Hydropower/STEM/Resources/Syllabus-Undergraduate-University of Arizona-BauerII

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 STEM Resources

Syllabus-Undergraduate-University of Arizona-Bauer II

Source: Carl Bauer, University of Arizona

Description: syllabus for GEOG/EVS 462: Environmental Law, Geography, and Society, a 400-level undergraduate class at the University of Arizona

Topics explored: This course offers an overview of environmental law and its strengths and weaknesses in the United States. We grapple with legal rules and principles as well as their larger social and geographic contexts. How have people in the U.S. used laws to solve environmental problems over time? We begin with the essential features of the U.S. legal system and public policy process, as they affect environmental and natural resource issues. We learn about key environmental laws, such as the National Environmental Policy Act, the Clean Air Act, and the Endangered Species Act, and how their different approaches have worked in practice. This means we also consider political, economic, geographic, and other factors that influence environmental law and whether it succeeds or fails. The final part of the course looks at environmental law in relation to hydropower and electricity, which in turn connects to global energy use and climate change.

Education Level

• College

• Graduate School

Resource Type

• Curricula, Pacing Guides, Lesson Plans


• Env Science


• Environmental Considerations

• Policy & Regulation