Multicomponent Geothermometers

From Open Energy Information

Exploration Technique: Multicomponent Geothermometers

"{{{ExplorationCostPerMetric}}}" is not in the list of possible values (100 feet cut, 30 foot core, compound, day, element, foot, hour, mile, point, process, sample, sq. mile, station, Subject, well) for this property.

"{{{ExplorationTimePerMetric}}}" is not in the list of possible values (job, 10 mile, 10 stn, 100 mile, sq. mile, foot) for this property.

Exploration Technique Information
Exploration Group: Geochemical Techniques
Exploration Sub Group: Geochemical Data Analysis
Parent Exploration Technique: Liquid Geothermometry
Information Provided by Technique
Multicomponent Geothermometers:
The multicomponent geothermometry method consists of using full chemical analyses of water samples to compute the saturation indices (log(Q/K)) of reservoir minerals over a range of temperatures. The saturation indices are graphed as a function of temperature, and the clustering of log(Q/K) curves near zero at any specific temperature (for a group of certain reservoir minerals) is used to infer the reservoir temperature.
Other definitions:Wikipedia Reegle


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