Solar+Storage/Utility Rates

From Open Energy Information

Utility Rates Modeled

Utility Rates Modeled

Commercial utility rates were selected for the utility with the largest commercial customer base within each climate zone. Rates and building types were matched, based on the load profile of the building and the eligibility requirements stated in the utility’s rate tariff sheet. The 73 utility rates represent a variety of tariff structures. The majority of rates had demand charge elements or time-of-use elements, and some had both. Several flat rates were also modeled. NEM is not included in the calculations, even if it is offered by the utility. All of the tariffs were taken from NREL’s Utility Rate Database and were up to date as of January 2017.

Table of Utility Rates Modeled


Joyce Mclaren (bio)
Senior Energy Analyst
National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Todd Olinsky-Paul
Project Director
Clean Energy Group
