Help:Uploading Files

From Open Energy Information

Click on the upload file link at the bottom of the page (NOTE: you must be logged in to have this option).

Uploading tutorial.JPG

Click on the "choose file" button to choose the file you would like to upload

Uploading tutorial2.JPG

Choose the file on your local drive that you would like to upload to OpenEI.

Uploading tutorial3.JPG

Click "upload file" to upload onto OpenEI

Uploading tutorial4.JPG

Finally, use the file name along with the instructions below to insert into the wikipage.

Uploading tutorial5.JPG


Link to description page

If you put a colon (:) before File:, the image will not be embedded and the link will lead to the description page of the file.


results in

File:Example.jpg Sunflowers

Link directly to file

You can use the pseudo-namespace “Media” to link directly to a file, bypassing the description page.


results in

Media:Example.jpg Sunflowers

You can also use: 


which can be used to link to a potential file, even if it doesn't exist. You can also use:


which generates an external URL to the file inline: