Fault Intersection

From Open Energy Information

Fault Intersection:
Fault intersections are junctions between normal faults and either transversely oriented strike-slip or oblique-slip faults. Subsurface fluid flow in these areas is enhanced by multiple minor faults that connect the major intersecting structures, forming highly fractured zones or dilational quadrants with increased permeability.
Other definitions:Wikipedia Reegle

There are numerous configurations fault intersections can make, this figure illustrates a simplified fault intersection with an initial fault that get crossed by a later fault at a 90 degree angle. http://homepage.ufp.pt/biblioteca/WebBasPrinTectonics/BasPrincTectonics/Page5.htm

Faulds uses these terms (fault intersection and a subset classification - displacement transfer zone) as structural controls found in the Basin and Range province of the US.

Fault intersections between normal faults and transversely oriented strike-slip or oblique-slip faults account for 22% of the Basin & Range structures known to host geothermal systems as of 2011. Multiple minor faults in these areas create connections between major structures, allowing fluids to flow through highly fractured dilational quadrants.[1]


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Bac-Man Laguna Geothermal AreaPhilippine Island ArcSubduction ZoneVolcanic150 MW
150,000 kW
150,000,000 W
150,000,000,000 mW
0.15 GW
1.5e-4 TW
543.15 K
270 °C
518 °F
977.67 °R
Blue Mountain Geothermal AreaNorthwest Basin and Range Geothermal RegionExtensional TectonicsTriassicMetasedimentary49.5 MW
49,500 kW
49,500,000 W
49,500,000,000 mW
0.0495 GW
4.95e-5 TW
470.15 K
197 °C
386.6 °F
846.27 °R
Bouillante Geothermal AreaLesser Antilles Volcanic ArcSubduction ZoneChlorite15 MW
15,000 kW
15,000,000 W
15,000,000,000 mW
0.015 GW
1.5e-5 TW
528.15 K
255 °C
491 °F
950.67 °R
Chena Geothermal AreaAlaska Geothermal RegionNon-Tectonic90 MaGranitic Pluton0.4 MW
400 kW
400,000 W
400,000,000 mW
4.0e-4 GW
4.0e-7 TW
371.15 K
98 °C
208.4 °F
668.07 °R
Germencik Geothermal AreaAegean-West Anatolian Extensional RegionExtensional TectonicsMarble73.4 MW
73,400 kW
73,400,000 W
73,400,000,000 mW
0.0734 GW
7.34e-5 TW
491.15 K
218 °C
424.4 °F
884.07 °R
Gumuskoy Geothermal AreaAegean-West Anatolian Extensional RegionExtensional Tectonics
PaleozicMarble13.2 MW
13,200 kW
13,200,000 W
13,200,000,000 mW
0.0132 GW
1.32e-5 TW
413.15 K
140 °C
284 °F
743.67 °R
Kagoshima Geothermal AreaRyuku ArcSubduction ZoneNeogene to recentVolcanic Rocks, Andesite0.1 MW
100 kW
100,000 W
100,000,000 mW
1.0e-4 GW
1.0e-7 TW
512.15 K
239 °C
462.2 °F
921.87 °R
Kawerau Geothermal AreaTaupo Volcanic ZoneExtensional Tectonics
Subduction Zone
QuaternaryVolcaniclastic; Sandstone; Mudstone115 MW
115,000 kW
115,000,000 W
115,000,000,000 mW
0.115 GW
1.15e-4 TW
543.15 K
270 °C
518 °F
977.67 °R
Kizildere Geothermal AreaAegean-West Anatolian Extensional RegionExtensional TectonicsMioceneLimestone102 MW
102,000 kW
102,000,000 W
102,000,000,000 mW
0.102 GW
1.02e-4 TW
459.15 K
186 °C
366.8 °F
826.47 °R
Lahendong Geothermal AreaMinahasa Volcanic ZoneSubduction ZoneMioceneAndesite80 MW
80,000 kW
80,000,000 W
80,000,000,000 mW
0.08 GW
8.0e-5 TW
578.15 K
305 °C
581 °F
1,040.67 °R
Lightning Dock Geothermal AreaSouthern Basin and Range Geothermal RegionExtensional TectonicsPaleozoic carbonate rocks and late Tertiary volcanic rocks4.4 MW
4,400 kW
4,400,000 W
4,400,000,000 mW
0.0044 GW
4.4e-6 TW
443.15 K
170 °C
338 °F
797.67 °R
Mokai Geothermal AreaTaupo Volcanic ZoneExtensional Tectonics
