PRIMRE/STEM/Resources/Your Future in MHK Teacher Guide
STEM Resources
Your Future in MHK Teacher Guide
Description: Career and Technology Education activities that provide hands-on experience with electricity, magnetism, and generating electricity from marine environments.
Topics explored: Energy in many forms; transforming energy forms into other forms; ten energy sources (five renewable and five nonrenewable); electricity is generated when a coil of conducting wire is moved in an electric field or when magnets are moved through or around a coil of conducting wire; electricity generated using the energy found in tides, ocean currents, and waves; experimental marine hydrokinetic technologies; geographic and environmental factors to be considered; demand for people trained to pilot the vessels designed to install and maintain the equipment.Education Level
• High School
Resource Type
• Teach the Teacher Programs, Teacher Kits
• Env Science
• Engineering
• Energy Basics
• Careers