PRIMRE/Databases/Projects Database/Devices/DUO Wave Energy Converter

From Open Energy Information

DUO Wave Energy Converter

The DUO Wave Energy Converter concept was conceived to develop wave energy technology that could improve productivity, leading to lower costs of generating electricity and accelerating the deployment of wave energy technology on offshore sites. The DUO is an axisymmetric wave energy converter that captures power from multiple degrees of freedom and multiple directions at the same time. The DUO extracts energy from both the heave and the pitch-surge motions of offshore waves through fixed and floating oscillating bodies with angled pre-tensioned cables. The design allows power generation from both wave motions, increasing the energy capture per unit cost. In 2015, Sea Potential received funding from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Wave Energy Prize (WEP) competition to test the DUO design against alternative concepts.


Technology Developer
Device Status
Is the device actively being developed or is available for purchase (active)? Or has development or support ended (inactive)?
Technology Type
Power Take-Off
Mechanism that converts the motion of the prime mover into a useful form of energy such as electricity, learn more
Hydraulic Generator
Ocean Wave Icon.png Surface Expression
Estimated TRL
Estimated Technology Readiness Level scale from 1 to 9 with 9 being the most mature technology
TRL Last updated: 20 November 2024
Energy Resource
  • Wave
Water Column Position
Water Column Summary

Last modified: 2024-11-20