R&D Reports

From Open Energy Information


Utah FORGE Reports

Aerial View-fullcrop.jpg
Utah FORGE Well 58-32

16A78-32 narrow Eric Larson.png

This page contains reports related to the Utah FORGE Project. They can be downloaded below.

Annual and Topical Reports

  1. Phase 2B Topical Report: This is the Phase 2B Topical Report.
  2. Phase 2C Topical Report: This is the Phase 2C Topical Report.
  3. Phase 3A (2020) Annual Report: This is the Phase 3A, year 1, Annual Report.
  4. Phase 3A (2022) Annual Report: This is the Phase 3A, year 2, Annual Report.
  5. Phase 3B Year 1 Annual Report (2023) This report discusses the objectives, the goals, accomplishments and results of Phase 3B Year 1. The topics include infrastructure, seismic monitoring, modelling, external R&D, communications and outreach, data produced, lessons learned, conclusions, and planned activities.
  6. Phase 3B Year 2 Annual Report This is the yearly Utah FORGE report for Phase 3B Year 2. During this phase the project activity at the Utah FORGE site centered on the drilling of production well 16B(78)-32 and reservoir creation.

Utah FORGE Site Characteristics

  1. Utah FORGE Site Characteristics: This is a report on the geothermal characteristics of the Roosevelt Hot Springs system and the adjacent Utah FORGE EGS site near Milford, Utah.
  2. Utah FORGE: Preliminary Monitoring, Analyses, and Impact Assessment: This includes a report detailing the seismic monitoring goals and results, a detailed techno-economic infrastructure assessment with an analysis, a budget, schedules, and cost summaries, and a summary of environmental impacts.
  3. 2019 ARMA Overview Slide Presentation : This is an overview presentation of the Utah FORGE project given by Joseph Moore, Ph.D., at the 2019 American Rock Mechanics Associate meeting. It details the state of the Utah FORGE project at on 8/17/2019.

Geology and Rock Mechanics Reports

  1. Well 58-32 Core Analyses: This contains final reports regarding the core testing of well 58-32, in PDF format, and spreadsheets containing tables from the reports. Please refer to the reports for full information regarding the tables in the spreadsheets. These data include mechanical properties, permeability, and stress measurements.
  2. Wells 16A(78)-32 & 58-32 Granite Thermal Properties: This is a report from Metarock Laboratories on the thermal properties of wells 16A(78)-32 & 58-32 granite.
  3. Mineral Mountains West Fault System: This archive contains a report on the Mineral Mountains West fault system as part of phase 2C and the evidence for the northern terminus of this structure. Geologic field mapping, reprocessing of 3D seismic reflection data, and soil gas surveys contributed to this effort.

Water Chemistry/Geochemistry

  1. Potential Geochemical Responses to Injection: This is a report on the evaluation of potential geochemical responses to injection in the Utah FORGE geothermal reservoir.

Seismic Workshop, Seismic Tools, and Seismicity Reports

  1. 2022 Seismic Workshop Report: Utah FORGE held a two-day seismic workshop on the University of Utah campus in Salt Lake City, Utah on September 26 and 27, 2022 to share what was learned from the seismic monitoring during the 2022 stimulation. This is a report documenting this workshop.
  2. Well 16A(78)-32 2022 Stimulation Silixa Microseismic Report This is the Utah FORGE well 16A(78)-32 stimulation microseismic detection and location report from Silixa LLC. The stimulation was accomplished during April, 2022.
  3. Borehole Passive Seismic Sensors (PSS) Tools Status Report This report summarizes the data quality from the Utah FORGE borehole passive seismic sensors (PSS) tools at well sites 58-32 and 78B-32. Two level Avalon tools were installed on 09-28-2022 and 09-29-2022 by representatives from Avalon, Schlumberger, University of Utah, and ISTI. Each site contains two level geophones with three components each for a total of 12 seismic components in operation. At the time of installation, only one of the components was deemed marginally operating. This report details approximate timelines of data quality degradation.
  4. The University of Utah Seismograph Stations (UUSS) are responsible for the seismic monitoring of the experiments and have installed a series of permanent surface and borehole seismic instruments around the Utah FORGE project site. This report discusses the methods used for proper shallow borehole and posthole and station alignment.

Well Reports

  1. Utah FORGE Report on the Thermal Properties of Wells 16A(78)-32 & 58-32 Granite This is a report from Metarock Laboratories on the thermal properties of Utah FORGE wells 16A(78)-32 & 58-32 granite. The report includes pictures of core samples, core details for the samples (where the sample was taken and the size of the sample), sample thermal expansion test results, radial velocity measurements, and hydrostatic test results.

Fracture Reports

  1. Hydraulic fracture width determination using integration of Stoneley wave pressure testing with electrical borehole scans in FORGE Geothermal project. In this report you will find information about a well (56-32) drilled in the DOE FORGE Geothermal test site where both electrical borehole scans acquired using Schlumbergers Formation Micro-scanner Image tool (FMI) and Stoneley waves generated by a borehole sonic tool are used together in a workflow using the strengths of both techniques to characterize fractures crossing the well and estimate their effective width. In this work separate fracture width estimations for both FMI and Stoneley wave analyses are compared, and conclusions drawn on the relative merits. Next, a workflow was created to use the FMI determined fracture locations to drive the Stoneley wave analysis and results were presented for different sections with FMI images for reference. Finally, an improved workflow was established to deliver a robust estimation of hydraulic fracture width using all the available data.