Lahendong Geothermal Area

From Open Energy Information

Area Overview

Geothermal Area Profile

Location: Sulawesi, Indonesia

Exploration Region: Minahasa Volcanic Zone

GEA Development Phase: Operational
"Operational" is not in the list of possible values (Phase I - Resource Procurement and Identification, Phase II - Resource Exploration and Confirmation, Phase III - Permitting and Initial Development, Phase IV - Resource Production and Power Plant Construction) for this property.

Coordinates: 1.3025°, 124.8511°

Resource Estimate

Mean Reservoir Temp: 305°C
578.15 K
581 °F
1,040.67 °R

Estimated Reservoir Volume:

Mean Capacity: 80 MW
80,000 kW
80,000,000 W
80,000,000,000 mW
0.08 GW
8.0e-5 TW

USGS Mean Reservoir Temp:

USGS Estimated Reservoir Volume:

USGS Mean Capacity:

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History and Infrastructure

Operating Power Plants: 4

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Developing Power Projects: 0

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Power Production Profile

Gross Production Capacity:

Net Production Capacity:

Owners  :
  • BPPT
  • PLN
  • Pertamina Geothermal Energy

Power Purchasers :
  • Fuji

Other Uses:

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Regulatory and Environmental Issues

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Exploration History

First Discovery Well

Completion Date:

Well Name:



Initial Flow Rate:

Flow Test Comment:

Initial Temperature:

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Well Field Description

Well Field Information

Development Area:

Number of Production Wells:

Number of Injection Wells:

Number of Replacement Wells:

Average Temperature of Geofluid:

Sanyal Classification (Wellhead):

Reservoir Temp (Geothermometry):

Reservoir Temp (Measured):

Sanyal Classification (Reservoir):

Depth to Top of Reservoir: 1000m
1 km
0.621 mi
3,280.84 ft
1,093.61 yd

Depth to Bottom of Reservoir: 2000m
2 km
1.243 mi
6,561.68 ft
2,187.22 yd

Average Depth to Reservoir: 1500m
1.5 km
0.932 mi
4,921.26 ft
1,640.415 yd

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Geology of the Area

Geologic Setting

Tectonic Setting: Subduction Zone

Controlling Structure: Fault Intersection

Topographic Features: Caldera Depression

Brophy Model: Type C: Caldera Resource

Moeck-Beardsmore Play Type: CV-1a: Magmatic - Extrusive, CV-1b: Magmatic - Intrusive
"CV-1a: Magmatic - Extrusive, CV-1b: Magmatic - Intrusive" is not in the list of possible values (CV-1a: Magmatic - Extrusive, CV-1b: Magmatic - Intrusive, CV-2a: Plutonic - Recent or Active Volcanism, CV-2b: Plutonic - Inactive Volcanism, CV-3: Extensional Domain, CD-1: Intracratonic Basin, CD-2: Orogenic Belt, CD-3: Crystalline Rock - Basement) for this property.

Geologic Features

Modern Geothermal Features: Fumaroles, Hot Springs

Relict Geothermal Features:

Volcanic Age: Neogene

Host Rock Age: Miocene

Host Rock Lithology: Andesite

Cap Rock Age:

Cap Rock Lithology:

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Geofluid Geochemistry


Salinity (low):

Salinity (high):

Salinity (average):

Brine Constituents: Ca, Mg and SO4

Water Resistivity:

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NEPA-Related Analyses (0)

Below is a list of NEPA-related analyses that have been conducted in the area - and logged on OpenEI. To add an additional NEPA-related analysis, see the NEPA Database.

CSV No NEPA-related documents listed.

Exploration Activities (0)

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  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Ruggero Bertani. 2005. World Geothermal Power Generation 2001-2005. Proceedings of World Geothermal Congress; Turkey: World Geothermal Congress.

List of existing Geothermal Resource Areas.
