Future Perfect Partnering with California Air Resources Board (CARB)

From Open Energy Information

Logo: Future Perfect Partnering with California Air Resources Board (CARB)

In the winter of 2008, Future Perfect (FP) began collaborating with the California Air Resources Board (CARB). The advent of Assembly Bill 32 (AB32), introduced the mandatory reporting of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions for industry sectors like Refining, Cement, Electricity Transactions and General Stationary Combustion. The goal was to establish a comprehensive training and accreditation programme for Greenhouse Gas (GHG) verifiers to establish a competent and professional pool of verifiers with the personnel and material capacity to undertake verification of the reports provided by reporters under AB32. Verifiers also required awareness of the potential implications of moving from a mandatory reporting model, to one where reporters would be subject to a cap and trade system. Future Perfect have a long and distinguished track record of providing training, consultancy and verification services in the United States, and had worked with among others, The Climate Registry and The California Climate Action Registry prior to being commissioned by CARB to provide training for verifiers. The program requested of FP was to specifically address California’s immediate need for qualified GHG Verifiers who must be trained, accredited, and available for GHG auditing.

The primary support provided by FP throughout the entire programme consisted of:
• Consultancy and guidance on training programme design and setup
• Designing and running interactive workshops for verifiers
• Consultancy and guidance on the implications of cap and trade schemes for verifiers, reporters and regulators
• Designing and delivering general stationary combustion verifier training to cover AB32 requirements
• Designing and delivering sector specialist training for refinery, cement and electricity transactions
• Creation of accreditation exam materials
• Provision of training manuals, additional reference materials and electronic


  1.  "Future Perfect Partnering with California Air Resources Board (CARB)"