PRIMRE/STEM/Resources/Catch the Wave!

From Open Energy Information

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 STEM Resources

Catch the Wave!

Source: Science Buddies

Description: There is a lot of energy that can be harvested from moving water. Energy can be extracted from water rushing over a waterfall and from the regular patterns of the ocean's tides. The energy that propels waves forward in the oceans can also be extracted and used. But can wave energy power plants be built anywhere there is water? In this energy science fair project, you will use ocean buoy data and mathematics to determine which locations along the coasts of the United States can sustain a wave energy power system.

Topics explored: wave energy; marine energy; wavelength; frequency; environmental considerations; ocean energy; ocean energy project siting

Education Level

• High School

Resource Type

• Curricula, Pacing Guides, Lesson Plans


• Engineering


• Energy Basics