From Open Energy Information


Frontier Observatory for Research in Geothermal Energy


Welcome to the Utah FORGE information site. The FORGE project began in 2015 to facilitate an environment where scientists and engineers can develop, test, and accelerate breakthroughs in enhanced geothermal systems (EGS) technologies and techniques. More details about the FORGE initiative can be found here.

The Utah FORGE project is managed by the Energy & Geoscience Institute at the University of Utah. Additional information about the Utah FORGE project can be found here.

On this site you will find project details and history as well as the data that the Utah FORGE project has produced. Please use the button links below to access this information. Please note that wells 78-32, 78B-32, 68-32, and 56-32 are seismic monitoring wells, well 58-32 was the first deep well used for stimulation and well 16A(78)-32 is the deep deviated well that has also under stimulation. Thank you for visiting!

This site will be updated regularly as new information and data become available.

Additionally, NREL's OpenEI has a great compendium of general geothermal energy information here.