-hour when the lab was founded, to 6-9 cents today. These lower costs have helped wind energy become the fastest growing source of new electricity in the nation. The cost of electricity from photovoltaic (PV) panels, which convert sunlight directly into electricity, has dropped from several dollars per kilowatt-hour to 20-25 cents a kilowatt-hour. The projected cost of ethanol made from biomass has plummeted from almost $6 per gallon to about $2.60 today, helping spur the construction of the first cellulosic ethanol plants in the United States.
NREL Overview Video
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NREL’s renewable energy and energy efficiency research spans fundamental science to technology solutions.
Renewable Fuels
- Biomass
- Hydrogen and Fuel Cells
- Vehicle Technologies(advanced vehicles, fuel quality and testing)
Renewable Electricity
- Solar (PV, concentrating solar power and solar thermal)
- Wind and Water
- Geothermal
- Electric Systems (smart grid technology and standards, transmission and distribution systems integration, energy storage)
- Building Technologies (building efficiency, building-integrated PV)
Energy Science
- Chemical and Biosciences
- Scientific Computing
- Materials Science
Strategic Energy Analysis
- Technology
- Economic, Environmental, and Security
- Markets
- Policy, Government, and Programs
Industry Partnerships
Through a variety of partnership types, such as Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADAs) and Test & Evaluation partnerships, NREL has worked with hundreds of industry partners from across the U.S. and around the world. Click here for a list of NREL's current and previous partners, or to see a map displaying the partnering companies.
International Project Assistance and Collaborations
NREL's international work spans the full range of capabilities, which include three primary areas of expertise:
- Analysis — NREL provides technology-neutral information, global and regional assessments and decision tools, and expert advice.
- Research and Development — NREL conducts collaborative research and development (R&D) and shares methods and results with leading research institutions throughout the world.
- Deployment/Commercialization — NREL teams with private industry, other countries, and international institutions to mobilize investment in and broad use of RE and EE technologies.
Our core activities within the international arena include:
- Multilateral Partnerships
- Bilateral Partnerships
- Climate/Environmental Initiatives
- Global Energy Assessments and Knowledge Transfer
- Researcher-Driven Collaboration
NREL's international work is supported by the Department of Energy's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, the Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. Agency for International Development, the U.S. State Department, the United Nations Environment Programme, the UNFCCC Climate Secretariat, and other sponsors.
What's New at NREL
NREL has just released a "State of the States" report with regional information about renewable generation. For a summary of state trends visit
NREL Tools
- A Policymaker's Guide to Feed-In Tariff Policy Design
- Africa - Technical Potential of Solar Energy to Address Energy Poverty and Avoid GHG Emissions
- Alternative Fuels and Advanced Vehicles Data Center - Codes and Standards Resources
- An Overview of Existing Wind Energy Ordinances
- Assessment of the Technical Potential for Micro-Cogeneration in Small Commercial Buildings across the United States
- Automatic Deployment Options Projection Tool (ADOPT)
- BEopt
- BioPower Atlas and BioFuels Atlas
- Biodiesel Handling and Use Guide
- Biofuels Techno-Economic Models
- Biopower Tool Webinar
- Business Case for Compressed Natural Gas in Municipal Fleets
- CESC-Webinar: Building an Innovation and Entrepreneurship Driven Economy: How Policies Can Foster Risk Capital Investment in Renewable Energy
- CESC-Webinar: Financial and Policy Innovations to Support Energy Efficiency: Energy Performance Contracting and On-Bill Financing
- CLEAN-Capacity Building and Training for Low Emissions Development Planning
- CLEAN-Linked Open Data (LOD) Webinar
- CLEAN-Linking International Instruments to Support Low Emission Planning Webinar– TNAs, NAMAs, LEDS and Roadmaps
- CLEAN-Low Emission Development Planning Webinar
- CLEAN-Technology Roadmapping: Lessons, Experiences and Tools Webinar
- CSP Technology, Markets and Development Presentation
- CSP: Perspectives and Opportunities Webinar
- Climate Action Planning Tool
- Community Greening: How to Develop a Strategic Plan
- Community Response to Concentrating Solar Power in the San Luis Valley
- Concentrating Solar Power: Best Practices Handbook for the Collection and Use of Solar Resource Data
- Cost of Renewable Energy Spreadsheet Tool (CREST)
- DOE Program Resources and Tools for Petroleum Reduction in the Transportation Sector Webinar
- Definition of a Zero Net Energy Community
- EDIN-USVI Clean Energy Quarterly
- Effective Community-Wide Policy Technical Assistance: The NREL/DOE Approach
- Energy Savings Performance Contracts (ESPC) Webinar
- Enhancing Capacity for Low Emission Development Strategies (EC-LEDS): Distributed Generation
- FRee Energy Data (FRED)
- Feed-in Tariffs: Best Practices and Application in the U.S.
