Apex or Salient of Normal Fault

From Open Energy Information

Apex or Salient of Normal Fault:
Normal faults may intersect in the subsurface to form a fault apex or salient. Apices or salients of normal faults account for 3% of structural controls in the Great Basin.
Other definitions:Wikipedia Reegle

Normal faults intersecting at a point in the subsurface to form the fault apex or salient. http://homepage.ufp.pt/biblioteca/SaltTectonicsNovo/Pages/Page19.htm

Faulds uses this term as a structural control found in the Basin and Range province of the US.

Apices or salients of normal faults account for 3% of structural controls in the Great Basin.[1]


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  1. James E. Faulds,Nicholas H. Hinz,Mark F. Coolbaugh,Patricia H. Cashman,Christopher Kratt,Gregory Dering,Joel Edwards,Brett Mayhew,Holly McLachlan. 2011. Assessment of Favorable Structural Settings of Geothermal Systems in the Great Basin, Western USA. In: Transactions. GRC Anual Meeting; 2011/10/23; San Diego, CA. Davis, CA: Geothermal Resources Council; p. 777–783