Well 68-32

From Open Energy Information


Well 68-32 Summary and Data

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Utah FORGE Wells Including 68-32

(Coordinates: UTM Zone 12 N, NAD83)

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Considering the focus of the Utah FORGE project it is critical that seismicity is closely monitored. A plan was put in place in January 2019 to drill two new seismic monitoring wells including wells 78-32 and 68-32 with Well 68-32 having conventional geophones installed. This well was also used to test the capacity of the groundwater aquifer during drilling.

Well 68-32 was drilled between March 9th and March 19th, 2019 to a depth of 1,000 feet. It is a shallow vertical well that is used for seismic monitoring. It is located on Utah School and Institutional Trust Lands (SITLA) property.

Well Location Northing: 4262993.8

Easting: 335781.1
UTM Zone 12 N, NAD83

Rotary Table Height: 30.40 ft. from ground level
Ground Level (GL): 5456.25 ft. ASL
Rotary Table Elevation 5.70 ft above GL

This project led to the production of a significant amount of data. These data can be downloaded below:

  1. Well 68-32 Drilling data and Logs: This GDR page includes drilling reports, the lithologic log, daily drilling reports, cuttings logs, drilling photos, and the End of Well Report.