- First Known Use of QECBs will Save Yolo County at lease $8.7 Million of the Next 25 Years
- FleetAtlas
- From Tragedy to Triumph: Rebuilding Greensburg, Kansas, To Be a 100% Renewable Energy City
- Geospatial Toolkit
- Geospatial Toolkit (GsT) Webinar
- Geothermal Developers' Checklist
- Geothermal Electricity Technology Evaluation Model (GETEM)
- Geothermal Prospector
- Greensburg, Kansas--A Better, Greener Place to Live
- HARP Opt
- Handbook for Handling, Storing, and Dispensing E85
- High Performance Commercial Buildings Technology Roadmap
- Hydrogen Analysis (H2A)
- Hydrogen Demand and Resource Assessment Tool
- Hydrogen and fuel cell research
- IEA Wind Task 26 - Multi-national Case Study of the Financial Cost of Wind Energy, Work Package 1, Final Report
- In My Backyard
- Innovative Feed-In Tariff Designs that Limit Policy Costs
- Introduction to Hydrogen for Code Officials
- Job and Economic Development Impact Models (JEDI)
- LEDS Toolkit and Framework
- LEDSGP/analysis/impacts/DIAWebinar on Development Impact Assessment for Low Emissions Development
- Lessons Learned: NREL Village Power Program
- Local Energy Plans in Practice: Case Studies of Austin and Denver
- Marine Energy Atlas
- NREL Biorefinery Analysis Process Models
- NREL Market Analysis
- NREL Renewable Energy Databook - 2008
- NREL State Clean Energy Policies Analysis Project (SCEPA)
- NREL-Biomass Resource Assessment
- NREL-Costa Rica-Energy Efficiency Workshop
- NREL-Decision-Support Tools Demonstration
- NREL-Energy Assessment Training Course
- NREL-EnergyPlus Train-the-Trainer Program
- NREL-How to Estimate the Economic Impacts from Renewable Energy Webinar
- NREL-International Wind Resource Maps
- NREL-Learning About Renewable Energy Site
- NREL-Lessons Learned from Energy Efficiency Lighting Programs Webinar
- NREL-Levelized Cost of Energy Calculator
- NREL-Low-Cost Financing with Clean Renewable Energy Bonds Webinar
- NREL-MapSearch
- NREL-Ocean Energy Thermal Conversion
- NREL-Optimizing Rooftop Space with SolOpt Presentation
- NREL-Philippine Wind Farm Analysis and Site Selection Analysis
- NREL-Renewable Energy Optimization Presentation
- NREL-Solar Technologies Market Report
- NREL-State of the States 2009: Renewable Energy Development and the Role of Policy
- NREL-Third-Party Financing and Power Purchasing Agreements for Public Sector PV Projects Webinar
- NREL-United States/Brazil Bioenergy Technical Workshop
- NREL-Using RETScreen To Identify the Most Promising Clean Energy Projects Webinar
- NREL-Wind Resource Assessment Handbook
- NREL/OAS-Regional Building Efficiency Workshop
- NREL/OAS-Regional EERE Training Workshop
- National Residential Efficiency Measures Database
- OpenStudio
- OpenStudio Policy Analysis Tool
- PVDAQ/OldSite
- PVWatts
- Parabolic-Trough Technology Roadmap
- Petroleum Reduction Planning Tool
- Policy Makers' Guidebook for Geothermal Electricity Generation
- Policy Makers' Guidebook for Geothermal Heating and Cooling
- Policymakers' Guidebook for Geothermal Electricity Generation
- Procurement Options for New Renewable Electricity Supply
- PyTurbSim
- RE Atlas
- RETFinance
- Rebuilding After Disaster: Going Green from the Ground Up
- Rebuilding Greensburg, Kansas, as a Model Green Community: A Case Study
- Rebuilding It Better: BTI-Greensburg John Deere Dealership
