ATP3 Data

ATP3 Unified Field Study Data
One of the most important activities of the ATP3 Consortium is to execute Unified Field Studies at all member sites. These studies are producing robust and reproducible data on the effect of environmental and process conditions on algal growth rates and algal composition. The ATP3 consortium will provide the results of these Studies to the community in a timely fashion.
ATP3 Unified Field Study Protocols
Below are the protocols used for media preparation and seed train management used for the UFS. Each UFS had a specific experimental protocol included under the specific UFS Results above.
Using the ATP3 Unified Field Study Data
The primary goal of the ATP3 UFS Experiments was to develop robust and well-curated algal cultivation data for multiple algal strains across different locations, seasons, and cultivation strategies. However, the most useful data from algal cultivation trials are often not these primary algal cultivation data but calculated values like algal productivities and harvest yields. While these calculations are straightforward, they may be done several different ways and are often poorly documented in the literature.
We believe that well-documented algal productivity calculations are just as important as well-curated primary algal cultivation data. NREL researchers use the UFS data to calculate algal productivities as part of their modeling and analysis work (including "state of technology" assessments) sponsored by the US Department of Energy. The link below provides an example of how they made use of the UFS data to perform such calculations.
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