PRIMRE/Databases/Projects Database/Devices/Orbital Marine Power SR2000

From Open Energy Information
Jamie oman

Orbital Marine Power SR2000

Designed to DNV-GL standards with a 20 year design life, the SR2000 was designed to minimise the whole lifecycle cost of electricity production from tidal energy. The shape and design of Orbital’s technology was developed to enable low-cost fabrication and a simplified installation and maintenance process. The SR2000 device consists of twin turbines with rotor blades 16m in length, each fixed to retractable legs which are mounted to a 64m floating platform, which enables the turbine to be positioned in the most energetic parts of the tidal stream. The flexible mooring system means the devices can be installed in any water depths of over 25m and can be deployed with a range of anchoring systems to suit most seabed types.

Technology Developer
Additional Information
Device Status
Is the device actively being developed or is available for purchase (active)? Or has development or support ended (inactive)?
Technology Type
Power Take-Off
Mechanism that converts the motion of the prime mover into a useful form of energy such as electricity, learn more
Direct Drive Generator
Max Rated Power Capacity
The maximum amount of electricity that can be produced by the device, as rated by the manufacturer.
2000 KW
Ocean Wave Icon.png Surface Expression
Estimated TRL
Estimated Technology Readiness Level scale from 1 to 9 with 9 being the most mature technology
TRL Last updated: 9 December 2022
Energy Resource
  • Tidal
Water Column Position
Water Column Summary

Projects Using Orbital Marine Power SR2000


Test Sites where Orbital Marine Power SR2000 was tested


Last modified: 2023-03-14