PRIMRE/Databases/Projects Database/Projects/Scilly Airport WEP
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Scilly Airport WEP
The London-based 40 South Energy is gathering all the data about the project in a scoping report, which will be submitted and discussed with the relevant authorities – the Islands’ Council and Marine Management Organisation for approval, The Cornishman reports. The company plans to deploy three wave energy generators offshore St Mary, near the Scilly Airport with a total capacity of 450kW.
- Planned: Project has identified a deployment location and is preparing for deployment
- Operational: Project is deployed in the water and is active
- Completed: Project was previously deployed in the water
- Decommissioned: Installation has been fully removed in accordance with regulations
- Canceled: Project was canceled before being deployed in the water
- Wave
This Project has the following MRE Devices
Last modified: 2024-06-07