From Open Energy Information

The Buildings Industry Transportation Electricity Scenarios (BITES) Tool is a scenario-based tool for analyzing how changes in energy demand and supply by economic sector can impact carbon dioxide emissions. BITES permits the rapid screening and exploration of energy options and technologies that can lead to major reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and reductions in oil dependence. RETIRED.

Buildings Industry Transportation & Electricity Scenarios (BITES) - Retired

The Buildings Industry Transportation Electricity Scenarios (BITES) tool is an interactive framework that lets users explore the energy and carbon implications of altering the current U.S. energy profile. Using 'what-if' scenarios, users are able to adjust inputs to the electricity generation, buildings, industry and transportation sectors in order to compare outcomes to baseline reference cases. BITES permits the rapid screening and exploration of energy options and technologies that can lead to major reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and reductions in oil dependence.

Scenarios were originally developed to help examine strategic planning opportunities for the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE). The U.S. Department of Energy is interested in identifying research priorities where potential technical advances will have the greatest impact in achieving national energy goals. BITES was adapted for the Web to give users the opportunity to investigate potential future pathways for the U.S. energy economy. As the scenarios demonstrate, significant technology and policy deployment in every sector is required to meet U.S. climate and energy security goals.

BITES has been retired.

For other scenario tools supported by NREL, please see the following:


  1.  "Buildings Industry Transportation & Electricity Scenarios (BITES)"
  2.  "Energy Department Launches Web Tool to Explore Pathways to Clean Energy Economy"