
From Open Energy Information

State and Local Energy Profiles

NREL, in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Energy, developed this suite of interactive datasets delivering detailed renewable procurement, energy consumption, commercial buildings, and vehicle information estimated for each U.S. city and county. These resources are meant to inform data-driven energy decision making at the state and local level.

Renewable procurement options

NREL's Procurement Analysis Tool (PAT) helps businesses, universities, and government agencies explore renewable energy options. Users input facility data and answer goal-oriented questions. PAT analyzes this information to identify potential wind, solar, or storage resources and suitable procurement options (PPA, Green Tariffs) that align with their budget, location, and sustainability goals.

Energy consumption and expenditures

Electricity and natural gas consumption and expenditures were modeled for each U.S. city and county using analytic processes published here. The approaches integrated a variety of raw datasets. In addition, gasoline and diesel usage estimates are also provided based on on-road vehicle miles traveled within jurisdictional boundaries.

Transportation data

The Transportation Data Lookup Table provides data on vehicle registration by fuel type and vintage, showing the changes in adoption of vehicles of different fuel types, for each U.S. city, county, and state. A sample of county-level data is provided in the below data visualizations. Adoption of vehicles has important implications on household transportation energy affordability.

Commercial building stock

The Commercial Building Inventory Lookup Table provides data on building type, vintage, and area for each U.S. city, county, and state. A sample of the county-level data is provided in the below data visualizations.

Residential building stock

The Low Income Energy Affordability Data (LEAD) Tool provides modeled data on housing type and housing energy expenditures for each U.S. census tract, city, county, and state.