PRIMRE/Databases/Projects Database/Devices/Pulse-Stream

From Open Energy Information


Pulse-Stream operates in tidal currents, which move horizontal blades up and down to drive a generator. During operation, the system sits on the sea-bed and is fully submerged even in shallow water. However, for maintenance, the system can come to the surface without the need for cranes and complicated offshore vessels - making maintenance work very simple.

Device Status
Is the device actively being developed or is available for purchase (active)? Or has development or support ended (inactive)?
Technology Type
Power Take-Off
Mechanism that converts the motion of the prime mover into a useful form of energy such as electricity, learn more
Direct Drive Generator
Max Rated Power Capacity
The maximum amount of electricity that can be produced by the device, as rated by the manufacturer.
100 KW
Ocean Wave Icon.png Surface Expression
Estimated TRL
Estimated Technology Readiness Level scale from 1 to 9 with 9 being the most mature technology
Energy Resource
  • Tidal
Water Column Position
Water Column Summary

Projects Using Pulse-Stream


Last modified: 2022-11-29