PRIMRE/Databases/Projects Database/Devices/OCGen Power System

From Open Energy Information

OCGen Power System

Similar device to the TidGen Power System, also of ORPC, but suited to ocean currents. The design incorporates the use of a buoyancy chamber along with tensioned cables to control its position in the water column.

Technology Developer
Device Status
Is the device actively being developed or is available for purchase (active)? Or has development or support ended (inactive)?
Technology Type
Power Take-Off
Mechanism that converts the motion of the prime mover into a useful form of energy such as electricity, learn more
Direct Drive Generator
Ocean Wave Icon.png Surface Expression
Estimated TRL
Estimated Technology Readiness Level scale from 1 to 9 with 9 being the most mature technology
Energy Resource
  • Ocean Current
Water Column Position
Water Column Summary

Projects Using OCGen Power System


Last modified: 2022-06-03