China and India Industrial Efficiency NREL Partnership

From Open Energy Information

"In support of the DOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) Industrial Technologies Program’s (ITP) activities to promote industrial energy efficiency internationally, the NREL industrial communications team is developing a specialized portfolio of technical and outreach materials. This work began in fiscal year 2008 under the Asia Pacific Partnership as a joint effort between DOE and China’s Development and Reform Commission to promote and strengthen industrial energy efficiency in China’s energy-intensive factories and facilities. ITP is now expanding these efforts to other nations and international audiences. By assessing information needs and adapting and developing appropriate materials, the NREL team will facilitate the delivery of technical information and adoption of methods by industry on a practical level.

ITP’s goal is to help advance energy efficiency in manufacturing companies and plants internationally. ITP efforts focus on delivery of resources that form the foundation of its successful Save Energy Now® and Technology Delivery approach: plant assessments conducted by energy system experts; software assessment tools; system-level and energy management training; and technical information. The communication goal is to provide supporting information for these activities that is relevant and readily available to international audiences.

This work will be conducted primarily by NREL, in collaboration with Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL). NREL will adapt the existing ITP portfolio, including technical tip sheets, sourcebooks, case studies, and software information. Overview brochures and general outreach materials will also be developed to help communicate the broad effort. These materials will be available in printed formats for activities such as conferences, training workshops and meetings. In addition, the information will be available for electronic distribution, and eventually hosted on Web site or portal for international activities. Other technical content and training will be developed by ORNL and LBNL as the project progresses. The project lead for this work at NREL is Michelle Sosa-Mallory." [1]


  1. National Renewable Energy Laboratory, EERE Supported International Activities FY 2009 Annual Operating Plan (August 25, 2009)