PRIMRE/Databases/Projects Database/Test Sites/Tanana River Hydrokinetic Test Site

From Open Energy Information

Tanana River Hydrokinetic Test Site

Tanana River Hydrokinetic Test Site (TRTS) is used to test hydrokinetic power generating devices, related technologies, and to characterize the river environment under realistic Alaska river conditions. Researchers and industrial clients can use the test site to assess interaction between hydrokinetic devices and the environment in a controlled fashion at a well characterized site. The site’s anchored mooring system, located mid-channel, supports a floating platform able to secure a load up to 50,000 pounds. All required permits are secured. Placement of turbines in river is subject to final regulatory review.

Additional Information
Device Status
Is the test site actively testing or in planning (active)? Or is it permanently closed for business (inactive)?
Energy Resource
  • Riverine
Start Year
Grid Connectivity
Not Grid Connected
Tanana River
Site Characteristics
Geographic characterization for the test site location:
  • Open Ocean: Main body of ocean, not enclosed or partially enclosed by land
  • Coastal: Open water near the coast, spanning between land and shelf boundary
  • Enclosed Bay: water that is partially surrounded by land, with a mouth open to larger water
  • Constricted Channel: A channel where water flows quickly due to narrowing by the land
  • River: Water flowing from land towards a larger body of water
United States
This Test Site has the following MRE Devices


Last modified: 2023-06-24