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Description: Nerc Location
NERC Location: The North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) region where the utility has its primary business operations (service territory), electrical generation, transmission, and distribution equipment, and its administrative headquarters. Some utilities have business operations and service areas in more than one NERC region. Power marketers, because they generally have only office equipment, can have business operations in any NERC region. FRCC = Florida Reliability Coordinating Council; MRO = Midwest Reliability Organization; NPCC = Northeast Power Coordinating Council; RFC = Reliability First Corporation (formerly MAAC, MAIN and ECAR); SERC = SERC Reliability Corporation; SPP = Southwest Power Pool, RE; TRE = Texas Regional Entity (formerly ERCOT); WECC = Western Electric Coordinating Council. AK = Alaska; AS = American Samoa; GU = Guam; HI = Hawaii; PR = Puerto Rico; VI = Virgin Islands. [1]
Pages using the property "EIA/861/NercLocation"
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