Idaho Department of Lands

From Open Energy Information

Idaho Department of Lands is an organization based in .

The dedicated staff of the Idaho Department of Lands function in 16 offices throughout the state. We manage about 2.5 million acres of state endowment trust land under a Constitutional mandate to maximize long term financial returns to a number of State institutions, mainly public schools. We also manage for the public’s benefit Idaho’s public trust lands, the lands beneath Idaho’s navigable waterways including riverbeds and the beds and banks of Idaho’s navigable lakes. We provide regulatory oversight of forestry practices in the State and some regulation of Idaho’s mining industry. We provide assistance to Idahoans through a number of forestry programs and provide fire protection and prevention on more than 9 million acres in Idaho. We operate under the management directives of the Land Board. The Idaho Department of Lands also houses the Oil and Gas Division, which serves as the administrative arm of the Idaho Oil and Gas Conservation Commission. Vital to the smooth operation of the entire department — including the Land Board and the Oil and Gas Conservation Commission — are the dedicated people in the support services division of the IDL who perform technical services, information systems management, fiscal management, records management, and procurement functions from their offices in the department’s headquarters in Boise and Coeur d’Alene.

The Land Board and IDL have statutory authority to lease alternative energy resources on approximately 2.5 million acres of endowment land.

Revenue generated from alternative energy leasing provides vital funding to the endowment beneficiaries, including Idaho’s public schools. Idaho’s constitution requires IDL to maximize the revenue generated from these lands for the beneficiaries.

Any individual, company or governmental agency that wishes to develop wind, solar or geothermal energy projects on endowment land must obtain a lease from IDL.


  1.  "Idaho Department of Lands"

State Land Geothermal Leasing and Licensing Contact

Mike Murphy

(208) 334-0290

Wind and Solar Energy Leasing

Jason Laney

(208) 334-0278

Boise Office:

(208) 334-0200

Coeur d’Alene Office:

(208) 769-1525