Subduction Zone
QuaternaryVolcaniclastic112 MW
112,000 kW
112,000,000 W
112,000,000,000 mW
0.112 GW
1.12e-4 TW
568.15 K
295 °C
563 °F
1,022.67 °R
Mutnovskaya Geothermal AreaKuril-Kamchatka ArcSubduction ZoneOligocene62 MW
62,000 kW
62,000,000 W
62,000,000,000 mW
0.062 GW
6.2e-5 TW
507.15 K
234 °C
453.2 °F
912.87 °R
North Brawley Geothermal AreaGulf of California Rift ZoneStrike-SlipArkosic and quartz dominated sandstones50 MW
50,000 kW
50,000,000 W
50,000,000,000 mW
0.05 GW
5.0e-5 TW
539.15 K
266 °C
510.8 °F
970.47 °R
Ohaaki Geothermal AreaTaupo Volcanic ZoneExtensional Tectonics
Subduction Zone
QuaternaryVolcaniclastic122 MW
122,000 kW
122,000,000 W
122,000,000,000 mW
0.122 GW
1.22e-4 TW
538.15 K
265 °C
509 °F
968.67 °R
Raft River Geothermal AreaNorthern Basin and Range Geothermal RegionExtensional Tectonics1- Archean; 2-Proterozoic1- quartz monzonite; 2-schist; quartzite13 MW
13,000 kW
13,000,000 W
13,000,000,000 mW
0.013 GW
1.3e-5 TW
468.15 K
195 °C
383 °F
842.67 °R
Rotokawa Geothermal AreaTaupo Volcanic ZoneExtensional Tectonics
Subduction Zone
QuaternaryVolcaniclastic167 MW
167,000 kW
167,000,000 W
167,000,000,000 mW
0.167 GW
1.67e-4 TW
573.15 K
300 °C
572 °F
1,031.67 °R
Steamboat Springs Geothermal AreaWalker-Lane Transition ZoneExtensional Tectonics1- Cretaceous; 2- Pliocene-Pleistocene1- granodiorite; 2- basaltic andesite147 MW
147,000 kW
147,000,000 W
147,000,000,000 mW
0.147 GW
1.47e-4 TW
483.15 K
210 °C
410 °F
869.67 °R
Sumatra-Sibayak Geothermal AreaSunda Volcanic Arc - Great Sumatra Fault ZoneSubduction ZoneTertiarySandstone; Limestone12 MW
12,000 kW
12,000,000 W
12,000,000,000 mW
0.012 GW
1.2e-5 TW
543.15 K
270 °C
518 °F
977.67 °R
Svartsengi Geothermal AreaMid Atlantic RidgeRift ZoneBasalt76 MW
76,000 kW
76,000,000 W
76,000,000,000 mW
0.076 GW
7.6e-5 TW
513.15 K
240 °C
464 °F
923.67 °R
Tuzla Geothermal AreaAegean-West Anatolian Extensional RegionExtensional Tectonics8 MW
8,000 kW
8,000,000 W
8,000,000,000 mW
0.008 GW
8.0e-6 TW
405.15 K
132 °C
269.6 °F
729.27 °R
Valles Caldera - Redondo Geothermal AreaRio Grande RiftExtensional Tectonics
Rift Zone
Mississippian-Pennsylvanian; Pleistocene, 1.6 to 1.25 MaLimestone-Madera Formation “MIPu”; Rhyolitic tuff-Intracaldera Bandelier Tuff (upper Tshirege “Qbt” and lower Otowi “Qbo” members); Caldera Fill Rhyolite (shallow)
Valles Caldera - Sulphur Springs Geothermal AreaRio Grande RiftExtensional Tectonics
Rift Zone
Precambrian; Mississippian-Pennsylvanian; Pleistocene, 1.6 to 1.25 Ma; Pliocene; MioceneCrystalline basement “pCu”; Limestone-Madera Formation “MIPu”; Rhyolitic tuff-Bandelier Tuff (upper Tshirege “Qbt” and lower Otowi “Qbo” members); Caldera Fill Rhyolite (shallow); Dacitic/Andesitic to Rhyolitic lavas and tuffs-Keres Group Volcanics (shallow); Santa Fe Group volcaniclastics “Tsf”
Wairakei-Poihipi Geothermal AreaTaupo Volcanic ZoneExtensional Tectonics
Subduction Zone
QuaternaryVolcaniclastic352 MW
352,000 kW
352,000,000 W
352,000,000,000 mW
0.352 GW
3.52e-4 TW
483.15 K
210 °C
410 °F
869.67 °R
Yangbajain Geothermal AreaHimalayan Mountain Range24 MW
24,000 kW
24,000,000 W
24,000,000,000 mW
0.024 GW
2.4e-5 TW
478.15 K
205 °C
401 °F
860.67 °R


  1. James E. Faulds,Nicholas H. Hinz,Mark F. Coolbaugh,Patricia H. Cashman,Christopher Kratt,Gregory Dering,Joel Edwards,Brett Mayhew,Holly McLachlan. 2011. Assessment of Favorable Structural Settings of Geothermal Systems in the Great Basin, Western USA. In: Transactions. GRC Anual Meeting; 2011/10/23; San Diego, CA. Davis, CA: Geothermal Resources Council; p. 777–783