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Nevada Geothermal Biological Resource Assessment(12-NV)

Nevada has a particular state notification and review process for all energy projects with a capacity of 10 megawatts or greater that may affect state biological resources. The process is governed by NRS 701.600 et seq.

If the energy project is under 10 megawatts (MWs), the impact is presumed to be insignificant and exempt from the environmental process under NRS 701.600 et seq. If the energy project is 10MW or more, developers must provide a Notice of Energy Development Project to the Nevada Department of Wildlife (NDOW). Within 30 days, the NDOW forwards a copy of the Notice to the Nevada State Office of Energy. Depending on the project’s potential impact to biological resources, the developer may need to develop a Habitat Conservation Plan and/or apply for an Incidental Take Permit.

Nevada has a recoupment program to reimburse the NDOW for the cost of consultation. The developer pays a particular recoupment fee before consultation with the NDOW begins. For geothermal projects the initial fee is $5,000 and the total is not to exceed $100,000.

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Determine Which State and Federal Permits Apply

Use this overview flowchart and following steps to learn which federal and state permits apply to your projects.