PRIMRE/Databases/Projects Database/Devices/Drakoo

From Open Energy Information


The working principle of Drakoo, being a twin-chamber oscillating water column system, is to transform waves into a continuous water flow which drives a hydro turbine generator. First: an incoming wave increases the inlet chambers’ water level, while simultaneously water is partly directed from the inlet to the outlet chamber, through the hydro turbine. Second: once the water level outside the device falls, both chambers’ water levels also fall, leading to a flow from the inlet to the outlet chamber and the outlet chamber to the outside environment. The two-step action of the water columns occur continuously in waves. Meanwhile, the checkerboard valves regular the water flow. The water flow is nearly constant and one-directional resulting in smooth rotation of the hydro turbine which in turn generates stable electricity efficiently.

Drakoo Device.png

Technology Developer
Additional Information
Device Status
Is the device actively being developed or is available for purchase (active)? Or has development or support ended (inactive)?
Power Take-Off
Mechanism that converts the motion of the prime mover into a useful form of energy such as electricity, learn more
Hydro Turbine
Max Rated Power Capacity
The maximum amount of electricity that can be produced by the device, as rated by the manufacturer.
100 KW
Ocean Wave Icon.png Surface Expression
Estimated TRL
Estimated Technology Readiness Level scale from 1 to 9 with 9 being the most mature technology
TRL Last updated: 14 September 2023
Energy Resource
  • Wave
Water Column Position
Water Column Summary

Last modified: 2024-10-10