- Rebuilding It Better: Greensburg, Kansas, Business Incubator
- Rebuilding It Better: Greensburg, Kansas, City Hall
- Rebuilding It Better: Greensburg, Kansas, K-12 School
- Rebuilding It Better: Greensburg, Kansas, Kiowa County Courthouse
- Rebuilding It Better: Greensburg, Kansas, Kiowa County Memorial Hospital
- Renewable Energy Case Studies
- Renewable Energy Feed-in Tariffs: Lessons Learned from the U.S. and Abroad Presentation
- Renewable Energy Technology Costs and Drivers
- River Hydrokinetic Resource Atlas
- Scenario Evaluation, Regionalization & Analysis (SERA)
- SolarDS
- SolarPaces International CSP Project Information
- State Clean Energy Policies Analysis (SCEPA): State Policy and the Pursuit of Renewable Energy Manufacturing
- State Clean Energy Policies Analysis: State, Utility, and Municipal Loan Programs
- State of the States 2009: Renewable Energy Development and the Role of Policy
- Stochastic Energy Deployment System (SEDS)
- Strengthening Clean Energy Technology Cooperation under the UNFCCC
- System Advisor Model (SAM)
- The Open PV Project
- TransAtlas
- Turkey-Solar Energy Training Resources and Documents
- Vehicle Cost Calculator
- Web Mapping and Online GIS Applications for Renewable Energy
- Webinar-Terrestrial Solar Spectral Modeling for Renewable Energy: SMARTS Model
- Wind Powering America: Opportunities from Chile and the Region
NREL Programs
- Afghanistan-NREL Mission
- Afghanistan-NREL Resource Maps and Toolkits
- Algeria-NREL Energy Activities
- Argentina-NREL Bi-National Energy Working Group
- Assessment of Biomass Resources from Marginal Lands in APEC Countries
- Brazil-NREL Biofuels and EERE Cooperation
- Canada-NREL Energy Activities
- Caribbean-NREL Cooperation
- Chile-NREL Renewable Energy Center and CSP Activities
- Chile-NREL Rural Electrification Activities
- China and India Industrial Efficiency NREL Partnership
- China and India PV Reliability-NREL Cooperation
- China-NREL Cooperation
- China-NREL Rural Electrification Projects
- Costa Rica-NREL Energy Activities
- Dominica Island-NREL Cooperation
- ECN-NREL Collaboration
- Egypt-NREL Energy Activities
- Ghana-NREL Rural Electrification
- Haiti-NREL Cooperation
- Iceland-NREL Cooperation
- India-NREL Energy Activities
- Israel-NREL Cooperation
- Liberia-NREL Biomass Resource Assessment
- Low Carbon Communities of the Americas
- Maldives-NREL Cooperation
- Market Data for Renewable Energy Projects and Programs at NREL
- Mauritius-NREL Cooperation
- Mexico-NREL Wind Resource Assessments
- Morocco-NREL Energy Activities
- Mozambique-NREL Cooperation
- NREL Buildings and Energy Efficiency Program
- NREL Climate Activities
- NREL International Program
- NREL State Clean Energy Policies Analysis Project (SCEPA)
- NREL-Brazil Bilateral Technical Coordination
- NREL-LCI Database Project
- Nepal-NREL Cooperation
- Peru-NREL Energy Activities
- Philippines-NREL Cooperation
- South Africa-NREL Energy Activities
- South Asia Regional Initiative for Energy Cooperation and Development (SARI/Energy)
- Survey of Biomass Resource Assessments and Assessment Capabilities in APEC Economies
- US Virgin Islands-Energy Development in Island Nations (EDIN) Pilot Project
- United Arab Emirates-NREL Cooperation
- Worldwide Energy Efficiency Action through Capacity Building and Training (WEACT)
- ↑ "About NREL"
External Links