PRIMRE/Contributing to PRIMRE

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Contributing to PRIMRE

Submissions to PRIMRE from researchers, academics, and developers involved in the Marine Energy (ME) industry are highly encouraged. The table below helps identify the appropriate knowledge hub for each type of content. Any questions or requests for guidance on how to contribute content to PRIMRE can be directed to the .

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MHK Data Repository
The Marine Hydrokinetic Data Repository (MHKDR) is the repository for data collected using funds from the Water Power Technologies Office of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). It contains data on MHK devices, testing, resource and environmental impact assessments, cost analyses, and more.
Tethys facilitates the exchange of information and data on the environmental effects of wind and marine renewable energy technologies and serves as a commons for wind and marine renewable energy practitioners and therefore enhance the connectedness of the renewable energy community.
Tethys Engineering
Tethys Engineering stores documents from around the world about the technical and engineering aspects of marine renewable energy. Also includes a high-resolution photo library of marine energy devices.
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Telesto is home to open source Wikis and Databases which provide a comprehensive explanation of and guidance for marine energy testing, measurement, and data processing based on experience, lessons learned from prior laboratory and field testing, industry standards, and best practices.
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Marine Energy Projects Database
Provides up-to-date information on marine energy. The database includes wave, tidal, current, and ocean thermal energy, and contains information on the various energy conversion devices, companies active in the field, and development of projects in the water.
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Marine Energy Software
A collection of marine energy relevant software, including the code hub and code catalog. The code hub is a collection of open source marine energy software for simulating devices, and processing and analyzing data. The code catalog is a searchable online software discovery platform with a faceted search to identify software tools, codes and other software products.