Agrivoltaics and Their Effects on Crops: A Review

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Journal Article: Agrivoltaics and Their Effects on Crops: A Review

Agrivoltaic systems are combined systems of agriculture and photovoltaics. This systems generally reduce yields of crops but increase land equivalent ratio, sunlight share during biological and synthetic energy harvesting, PVs efficiency and yield by cooling the surrounding microclimate, humidify the environment by drops, reduce water consumption of plants, decrease gas exchange and short-term stomatal conductance by shadow. Agrivoltaics are very suitable for rainfed, hot and arid climatic conditions, deserts, temperate zone grasslands, fields crop production, production of pollinating insects, pasture-fed rabbit and sheep farming. Pasture establishment in deserts under solar panels may prevent mid-day solar shock on crops. Extremely infertile natural pastures under erosion in Turkey may be covered with these panels to decrease the impact of erosion by reducing the raindrop speed to reach the ground. System also may provide shelters to animals.

N. Turan

Published Journal
 : Muş Alparslan University Agricultural Production and Technologies, 2021

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N. Turan. 2021. Agrivoltaics and Their Effects on Crops: A Review. Muş Alparslan University Agricultural Production and Technologies. 1(2):39-47.